Chapter 122: The Intersteller Mermaid (7,8)

On the other side, Bennett, who had just finished his morning classes at the Imperial Academy, went to the cafeteria and was having lunch with Prince Harrison when he heard a group of students nearby exclaiming excitedly.

“Look! General Ying Xiao posted on social media again!”

“What’s there to look at? We all know General Ying is showing off his relationship! He’s basically a husband-showing-off maniac!”

“Yeah, but don’t you think it’s sweet? This kind of loving husband persona is great!”

Bennett frowned at the mention of the familiar name. Since his rebirth, he hadn’t paid much attention to Ying Xiao’s news. 

Due to his past life’s experiences, he didn’t foolishly wait for Ying Xiao in the research institute. Instead, he obtained a lot of Cecil’s blood through Ya Heng and returned to the Imperial Academy.

However, recently Ya Heng hadn’t been in touch with him for a long time, which made Bennett somewhat concerned. But he had a lot of blood left and didn’t want to contact that bothersome man.

After hearing the conversation around him about Ying Xiao, Bennett couldn’t help but tighten his brow and casually asked Prince Harrison, “Your Highness, do you know what they are talking about?”

Harrison, recalling the past rumors about Bennett and Ying Xiao, flashed a gentle smile and said, “Bennett, don’t you know? General Ying’s recent actions have been quite unexpected.”

Seeing Bennett’s confused look, Harrison continued, “Just log into the star network and check General Ying’s recent posts.”

Bennett nodded and promptly opened his light brain to check the star network. He was astonished to see Ying Xiao’s social media filled with posts flaunting his daily life with Cecil.

Bennett was stunned, as although Ying Xiao and Cecil were together in his past life as well, their relationship was clearly not as high-profile as it was now.

Moreover, Ying Xiao had always been serious and unsmiling in his impression, and Bennett never expected him to engage in such public displays of affection.

Recalling the many years he had spent longing for that person, Bennett felt that Ying Xiao was now pouring all his affection into someone else.

He tortured himself by looking at Ying Xiao’s frequent posts on the Star Network, realizing that the person was not as cold and indifferent as he appeared. Ying Xiao could be tender, kissing and hugging his lover, speaking sweet and blush-inducing words, considering every detail of their daily life, and even preparing exquisite meals for his partner.

But why wasn’t that person him? Bennett looked at the image of Cecil with his ungraceful, cracked black patterns and couldn’t imagine why Ying Xiao would choose such an ugly mermaid over someone as beautiful as himself.

The more Bennett had loved in the past, the more he now hated. He had been diligently studying at the Imperial Academy and quickly befriended Prince Harrison upon learning of his identity.

He knew it wouldn’t be easy to rival the entire Ying family. Although the Austin family also had substantial power behind them, the Ying family controlled the military, and Ying Xiao was a hero in the eyes of the empire, making their position unshakable.

Bennett thought of the cutting-edge mechas the empire had developed during his extended life in his past life. While he didn’t know the specific structures of these mechas, he had a natural talent for mecha production and was well-versed in the concepts and principles.

By researching in this direction, he could achieve success quickly. Eventually, he would offer these achievements to the royal family. Combining the power of the royal family and the Austin family, they could secretly form their own military force and have the opportunity to crush the Ying family.

Initially, Bennett thought he could endure this, but after seeing the recent news, he realized his inner turmoil was far from the calm appearance he maintained.

The intense hatred and unwillingness nearly overwhelmed his rationality, and at that moment, he didn’t notice that Harrison was closely observing him, his eyes flickering with a cold light.

It seemed that part of the information he had received was true. Bennett was indeed infatuated with Ying Xiao, but for some reason, Ying Xiao had never accepted him and was now with another mermaid.

Given the time he had spent with Bennett, Harrison had not previously discerned the full situation. But now, seeing Bennett’s reaction, it was clear that something had happened between them, and Bennett harbored strong resentment toward Ying Xiao.

Considering Bennett’s recent attempts to ingratiate himself with him, Harrison felt displeased. It seemed that Bennett wanted to use him while still pining for another man. Harrison sneered internally, knowing that Bennett’s family was the Austin family and recognizing the ulterior motives behind his approach.

Realizing that the enemy of his enemy could be his friend, Harrison considered that Bennett might be useful to him in some way.

A few days later, Ying Zhao received confirmation from the doctor that his beloved Cecil had fully recovered. This made Ying Zhao very happy, as he had been most concerned about Cecil’s health.

He knew that Bennett had already returned to the Imperial Academy and was now involved with Prince Harrison. Their relationship seemed fine, but Ying Zhao wasn’t planning to deal with Bennett just yet.

Although he resented Bennett for causing Cecil suffering in the research institute and nearly killing him, he also understood the significant power of the Austin family and the royal family’s scrutiny of the Ying family. Therefore, he needed to strike decisively when the time came.

Ying Zhao was aware of Bennett’s nature and knew that seeing his posts on the Star Network must have made Bennett furious. He intended to wait and observe while having Xiao Bai monitor the situation.

Since Cecil’s health had improved, they could consider returning to the Marshal’s residence to visit his father in this world.

After all, they had previously agreed to thank Marshal Ying Xiaolin for his assistance with their partner certification.

Moreover, the last video call with Marshal Ying Xiaolin had greatly piqued Ying Zhao’s interest in him.

Originally, Ying Zhao thought that if Marshal Ying Xiaolin was a completely loyal and inflexible person, it might be difficult for the Ying family to guard against the royal family. However, now Ying Zhao felt that it would be a good idea to visit Marshal Ying and test his stance before making any decisions.

After all, the original host’s wish was to preserve the honor of the Ying family, and obviously, to protect the Ying family, Marshal Ying was the most crucial person. But before that, Ying Zhao planned to do something even more important.

Glancing at his lover, who was gently observing him by the pool, Ying Zhao licked his lips, thinking that the top priority was to improve his lover’s physical condition comprehensively.

He remembered that Xiao Bai had mentioned how deep-sea mermaids needed to undergo a complete physical evolution. Ying Zhao did not plan to confine his man like an ordinary mermaid in such a cramped space forever.

No matter which world they were in, his lover would surely want to stand by his side and face challenges together. As a general of the empire, Ying Zhao would inevitably face countless battles and might frequently be away from home.

Even if his lover could endure it, Ying Zhao himself did not want to be separated from him for so long. Therefore, he needed his lover to awaken the bloodline of the deep-sea mermaid king.

Once his body was fully transformed, he would not only have legs like a human but also possess great power. Such a Cecil would become a powerful ally for him, and he wouldn’t have to be apart from his lover no matter where he went.

Thinking of this, Ying Zhao approached Cecil, kissed his hair, and gently asked, “Dear, how have you been feeling lately?”

Cecil enjoyed Ying Zhao’s closeness and gently embraced him as if hugging the greatest happiness of his life.

Resting his chin on Ying Zhao’s head, Cecil smiled and nodded. “I’m fine now, don’t worry. I think my body has no problems now.”

Cecil lowered his head and kissed his beloved’s nose, feeling as if stars were sparkling in his dark eyes.

Ying Zhao responded tenderly, kissing his lover’s cheek, and then their lips met. The gentle kiss gradually became passionate, and Ying Zhao’s arms around Cecil’s neck tightened.

The mermaid sensed Ying Zhao’s unusual demeanor and looked at him with some hesitation. But seeing Ying Zhao’s flushed face and his longing expression made Cecil’s entire body tense up.

Ying Zhao blinked and held Cecil tightly in the pool, whispering with a laugh in his ear, “Since your body has recovered, can I enjoy my own benefits now?”

Cecil naturally understood what Ying Zhao meant. Hearing his words made him excitedly blush all over. He also hoped to be with his beloved, and daily intimacy was indeed a kind of torment for him.

However, the way mermaids were educated about being with their partners made Cecil feel somewhat reluctant. He always thought that such a method of union seemed off and not suitable for him.

If it were another human asking him, he might resist. But if it were Ying Zhao, he was willing to give everything, even his life.

His deeply loved one slowly undressed in front of him, revealing his toned body. As a soldier who had trained and fought for years, Ying Zhao had an exceptionally good physique.

His skin was unexpectedly fair, with smooth muscle lines that, along with his refined face, were so full of charm and allure. Although his muscles were not exaggerated, one could still feel his explosive power.

In contrast, his own body was even more robust. After taking care of his body these days, he could even lift Ying Zhao easily. Moreover, he enjoyed the feeling of bearing his lover’s weight.

At this moment, Cecil made an effort to relax his body and was ready, determined not to resist whatever Ying Zhao did. But soon he realized he was mistaken.

“Y-Ying Zhao!” Cecil couldn’t believe it, but the reality was right before his eyes. Seeing Ying Zhao’s flushed face and his watery eyes looking at him, Cecil felt his willpower crumbling.

“Ugh…” Ying Zhao let out a strained moan but enjoyed the look of shock on his lover’s face. Unable to resist a light laugh, he leaned down and kissed Cecil’s lips, softly asking, “Don’t you like it?”

Don’t like it? How could he not like it?! Cecil felt he was going crazy. How could this person be so wonderful, giving him so much happiness and now offering himself up?

“Ying Zhao! I love you! I love you!” Cecil didn’t know how to express his feelings and could only repeat his love, then fiercely embraced the man he loved to madness.

Their sweetness lasted for a long time. Ying Zhao, with his 3S physique in this world, managed to keep up. They were perfectly in sync, and after it ended, Ying Zhao quietly lay in Cecil’s arms, feeling that even in the pool was a novel experience.

Cecil lowered his head, gently wiping the water droplets from Ying Zhao’s black hair. Later, due to instinct, Cecil really wanted to dive into the water. He kissed Ying Zhao’s lips to give him air, and then they had another round underwater.

Realizing he might have gone too far, Cecil felt a bit excessive, but despite that, Ying Zhao cooperated all the way, responding passionately, filling Cecil’s heart completely.

“Are you okay? Is there anywhere uncomfortable?” Since it was their first time, Cecil was still worried about Ying Zhao’s body.

Ying Zhao shook his head, satisfyingly kissing his lover’s cheek, and teasingly said, “I’m perfectly fine. It feels great, dear; you’re amazing!”

Cecil heard the meaning behind Ying Zhao’s words, blushing but feeling immensely happy. They embraced each other like this, and soon an irresistible drowsiness overtook Cecil, and he fell into a deep sleep.

A dark-colored halo spread around Cecil. Ying Zhao knew this was the beginning of the body reshaping. Although Xiao Bai had told him that the process would not be dangerous, Ying Zhao still remained by his side, not daring to leave.

The entire body enhancement process lasted a day and a night. During this time, Ying Zhao stayed by Cecil’s side without changing his clothes. Fortunately, there was plenty of nutrient solution at home, which he could use to stave off hunger.

Over this period, he watched Cecil’s dark red hair turn fiery red. His body looked stronger, and the black tail glowed with a faint blue aura under the light.

What pleased Ying Zhao even more was that Cecil’s missing half of the tail fin had actually grown back partially. Although it wasn’t fully restored, it would likely be much more convenient for Cecil, who had been unable to swim freely in the pool.

Feeling the halo around his lover gradually shrink, Ying Zhao stayed motionless by Cecil’s side, eagerly anticipating the moment Cecil would open his eyes. He wondered if his lover’s eyes would turn as fiery red as his hair, which would surely be stunning.

So, when the body reshaping was completely finished, Cecil opened his eyes to see Ying Zhao staring at him wide-eyed.

Seeing that Cecil had woken up, Ying Zhao was momentarily stunned by his ruby-like eyes. He quickly moved to his lover’s side and immediately fed him two packets of high-energy nutrient solution.

Since Xiao Bai had mentioned that body reshaping required a lot of energy and Cecil might feel very hungry upon waking, Ying Zhao wanted to be prepared.

Cecil was touched and timely fed with nutrient solution, as he indeed felt an unbearable hunger in his stomach. He drank four or five packets of nutrient solution before he felt somewhat better.

After awakening the deep-sea mermaid bloodline, Cecil’s gaze towards Ying Zhao became even more tender. Having received the inherited memories, Cecil naturally understood his true identity.

Deep-sea mermaids were a species difficult to reproduce, and the number of mermaid eggs they produced was scarce. Cecil’s parents were undoubtedly the kings among deep-sea mermaids.

There were indeed some issues with Cecil’s egg at birth, making it highly likely that it would not hatch. The fact that researchers discovered it and brought it back to the institute was an accident, and it was surprising that they successfully hatched him.

Despite the remaining physical flaws and the suffering endured at the institute, Cecil felt that his life was fortunate because he met the most important person in his life.

Through the inheritance memory of the deep-sea mermaid, Cecil knew that unless he found his destined lover, he would not have the chance for physical enhancement and might even lose his life before the age of thirty-five.

The appearance of this person saved him entirely. Reaching out, he gently stroked Ying Zhao’s cheek, filled with gratitude.

He fully trusted this person, as everything he now had was given by him. Taking a deep breath, Cecil transformed his mermaid tail into human legs right in front of Ying Zhao.

After a burst of light, Cecil’s overall appearance changed. His fiery red long hair quickly shortened, and his ears no longer had the fin shape, though the tips remained slightly pointed.

The black mermaid tail turned into long human legs, though the foot from the missing part of the tail fin lacked the last two toes. Fortunately, it did not hinder walking.

The only mermaid characteristic left was a few dark scales behind his ears, hidden in his hair. Under Ying Zhao’s astonished gaze, Cecil gracefully walked out of the pool.

Approaching Ying Zhao, he embraced his beloved tightly, sighing softly, “Ying Zhao, thank you!”

Thank you for giving everything without hesitation, allowing me to be reborn.

Cecil was very aware of the power he now possessed, capable of controlling the wind, rain, and sea. As a descendant of the sea god, he was finally worthy of his lover.

Feeling Cecil’s genuine joy, Ying Zhao smiled, slightly pushing away from his lover to appraise his firm physique.

Seeing Ying Zhao’s scrutinizing gaze, Cecil instinctively straightened his chest, like a soldier waiting for inspection, wanting to show Ying Zhao his best side.

Seeing Ying Zhao’s satisfied nod, Cecil finally relaxed but couldn’t help but ask, “Dear, aren’t you curious?”

Ying Zhao knew Cecil was referring to his transformation from a mermaid tail to human legs. He shook his head and laughed softly, “As long as I know that my beloved’s body is better now than before, that’s enough. I won’t ask more or tell anyone. Cecil, I will protect you!”

At the end, Ying Zhao held Cecil’s hand tightly, making his promise. He wouldn’t care about his lover’s origins or past, only focusing on guarding their happiness.

Hearing Ying Zhao’s words, Cecil’s eyes reddened. Embracing Ying Zhao tightly, he felt overwhelmed by the desire to hold him close as if he wanted to merge him into his very being.

He was more than willing to share all his secrets with Ying Zhao. But right now, Cecil only wanted to fully experience everything about this person.

So, he lowered his head and kissed Ying Zhao’s lips with force, then lifted him horizontally and walked towards the nearby big bed…

After an intense and deep exchange of affection, Cecil wiped the sweat from Ying Zhao’s forehead and kissed his nose. Then he buried his head in Ying Zhao’s neck, deeply inhaling his intoxicating cold scent.

“Cecil, my back hurts…” Ying Zhao whined, clinging to his partner.

Cecil, already smitten and dizzy from Ying Zhao’s charm, felt as if he were floating in the air upon hearing his soft words.

He skillfully and diligently massaged the general, and Ying Zhao was very satisfied with his devoted “perfect husband.”

Once the massage was over and his body felt much more relaxed, Ying Zhao smiled and gave Cecil a sweet kiss, praising him, “Husband, you’re wonderful!”

Husband! Cecil’s breath hitched, and he froze momentarily. The term made him so excited that he couldn’t control himself, and once again, Ying Zhao was subjected to the fiery passion of the mermaid king.

Thrown back onto the bed, Ying Zhao was turned over like a pancake by his enthusiastic lover. He felt both joy and distress. He was happy that his lover still loved him so much, but he was troubled by how this might be hard on his back.

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