RBNR Ch34: Lust leads to suffering

Late at night, only the two of them were left in the bridal chamber.

Qin Bao took a bath first. After drying his hair, he threw himself into the two-meter-wide bed. Feng Chengyu sat in the single armchair by the floor-to-ceiling window, looking down at his phone, his back straight.

A lock of the Alpha’s hair hung messily over his forehead, his suit jacket already off, and three buttons of his shirt were undone at some point, revealing the faint outline of his full, broad chest beneath the slightly open collar.

Seeing Feng Chengyu put down his phone and stand up.

Qin Bao immediately grabbed his phone and busied himself.

There were many unread messages on his phone. The wedding planning group was filled with photos, and Professor Lin had taken the best ones, posting many pictures of the two of them together.

Even Feng Chengyu had posted a photo, taken just now.

In the photo, Qin Bao was the clear focus, with a small Beta girl in the background. Qin Bao was holding a wine glass, listening attentively like a gentleman.

Wedding Photographer: [Feng’s photo is great, seeing beauty through the lover’s eyes, perfect camera sense. Plus, Qin is a supermodel, so it looks professional.]

Mr. Qin: [Thumbs up]

Professor Lin: [Chengyu’s photo is good. Was it taken during the party?]

Wedding Planner: [Amazing, many parts of today’s event were more perfect than expected. The photos look like a drama, such a dreamy wedding. Congratulations to Mr. Feng and Mr. Qin. Wishing you a happy and harmonious marriage.]

Madam  Rong: [Saved.]

Professor Feng: [Thumbs up]

Shu Helan: [Incredible, everyone’s dazzled.]

Even Grandpa Qin, who rarely used his phone, sent a message: [Clapping hands] [Clapping hands]

Qin Bao: “…”

“When was this taken…?

Why did Feng Chengyu take such a picture?

Qin Bao didn’t even remember interacting with the guest like that.

Over there, Feng Chengyu finally walked into the bathroom, and Qin Bao tossed his phone aside and let out a long breath.

What a strange feeling.

Although he was already used to running around the world and sleeping in different hotels every day, why did he feel so uncomfortable now?

Was it because it was the first time staying in a new house?

This house was bought by Qin Bao a few months ago. Originally, they were supposed to use the house purchased by Feng Chengyu as their marital home, but Qin Bao didn’t like that idea. To live in his own house without it being inferior to Feng Chengyu’s, Qin Bao spent a fortune.

The desirable locations were all expensive. Although his income had been high in the past few years, buying this house almost emptied his savings. Investing in real estate was a justifiable expense, so it wasn’t a big deal. After the wedding, their families also provided some support for their new home, though Qin Bao hadn’t touched it.

The interior decoration of the house was left to Feng Chengyu. Qin Bao only visited once during the process. Many celebrities lived in this area; he even ran into the double-award-winning actor Ying Chen, who, at a young age, had won Best Actor at two major film festivals last year for his film “Human World.”

As a marital home, the moving company had already moved both of their belongings here a few days ago.

Qin Bao was not present; the organizers handled the arrangements.

Feng Chengyu, however, could adapt to anything. When Qin Bao pretended to be generous and said, “No need to pay rent, I’ll let you live here for free for five years,” he simply replied with a straightforward “Okay.”

However, when they returned earlier, Qin Bao felt a bit frustrated.

Such a large house, and the designer only designed one bedroom for the sake of a large walk-in closet! What a terrible designer!

Was Feng Chengyu short on money to add another bedroom?

In short, having only one bedroom meant they would have to sleep in the same bed.

The room was filled with the scent of aromatherapy, the bed was covered in white rose petals, and a beautifully tied box at the foot of the bed. Qin Bao thought it was a wedding gift, but when he opened it, he saw two sets of silk pajamas, and below that, an even more exquisite box containing condoms and RH. He quickly closed the box in shock and shoved it under the bed.

So, should they do it tonight?

Qin Bao bit his lip, feeling a bit hesitant.

Their contract didn’t seem to include this clause.

Strange, why didn’t they mention such an important condition back then?

While lost in thought, Feng Chengyu came out of the bathroom, drying his hair.


Why wasn’t he wearing a bathrobe? Didn’t he know there was someone else here?

Feng Chengyu’s upper body was bare, with only a towel wrapped around his lower half.

The walk-in closet connected to the master bedroom, and as soon as Feng Chengyu walked into the closet, he took off the towel. It seemed that the section of the wardrobe near the entrance was where he kept his clothes.

He stood there, confidently sifting through the hangers, and pulled out a black robe.

On that banquet night, Qin Bao hadn’t seen anything clearly, relying only on touch in the dark.

Although he had seen a bit by the light of the fireplace in the morning, it was nothing compared to the visual impact now—Feng Chengyu stood beside a full-length mirror, allowing Qin Bao to see everything clearly from his angle.

His bone structure, physique, and skin tone.

The lines of his abs and Adonis belt, and even further down… Qin Bao saw everything clearly.

The more he looked, the hotter his face became.

Was it really that impressive?

He began chanting in his mind.

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. Lust leads to suffering.

Might as well look while he had the chance. If Feng Chengyu didn’t wear clothes or close the door, wasn’t it meant to be seen?

Qin Bao shamelessly watched the entire process.

Feng Chengyu tied his belt and walked out. Qin Bao immediately turned over, closed his eyes, and pretended to be asleep.

He wasn’t thinking about anything else; looking was fine, right?

Suddenly, Qin Bao felt the mattress sink, the scent of shower gel mixed with some floral fragrance, and the warmth of a body coming closer.

He forgot to pretend to be asleep and sat up abruptly: “Can you sleep on the sofa? I’m not used to sleeping with someone else.”

The new house’s sofa was long enough; the large sectional downstairs could fit four Feng Chengyus head to toe.

Feng Chengyu’s black robe was tightly secured, only revealing a small patch of skin at the collar, which appeared pale under the light. His long fingers resting on the thin blanket exuded a strong sense of restraint.

His answer was reasonable: “No. I’m not used to sleeping on the sofa.”

Both of them were sitting on the bed, and with that box under the bed, the implication was strong.

They both had taken showers, their skin emitting warmth, the blanket in disarray, rose petals scattered everywhere—could it be more ambiguous?

Qin Bao kept a stern face and deliberately defamed him: “How do I know you won’t do something to me?”

Feng Chengyu looked at him calmly: “If you’re unwilling, I won’t.”

Qin Bao had nothing to say. Making Feng Chengyu sleep on the sofa was impossible, but he also had no reason to not let Feng Chengyu sleep in the bed, as it wasn’t in the contract.

So he crawled back under the blanket, laying straight, eyes closed: “Then please turn off the light, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Feng Chengyu obediently turned off the light.

The room fell into darkness, and Feng Chengyu lifted the blanket and lay down. The bed was large enough that they didn’t touch at all. Soon, the quiet space was filled with the sound of their light breathing.

Alpha’s pheromones subtly reached out, faint but strongly present for Qin Bao because they were so close. His breathing became erratic, and the gland at the back of his neck started to throb gently—although it had only been used once, it seemed to crave being pierced again, heating up and itching uncontrollably.

If this continued, it would definitely release pheromones unconsciously. This was beyond Omega’s control; it naturally craved merging with the high-compatibility Alpha’s pheromones.

Feng Chengyu remained silent.

Qin Bao, with his back to him, covered his own neck, trying to calm it down.

It’s okay, he comforted himself.

Their compatibility was so high that Feng Chengyu might not be feeling good either. Besides, except during heat, an Alpha’s physical endurance was far less than an Omega’s; surely, Feng Chengyu would give in first.

Ultimately, he wouldn’t be the first to speak.

Qin Bao bit his lip and decided to get out of bed in the dark.

The bathroom had prepared gland patches, so he took one and stuck it to the back of his neck. Looking at his own reddened eyes in the mirror, he also took an inhibitor and washed his face with cold water before returning to the bed with a sense of coolness.

This time, he faced Feng Chengyu while lying down.

Feng Chengyu didn’t ask what he had done, just lay there quietly, keeping his promise not to do anything. Qin Bao’s eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and he could see the outline of Feng Chengyu’s side profile and the shadow of his eyelashes.

Suddenly feeling a bit indignant, Qin Bao thought to himself that he hadn’t explicitly said he was unwilling…

After about ten minutes, the heat subsided. Having been exhausted all day, he finally felt sleepy.

The wedding night passed quietly.


In the morning, sunlight filtered through the treetops into the room.

When Qin Bao woke up, he was alone in bed; the other half was empty, Feng Chengyu was not there. For a moment, he didn’t realize where he was. Sitting in the blinding golden light, he remembered it was their marital home.

Barefoot, he went to the bathroom, where a set of toothbrushes for two was placed on the sink.

After washing up, he threw on a robe and went downstairs. Halfway down the stairs, he smelled the faint scent of fried eggs.

In the open kitchen, Feng Chengyu was standing by the stove.

He might have gone for a run earlier; he was wearing a sports outfit, broad-shouldered and long-legged, looking perfect for an embrace from behind.

Hearing Qin Bao come down, Feng Chengyu asked naturally, “Awake? Want me to make you something?”

“Mm, I’d like a soft-boiled egg, not too cooked, thank you.”

Qin Bao’s heartbeat quickened a bit, but he walked over nonchalantly.

“You can make these things? Learned it abroad?”

“No.” Feng Chengyu said, “My parents were busy with work, so I started making my own meals in elementary school.”

“Really?” Qin Bao was skeptical. He hadn’t learned to cook until middle school when he realized you had to add water to rice.

He found that he didn’t know much about Feng Chengyu at all.

“Once I went abroad, I rarely cooked.”

Feng Chengyu cracked an egg into the pan with one hand and asked Qin Bao.

“Want some milk?”

“I don’t like milk. Just smelling my own pheromones is enough.” Qin Bao glanced at the counter and then looked into the upper cabinet, “I want to have some mixed grain porridge. Do you want some?”

Receiving an affirmative response, Qin Bao found the small appliance, and then took out various beans and grains from the cabinet, washed them, added water in proportion, and tossed them into the appliance, pressing the start button.

The entire process was surprisingly smooth.

Noticing Feng Chengyu’s gaze, Qin Bao’s face suspiciously turned red. He turned around and leaned against the counter: “What? Is it strange that I can do this? Don’t underestimate me.”

Feng Chengyu said, “It’s a bit unexpected.”

Qin Bao explained, “Mama Tao taught me. Remember when I had low blood sugar? After that, she made me bring these along when I went to work. It’s very convenient, can even make it while away… Why are you laughing? I already paid for the pot I burned last time.”

“It’s not that.” Feng Chengyu put down the spatula and pressed his hand lightly on Qin Bao’s head, “Your hair.”

Qin Bao’s hair had grown a bit long, and he hadn’t cut it for the wedding, just styled it. After a night’s sleep, a tuft was sticking up. He had tried to fix it in front of the mirror, but it popped up again.

He wondered how he slept last night, feeling like he was pressed by a ghost, and now he woke up with this strange hairstyle.

Qin Bao knew he was good-looking and never really minded such things, but as soon as Feng Chengyu mentioned it, he immediately covered that tuft of hair with his hand: “What’s so funny? Never seen bed hair before? I’ll wash it again later.”


Feng Chengyu’s hand hadn’t moved away. Their fingers brushed briefly, and both quickly pulled back.

The kitchen fell silent, the atmosphere a bit awkward.

They had slept together, gotten married, but it felt like they weren’t that familiar. This was the first time they had spent such a long time alone together without probing or being on guard, treating each other with respect.

Qin Bao turned his head away first, kindly reminding Feng Chengyu, “… Mr. Feng, your egg is burning.”

The statement had a double meaning.

Qin Bao shut up after saying it.

The pan was sizzling, the once-beautiful egg now overcooked. Feng Chengyu’s first attempt at showing off his cooking skills didn’t end well. He remained calm, gave a simple “mm,” and lifted the pan to dispose of the burnt egg.

Seeing this, Qin Bao felt a pang of pity and quickly took the pan from him, scooping the egg onto a plate while muttering, “Such a waste. There’s still part of it that’s edible. If my grandfather saw you doing this, he’d scold you.”

Qin Bao seemed so well-behaved.

Gone were his prickly defenses, revealing a soft, genuine side. With his head lowered, handling the burnt egg, his gland with the patch visible at the back of his neck, he looked very obedient.

Just as Qin Bao placed the plate on the island counter and turned around, Feng Chengyu cornered him.

Feng Chengyu, taller by half a head, caged him in with his arms on either side of the marble countertop.

“What are you doing?”

Caught off guard, Qin Bao felt a bit panicked by this sudden control, the prickles he had just retracted threatening to come out again.

Feng Chengyu didn’t intend anything, just looked down at his face and said something unexpected.

“Happy wedding.”

Qin Bao’s eyes widened in surprise. What was this?

Why suddenly say happy wedding?

Sunlight illuminated Feng Chengyu’s dark eyes, casting golden shadows from his eyelashes. Qin Bao, trapped within Feng Chengyu’s arms, forgot to push him away.

“If you keep looking at me like that…” Feng Chengyu suddenly said, “I might misunderstand.”

Qin Bao snapped out of it, gently pushing Feng Chengyu away, his palm brushing over the chest muscles he had seen last night and quickly retracting.

“It’s not a real marriage, no need to be so formal.” Remembering the feel of those muscles, his ears turned hot as he placed the pan back on the stove, “Let’s fry another egg.”

Author’s note:

Some people just want to touch other people’s chest muscles.

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