Chapter 67: The Primal Beastman World (14, 15)

Yan grabbed Ying Zhao’s arm and hurriedly pulled him back into the cave. He took Ying Zhao to the temporary bed made of dry grass and animal hides and then pounced on him without a second thought. Throughout the night, Ying Zhao thoroughly experienced the beastman’s incredible stamina and the madness of his half-beast lover.

He felt his beast form’s four legs trembling. Ying Zhao covered his flushed cheeks with his hands, feeling like his dignity had completely shattered.

However, this state also brought a strange feeling to Ying Zhao. His beast form in this world was almost identical to his primal form, and seeing Yan’s half-beast form reminded him of Zhu Que’s original appearance.

This made Ying Zhao feel like he and his lover had returned to the real world, being together again. It was subtle, a bit shy, but quickly consumed by his lover’s passionate love.

After everything ended, both returned to human form. Ying Zhao felt utterly exhausted, lying lazily in his lover’s arms, not wanting to move a finger.

At this moment, Yan, having completely bonded with Ying Zhao, couldn’t hide his satisfaction. He hugged his beloved tightly, kissing his forehead with affection, filled with happiness and contentment.

During the latter part of their intimacy, Yan had been pushed to fully transform into his beast form. He knew that the Winged Tribe’s beast form was enormous, and even though Ying Zhao had also half-transformed, it was still hard for him to bear.

But even so, Ying Zhao did not refuse him, which deeply moved Yan. Moreover, being together in this state was the complete union of beastmen.

Finally, having fully possessed his beloved, Yan felt his life was complete. Being with Ying Zhao was the greatest happiness of his life.

Ying Zhao was utterly exhausted, so he didn’t wake up until noon the next day. After eating with his lover, Ying Zhao didn’t hide anything and revealed his plan.

Thus, they stayed at the bottom of the cliff for another two days, with Ying Zhao constantly having Xiao Bai monitor Bai Lan and the Winged Tribe’s movements.

Seeing a large group of Winged Tribe members appear in the sky not far from the Tianma Tribe’s village, Ying Zhao felt it was about time. So he transformed into his original form, took Yan with him, and flew up the cliff. The two hurriedly made their way back to the Tianma Tribe’s settlement.

At this moment, the beastmen of the Tianma Tribe were already in panic. They had not expected the Winged Tribe to launch such a sudden and large-scale attack.

A few days ago, Ying Zhao had suddenly disappeared, and they had searched everywhere to no avail. Because Ying Zhao had contributed greatly to the tribe, everyone was very concerned about him.

Unexpectedly, one wave had not settled before another hit; the village suddenly faced this great disaster, and all those who had gone out to search for Ying Zhao returned to the tribe.

Faced with the powerful Winged Tribe, the beastmen of the Tianma Tribe were at a loss for what to do. The chief, having no other options, sought out the tribe’s high priest, who was said to be able to communicate with the beast god, to ask for advice.

The high priest, upon hearing that the Winged Tribe’s beastmen had come, was filled with fear. He suddenly remembered that Bai Lan had previously approached him, saying he would help deal with Ying Zhao, but he needed to know everything about the tribe to take action.

The high priest had long been displeased with Ying Zhao and naturally wanted to get rid of him. So he was easily swayed by Bai Lan, revealing all the tribe’s details, including the most secretive watch post schedules.

When Bai Lan inquired, he seemed very concerned about the Tianma Tribe’s village security. Thanks to Ying Zhao’s advice, the Tianma Tribe had built high walls and set up ditches and hidden traps to prevent invasions.

Especially at the village entrance, there were watch posts with rotating schedules. So, if the Winged Tribe approached the Tianma Tribe’s village, they would certainly be noticed.

However, with the Winged Tribe so close, no emergency alarm had been sounded. It was clear that the beastmen guarding the watch posts had been compromised.

Obviously, there were Winged Tribe members within the tribe collaborating with them. Considering what he had previously told Bai Lan about the tribe’s arrangements, the high priest began to suspect that the Winged Tribe’s sudden arrival was related to Bai Lan.

Just then, a few beastmen from the Tianma Tribe came running, shouting, “Not good! Not good! The armory with the bows and stone spears is on fire!”

The high priest and the chief were shocked by the beastman’s shout. The armory contained all the weapons they had made. These weapons had been made at Ying Zhao’s suggestion, for preparedness.

Each person had made several bows and stone spears, all stored in the armory. While the hunters had some weapons, their numbers were limited.

Given the slow production rate, the fire in the armory drastically reduced their combat capabilities. Were they really going to fight the fierce Winged Tribe bare-handed?

The high priest and the chief, along with the others, rushed to the armory. There they saw Bai Lan standing with his arms crossed, watching the roaring flames, tossing a firestone in his hand.

He looked relaxed and, seeing the crowd approach, showed no surprise. Instead, he smirked and said, “Oh, you’re all here!”

The high priest saw the firestone in Bai Lan’s hand and the burning armory beside him. He extended a trembling finger, pointing at Bai Lan, and angrily scolded:

“You, you despicable female! What are you doing? Why did you burn our weapon storage? Are you with the Winged Tribe? You ungrateful scoundrel, how dare you deceive me!”

Bai Lan laughed lightly and replied, “Didn’t you already guess whose side I was on? And what right do you have to accuse me? Weren’t you the one who revealed all the tribe’s arrangements to me to get rid of Ying Zhao? Thanks to you, I easily subdued the guards and set the armory on fire. You should be grateful!”

With that, Bai Lan’s expression turned vicious. He sarcastically taunted the high priest:

“You are foolish and ignorant, always crying about omens! Let me tell you, the one you’ve been trying to kill is the very person who could save your tribe!”

Hearing this, the high priest’s face turned ashen. Regret was too late; he could only bow his head, unable to meet the eyes of the surrounding beastmen.

Though the Tianma Tribe’s beastmen were initially confused by their conversation, they soon realized that the high priest’s actions had allowed Bai Lan to gain so much information.

And Bai Lan had just admitted his identity; he was indeed with the Winged Tribe, closely linked to their attack.

Thinking about Ying Zhao’s disappearance and their conversation, the beastmen concluded that Bai Lan and the high priest had harmed Ying Zhao, explaining why he had been missing for so long.

Moreover, Ying Zhao was the only wise beastman capable of opposing the Winged Tribe. Now, the Tianma Tribe’s beastmen looked at Bai Lan and the high priest with hatred.

At this moment, Bai Lan took out a whistle-like object from his pocket and blew it hard. At the sound, the Winged Tribe members circling the village suddenly flew over.

Because the Winged Tribe had wings, the surrounding fences couldn’t stop them. At this point, the Tianma Tribe’s beastmen were almost unarmed, unable to resist the Winged Tribe, plunging the whole village into crisis.

Just when Bai Lan and the Winged Tribe thought they were about to win, Yong, who had been glaring at the Winged Tribe, suddenly roared, transformed into his original form, and charged at the Winged Tribe.

The beastmen of the Tianma Tribe also erupted with courage, rushing forward to fight the Winged Tribe. They were unwilling to abandon their home, refusing to surrender without a fight.

Even though they were no match for the Winged Tribe in terms of strength, they still rose up to resist. These peace-loving beastmen fought for their freedom and homeland.

Unfortunately, due to racial limitations, the Tianma Tribe’s beastmen were vastly inferior in strength to the Winged Tribe. Ultimately, the Tianma Tribe’s beastmen were captured by the Winged Tribe.

The Winged Tribe intended to make the Tianma Tribe their slaves, so they did not kill them all but needed to set an example.

Thus, they decided to start with Yong, who had been the first to charge. The Winged Tribe’s chief, Lin, looked at Yong’s angry eyes and sneered. He picked up his dagger and, without hesitation, aimed it at Yong’s throat.

Suddenly, a white light shot at his hand, causing Lin’s hand to jerk back in pain, and the dagger fell to the ground.

A silver halo lit up the sky as Ying Zhao, in his true form, flew over the Tianma Tribe’s village, overlooking everyone from above.

This was the first time all the beastmen of the Tianma Tribe had seen Ying Zhao in his beast form. Though he was different from them, he appeared beautiful and holy.

The halo around him seemed to be blessed by the gods. Under everyone’s gaze, Ying Zhao slowly descended and transformed back into his human form in front of them.

However, the halo around him did not diminish; instead, it intensified. His eyes filled with compassion as he looked at the Winged Tribe and the Tianma Tribe beastmen and said:

“I am a messenger sent by the Beast God. I know the Winged Tribe has always wanted to know the secret behind the Tianma Tribe’s prosperity, and that secret is me!”

Ying Zhao’s voice seemed to come from all directions, echoing across the land, causing all the beastmen to lower their weapons and focus on him.

After a moment, Ying Zhao continued, “The Beast God favors the peaceful Tianma Tribe and sent me to bless this tribe. If you harm this tribe, you defy the Beast God’s will, and divine punishment awaits you.”

The beastmen of the Tianma Tribe, recalling Ying Zhao’s past contributions to the tribe, instantly believed his words.

They knelt down one by one, bowing to Ying Zhao and saying, “Thank you, divine messenger, for your care! Thank you, Beast God, for your protection!”

Seeing the light around Ying Zhao, some Winged Tribe beastmen also wavered. Lin, staring at Ying Zhao and then at Bai Lan, hesitated and said uncertainly:

“If you claim to be the divine messenger, Bai Lan has also shown us miracles and claimed to be the divine messenger. So, which of you is real and which is fake?”

Ying Zhao heard Lin’s words and sneered. He glanced at Bai Lan and said to Lin, “The false messenger is a foreigner who came to this land to deceive the ignorant, spreading death and war, driving peace away.”

With that, Ying Zhao turned to Bai Lan, releasing a slight pressure from his divine soul.

Bai Lan, merely an ordinary person chosen by fate, couldn’t withstand Ying Zhao’s pressure at all.

Soon, Bai Lan was drenched in cold sweat, his legs trembling as he knelt. Seeing this, the Winged Tribe beastmen immediately believed Ying Zhao’s words.

Lin, especially, looked at Bai Lan with a mix of shock and anger, realizing he had been deceived by a malevolent individual, almost incurring the Beast God’s wrath.

Lin quickly led the Winged Tribe beastmen to bow to Ying Zhao, pleading sincerely, “Divine messenger, please forgive the Winged Tribe’s ignorance! Forgive us and spare us from the Beast God’s punishment!”

Ying Zhao looked at Lin, lowered his eyes, and said softly, “You are Lin, the Winged Tribe’s chief.”

Hearing Ying Zhao mention his name, Lin nodded vigorously, looking at Ying Zhao in awe. But Ying Zhao merely looked at him quietly for a moment before saying impassively:

“Rest assured, I will forgive the Winged Tribe on behalf of the Beast God because my mate is among your tribe.”

The Winged Tribe beastmen, hearing this, glanced at each other, all hoping to be the divine messenger’s mate.

To their surprise, Ying Zhao turned and extended his hand towards the back of the crowd. Yan, who had arrived with Ying Zhao, stepped forward from the outskirts.

Yan’s emotions were complex; he had not expected his beloved to be a divine messenger. This noble identity shocked him but also felt fitting.

Indeed, who else but Ying Zhao could be worthy of the title of divine messenger? Moreover, Ying Zhao had publicly declared Yan as his mate, born for him!

Ying Zhao smiled gently at Yan, walked over, and took his hand, saying to the Winged Tribe beastmen, “This is my mate, Yan.”

Lin, upon hearing this, widened his eyes in disbelief and said to Ying Zhao, “How is that possible? Yan is a crippled Winged Tribe member with deformed wings who can’t even fly! How can he be worthy of the divine messenger?”

Ying Zhao frowned at Lin’s words, his gaze deep and cold as he said:

“You Winged Tribe are indeed shallow. External injuries do not define a person’s heart. In Yan, I see the purest heart, the most passionate love, and unparalleled bravery. Yan is the most suitable mate for me in this world. You should all be grateful to him. Because of him, I forgive you, and the Beast God will not bring disaster upon you. But from now on, the Winged Tribe must recuperate and live in peace with other tribes. I am willing to share the knowledge bestowed upon me by the Beast God with any tribe on this continent, so all beastmen tribes can prosper together.”

The Winged Tribe, hearing Ying Zhao’s words, instantly looked at Yan with admiration. If this was what the divine messenger said, it must be true.

It seemed that all those so-called ominous rumors were just incorrect tales. The Beast God would not be so superficial; the Beast God could see the true hearts of beastmen!

Even Yan trembled with excitement, breathing rapidly. Ying Zhao’s words echoed in his mind: he was the chosen one, so Ying would belong to him, forever belong to him!

The beastmen knelt down one after another, bowing to Ying Zhao, grateful for his generosity. However, no one noticed that Bai Lan, who had been lying behind Ying Zhao, had recovered his senses.

With venomous eyes fixed on Ying Zhao, his forehead drenched in cold sweat, Bai Lan was still unwilling to accept defeat. He clutched the dagger hidden in his sleeve, looking at the close-by Ying Zhao, and suddenly stood up.

He lunged at Ying Zhao with the dagger, seemingly wanting to perish together with him. However, Yan, who was always watching over Ying Zhao, naturally noticed Bai Lan’s actions.

Seeing someone attempting to harm his most cherished treasure, Yan’s eyes flashed with fierceness. Without any hesitation, he kicked Bai Lan’s dagger away with all his might. Then, he swiftly moved and crushed Bai Lan’s arm.

Bai Lan screamed in pain, falling to the ground, his arm twisted in an unnatural position. At this moment, no one showed him any pity for his cries of pain.

This person had dared to attack the divine messenger, and all the beastmen glared at him with hatred, wishing to kill him on the spot.

Ying Zhao turned to look at Bai Lan, whose arm was crushed, with a sarcastic smile on his lips. If it weren’t for his greed, selfishness, and cruelty, he wouldn’t have ended up in this situation. Bai Lan’s fate was his own doing.

Then Ying Zhao turned to Lin and said, “He’s yours, take him back and handle it yourselves. Just make sure to keep him in check and prevent him from doing anything that could harm the Beastmen Continent.”

Lin immediately nodded vigorously at Ying Zhao’s words. As the divine messenger commanded, he would naturally obey. Lin quickly had his tribe members seize Bai Lan, transforming into their beast forms and roughly taking him away.

The Winged Tribe left, and the Tianma Tribe’s village returned to peace. The beastmen of the Tianma Tribe, knowing that the divine messenger was born in their tribe and would stay there, were all very excited.

They were all very grateful for the Beast God’s favor and held even more respect for Ying Zhao. Especially Ying’s mother-father, who, upon learning of this, finally resolved the guilt he had felt for years due to Ying’s inability to fully transform into his beast form.

The old man wiped the tears from his eyes, walked to Ying Zhao’s side, and his face was full of relief and joy. Ying Zhao, naturally understanding his mother-father’s feelings, was also moved.

Later, Ying Zhao and Yan held a grand bonding ceremony. Not only did the people of the Tianma Tribe celebrate it as a festival, but even the Winged Tribe came and brought many gifts.

Ying Zhao later learned from the Winged Tribe chief Lin that Bai Lan’s arm was completely ruined, making him a one-armed cripple.

Initially, Lin thought that Bai Lan, being a precious female, could be paired with a male in the village. However, all the Winged Tribe males knew Bai Lan was an evil person who had tried to harm the divine messenger, so no one was willing to mate with him.

Thus, Bai Lan was left alone, guarded in a small cave by the Winged Tribe, receiving only meager amounts of food and water, with no one caring about his life or death. He would spend the rest of his life in that cramped, dark space.

Yan, due to his bond with Ying Zhao, became the pride of the Winged Tribe. Lin repeatedly sought Yan, hoping he would return to the Winged Tribe, but Yan always refused.

Yan did not mind what had happened in the past. On the contrary, he felt that leaving the Winged Tribe and living alone had allowed him to meet Ying Zhao. But he still refused to return because, for Yan, wherever Ying Zhao was, that was his home.

After that day’s events, the high priest of the Tianma Tribe felt too ashamed to continue his duties. He passed the position of high priest to his successor and stayed in his room, not daring to go out, fearing the beastmen’s gossip.

Furthermore, the high priest, who had always prided himself as the divine messenger, never imagined he would make such a grave mistake, nearly causing the true messenger’s death.

He was both guilty and fearful, worried every day about the Beast God’s punishment. Over time, he became ill and went mad.

He stayed in his room, muttering to himself. Whenever anyone approached, he would scream and beg the Beast God not to punish him, saying he knew he was wrong.

Eventually, no one dared to go near the high priest’s room, and only his family left food and water at his door.

In the following days, Ying Zhao indeed fulfilled his promise, using his knowledge to benefit the Beastmen Continent.

The beastmen of the Tianma Tribe, generously helping Ying Zhao spread and share this knowledge, were loved and respected by all beastmen on the continent.

All the tribes believed that the Tianma Tribe was favored and loved by the Beast God, so no tribe would trouble them.

All tribes lived a prosperous and peaceful life they had never known before. Under Ying Zhao’s guidance, a market was established in the central region every year, where all tribes could exchange goods.

Ying Zhao and his beloved spent a happy life together. After fulfilling the original owner’s wishes, Ying Zhao and his beloved toured the Beastmen Continent, witnessing many spectacular sights unseen in other worlds.

Due to the long lifespan of beastmen, they lived together until they were over three hundred years old before passing away together.

Even after Ying Zhao and Yan were gone, the contributions Ying Zhao made to the Beastmen Continent were remembered by the beastmen. Yan, too, was revered by the Winged Tribe, becoming a symbol of bravery, celebrated by generations of the Winged Tribe.

When he woke up again, Ying Zhao returned to the system space, holding the soul fragment he had just received from his lover. The fragment shone with a faint light, and soon merged with the fragment originally stored in the system.

Feeling that the power of the soul after the fusion was stronger, Ying Zhao leaned over and kissed the fragment. Feeling that the light of the fragment suddenly increased because of his kiss, Ying Zhao’s face was slightly red, but he still smiled. Then, he entered the next world with Xiao Bai.

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