Chapter 108: My Husband Has Split Personality (3, 4)

Mo Yingying thought that such a body was perfect for Ying Jiyang. She revealed this to him.

Ying Jiyang agreed, and upon returning home, the heroine tricked Ying Chengye into taking her to the forbidden area.

Once there, she found the doll-like artifact, but was informed by Ying Chengye that it already contained a soul.

Mo Yingying then hurriedly went to the forest to tell Ying Jiyang. Ying Jiyang gave her a talisman to destroy the soul in the doll.

The transmigrator, in order to help her true love, ignored the soul inside the doll and secretly entered the forbidden area again to kill the soul.

The doll with the erased soul was taken back and given to Ying Jiyang, who then had a new body, enabling him to leave the forest.

Initially, Ying Jiyang had only planned to use the transmigrator, but during their interactions, he too fell in love with her.

With the doll’s body, he achieved the tenth level of soul power, becoming a Soul King, and gained control over the magical beasts in the forest.

Now, with his power as a boss, Ying Jiyang sought to take over the Ying family.

Although his soul power was formidable, Ying Chengye’s backing from the Ying family’s forces led to a stalemate.

In a critical moment, the heroine suddenly intervened. During the fierce battle, Ying Chengye and Ying Jiyang were unable to stop in time, causing the heroine to be injured and fall into a coma.

Due to Mo Yingying’s injury, Ying Jiyang and Ying Chengye stopped fighting, and Xu Jin also came out to accuse them.

Seeing the heroine injured, Ying Jiyang was heartbroken and decided to give up on the Ying family’s leadership for the heroine.

However, since Mo Yingying was already Ying Chengye’s wife, Ying Chengye naturally refused, leading to another fierce battle, shifting from a struggle for the family head position to a fight for the woman.

The two fought fiercely once more, with Xu Jin mediating. When the transmigrator woke up and saw the fighting, she dragged her weakened body out of the house and declared that all three men were her true loves.

Seeing the heroine’s severe injuries, the three men actually stopped fighting in pain. Subsequently, under the transmigrator’s persuasion, they shook hands and decided to share the heroine.

So, these four people lived together happily ever after—what a delightful story… or not!

Seeing this, Ying Zhao could only exclaim, “What kind of ridiculous plot is this! Why does it give me a feeling of ‘what the heck’ again? Wait, why ‘again’?”

Not to mention the original owner Ying Chengye and the later boss Ying Jiyang, both of whom had very strong personalities.

Even Xu Jin, who had reached the ninth level of soul power, meant that these three people were top-tier existences on the continent.

How could they engage in a fierce battle over a woman and then make peace to “share” her?

Fortunately, with the system as a cheat, Ying Zhao could see the more authentic non-heroine’s perspective of the plot. The so-called ending he had seen before was not the true story.

The story was not over yet. Although the three men had temporarily ceased fighting, it didn’t mean they were genuinely willing to share the heroine. After the heroine’s body had healed, the three of them began endless battles again.

Later, Ying Jiyang even commanded the magical beasts in the forest to attack the Ying family, and both sides gave their all. The Ying family was destroyed, Ying Chengye was killed in battle, and Ying Jiyang was severely injured.

Seeing this, Xu Jin seized the opportunity to come out, killing Ying Jiyang. He obtained the doll-like artifact and naturally ended up with the transmigrator.

In reality, Xu Jin had always been using the heroine Mo Yingying. After getting everything and killing Ying Jiyang, he was left unchallenged.

And after a hundred years, Xu Jin transferred his soul into the doll, became a Soul King, and ruled the entire continent.

After seeing the true plot, Ying Zhao naturally understood the original owner Ying Chengye’s identity better. He had originally only known that Ying Chengye was a family head with considerable strength.

But he didn’t expect that a ninth-level soul practitioner was so rare on this continent, with no more than ten people in the whole world. And among these ten, most were elderly.

Someone like the original owner who reached the ninth level before thirty was a genius among geniuses.

As for Ying Jiyang, he was indeed the younger brother of the old family head, which meant he was actually the original owner Ying Chengye’s uncle.

However, in the original owner’s memory, Ying Jiyang had been said to have died when he was very young.

He didn’t know what had happened to his uncle or even had any memory of him.

With the perspective of a god, Ying Zhao saw through the trickery and understood that Ying Jiyang had not died. As a descendant of the prestigious Ying family who practiced soul power, Ying Jiyang had always wanted to cultivate.

However, he was born with limited talent and couldn’t cultivate, remaining an ordinary person. As a member of the Ying family, Ying Jiyang was very unwilling.

He envied the old family head and ambitiously wanted to take over the Ying family. Therefore, Ying Jiyang expended great effort to find a secret method that allowed him to transfer his soul into a body suitable for cultivating soul power.

However, the body had to be young, not older than fifteen, to be easily possessed as a vessel. Thus, Ying Jiyang searched for many years and finally found a child from a poor family who was exceptionally suitable for soul cultivation.

The child was only thirteen years old, an orphan without parents, living a life of poverty with distant relatives.

Since the child had suffered a lot, no one cared about his well-being. Ying Jiyang bought the child, claiming he wanted him as a servant.

The child’s remaining relative saw him as a burden and accepted the money without hesitation, no longer caring about him.

Thus, Ying Jiyang took the child and used the method to extract the child’s soul and enter it. However, this ritual was only halfway completed when the old family head arrived and stopped him.

Ying Jiyang, crazed from practicing dark arts, attacked the old family head. His soul, having practiced evil techniques, was no longer ordinary. And when his soul was leaving his own body, it had already died.

But because of the old family head’s interference, he couldn’t enter the child’s body in time, causing the child’s body to die as well. Ying Jiyang had no choice but to become a wandering soul, though he managed to escape, he could only sleep in the forest.

As for the child’s soul, it surprisingly wasn’t harmed. But without a body, it would soon dissipate if not dealt with promptly.

The old family head, feeling sorry, decided that the Ying family owed the child and didn’t want his soul to perish. He brought the child’s soul to the family’s high tower, intending to keep it there until a solution could be found.

However, upon reaching the forbidden high tower, the child’s soul automatically entered the family’s ancient doll-like artifact and couldn’t be removed.

The old family head, having no other options, decided that this would at least preserve the child’s soul. Thus, the poor child was forced to reside in an immobile doll, alone in the high tower.

It wasn’t until over twenty years later that the heroine found him in the tower. The first thing she did was to use a talisman to shatter the child’s soul.

“This child was the most innocent,” Ying Zhao sighed upon learning about the child whose body was taken by the BOSS.

Feeling emotional, he thought that since he was now the new family head of the Ying family, if he had the chance, he wouldn’t mind helping the child.

Because of the vast amount of information on this continent, Ying Zhao took quite a while to fully digest the plot.

Due to the heroine’s halo, the original owner had been influenced and did many foolish things.

Otherwise, with the original owner Ying Chengye’s dedication to cultivation and family honor, he would never have done something so destructive to his own family.

But now that it was him, Ying Zhao wasn’t worried. He was just a bit troubled, as he had a marriage arrangement with Mo Yingying, but according to the timeline, she hadn’t transmigrated yet.

It would only happen in five years when Mo Yingying accidentally fell into the water and was rescued, causing her to change her core.

Knowing that his man wouldn’t transmigrate into a woman, Ying Zhao felt a headache coming on. He looked up and saw that it was already completely dark outside, not expecting that processing the plot would take so much time.

“I wonder how Xiao Bai is resting?” he muttered, and then entered his mental sea.

Seeing Xiao Bai sitting in the corner, looking dazed with his eyes open, Ying Zhao asked worriedly, “Xiao Bai, are you okay?”

Hearing Ying Zhao’s voice, Xiao Bai came to his senses, nodded, and quickly said, “Host, I’m fine. Do you have any instructions?”

Ying Zhao leaned over, patted Xiao Bai’s head, smiled gently, and asked, “I’ve finished reviewing the plot. Does the original owner Ying Chengye have any wishes?”

Xiao Bai immediately used the system to search and answered, “Ying Chengye’s wish is to protect the Ying family, and nothing more.”

Ying Zhao nodded. He knew that Ying Chengye felt guilty for the destruction of the Ying family’s foundation, so he had only this one wish.

As for reaching a high position or gaining top-tier soul power, those were no longer his desires. What he wished for was merely to alleviate his guilt.

Ying Zhao thought that the original owner’s wish was reasonable. Since he had taken on someone else’s identity, helping Ying Chengye protect the Ying family was his duty.

After understanding all the plot and the original owner’s wish, Ying Zhao’s main concern now was which person in this life was his true love.

After searching through the original owner’s memories and the plot’s characters, he felt that none of them matched his lover.

After much thought with no results, he helplessly asked Xiao Bai, “Xiao Bai, which one is he in this life?”

Hearing Ying Zhao’s question, Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment and took a while to respond. He asked uncertainly, “Are you asking where the target’s fragment is?”

Seeing Ying Zhao’s affirmative answer, Xiao Bai closed his eyes. The system conducted a detailed search, and then Xiao Bai’s eyes suddenly widened in shock as he said to Ying Zhao, “Host! The target’s fragment is actually locked in the Ying family’s forbidden high tower!”

Ying Zhao furrowed his brows upon hearing this. The forbidden area was clearly not allowed to be entered by anyone. Especially the high tower, where no living beings existed—could it be…

Seeing Ying Zhao’s expression, Xiao Bai knew he had figured it out. He reluctantly nodded and said, “Host, you’re right. The target in this lifetime is actually a doll.”

“What!” Ying Zhao’s eyes widened in surprise. He knew Xiao Bai meant that his lover’s soul was attached to the doll.

Although based on past experience, his man’s soul was incomplete and had to be attached to a broken body, even if the body was whole, there would still be other issues. He didn’t expect that in this world, the body had been completely lost.

He remembered that in the original plot, it was mentioned that the child’s body had been destroyed when Ying Jiyang failed to use it as a vessel.

So, could it be that his lover would have to use a doll’s body for the rest of his life?

Xiao Bai seemed to see Ying Zhao’s concern and quickly explained, “Host, don’t worry too much. Although this doll is officially an artifact, the plot said that once a soul is attached, it can become just like a human, or even better!”

Ying Zhao nodded upon hearing this. When it came to his lover, he couldn’t help but be unsettled, but he remembered this aspect.

However, he had searched the original owner’s memories and found that before his arrival, the old family head had already planned to pass on the position of the family head to the original owner, Ying Chengye. Naturally, he had also taken him to the forbidden area to see the doll.

Ying Chengye had seen the doll, and although it looked very exquisite, it was just a doll no bigger than a palm, and it didn’t look like a human at all.

Even though it already contained a soul, why hadn’t it turned into a human shape? Ying Zhao wondered about this.

Then Xiao Bai continued patiently explaining, “Host, it’s like this. This doll is a secret artifact passed down through the Ying family. Although it’s useless without a soul, it also requires a contract to activate its transformation.”

Upon hearing Xiao Bai’s words, Ying Zhao understood the reason. With the help of the original owner’s memories, he realized that although the doll was passed down as a family heirloom, due to its age and the righteousness of the Ying family, they would not forcibly take someone else’s soul to use it. Over time, the descendants of the Ying family had become unclear about how to use this artifact.

He also realized that in the original plot, after the heroine shattered the soul within the doll and gave it to Ying Jiyang, Ying Jiyang used the doll to become human-shaped.

Later, the doll came into Xu Jin’s hands. After Xu Jin transferred his soul into the doll a hundred years later, he reached the peak because of the doll. Thus, the doll’s body was crucial.

Xiao Bai also mentioned that without a contract, the doll couldn’t be activated. So why would Ying Jiyang be willing to give up the position of family head just to obtain the heroine? Was it really true love?

Years ago, Ying Jiyang had gone so far as to do many unspeakable things, even becoming an enemy of the entire Ying family, all for power and the position of family head. Ying Zhao couldn’t believe that Ying Jiyang was a person driven by romantic feelings.

So, the key point must be with the transmigrator Mo Yingying.

It seemed that Ying Jiyang must have made a contract with Mo Yingying to use the doll’s body. Once bound together, Mo Yingying naturally couldn’t be harmed.

Ying Jiyang likely wanted to take Mo Yingying away first and keep her under control. Or, even if she were to be in danger, he would need to find the next person to make a contract with him in time.

Moreover, the doll’s contract couldn’t be set to active without long-term planning, only a subordinate contract of the artifact.

So, Ying Jiyang must have been constrained by the transmigrator, which explained why Xu Jin waited until nearly a hundred years before transferring his soul into the doll.

He must have spent a lot of time studying the secret method beforehand so that when he entered the doll, he could be in control. He could then master his own fate, cultivate to become a Soul King, and gain control over the entire continent.

Ying Zhao was taken aback by how complex the situation was.

At the same time, he understood that although the soul in the doll was nominally in a dormant state, it still had consciousness.

His lover, due to being in an incomplete soul state, would certainly have had flaws or mental issues from birth. But since Ying Jiyang chose his lover’s body, perhaps this time the issue wasn’t physical.

Could it be that there was a problem with his mind? Ying Zhao felt a headache coming on, thinking about how his lover was thirteen years old with self-awareness when the soul was transferred into the doll.

Having been trapped inside the doll for over twenty years, in the dark high tower alone, even a normal person would go mad from loneliness and isolation.

Thinking of this, Ying Zhao felt a pang of heartache and suddenly became anxious.

If he hadn’t known that this was his lover before, he might have ignored it. But now that he knew, he couldn’t just stand by. Thus, he went straight to the family’s forbidden area.

As the new head of the family, no one would stop him. However, when he actually arrived, Ying Zhao realized why reaching the top of the tower was so difficult.

Because the Ying family’s influence on the continent was immense, the forest in the back mountain was part of the Ying family’s territory, which even included a large lake.

The high tower was built right in the center of the lake, with no boats around, making it impossible for ordinary people to approach. Only those with a soul power of level seven or above could use teleportation to reach the tower.

Furthermore, there were layers of prohibitions outside the tower. Unless permitted by the head of the Ying family, ordinary people could not enter.

The night, reflecting on the lake’s surface, appeared pitch black without the moon. Gazing at the distant tower’s spire, it gave off a sinister feeling.

But Ying Zhao didn’t mind. Thanks to the good eyesight of a cultivator, he could see clearly at night. Channeling his soul power, he teleported into the tower with his will.

Looking around, he finally saw the small, exquisite doll placed in the corner. Ying Zhao walked over and carefully picked up the doll artifact.

The doll was only slightly larger than a palm, beautifully crafted, resembling a miniature human boy.

It was dressed in European medieval male attire, looking as splendid as a prince from a fairy tale, yet it still couldn’t hide its lack of vitality.

But when a beam of moonlight fell, and the clouds in the sky dispersed, Ying Zhao sensed that the doll’s aura suddenly changed.

Mist-like tendrils began to emerge from the doll, wrapping around him. If it were someone else, they might have tried to struggle and escape, but Ying Zhao knew that the soul in the doll was his most beloved person, who also loved him the most.

He trusted his partner, believing that even without memories and in a changed form, his lover would never harm him.

Soon, Ying Zhao felt a moment of dizziness. When he regained his senses, he found himself lost in utter darkness.

This inevitably reminded Ying Zhao of the first world. In the Heart Demon Realm, he had also entered his lover’s spiritual sea to help him. The situation there seemed somewhat similar to this one.

So, this must be the world inside the doll’s body?

It was pitch black, with no light or anything to help discern visibility.

The surroundings were eerily silent, a kind of stifling pressure that could drive a person insane.


Author’s Note:

Regarding Xiao Bai and the Heavenly Dao, many readers have noticed, hehe~ (lecherous laugh)

Actually, from the perspective of the Heavenly Dao, as it gained consciousness, it naturally wanted to control its own fate, which isn’t purely evil, just different positions.

So, if it’s willing to correct the chaos, accept punishment, and amend and maintain the disturbed worlds, I still want to give it a good ending.

Xiao Bai is very cute, and I don’t want Xiao Bai to always just be a system. There’s a very interesting story between him and the Heavenly Dao.

I’ll write it once this story is finished. If there’s not enough brainpower, it’ll be supplemented as a side story. If there’s enough brainpower, it might turn into a book.

But according to my usual practice, it will be sweet and the ending will be HE (Happy Ending)~ That’s it~

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