ICSST Ch7: Clock

As a major shareholder of the group, Boss Wang was indeed skilled in social maneuvering and had a way with words.

Upon arriving at the villa, he began spinning a tale, saying he saw a flock of strange birds in the forest forming peculiar formations. His story, a mix of truth and fiction, drew inspiration from the strange birds they had seen outside the manor.

He spoke with such flair that everyone’s attention was indeed captured.

Seizing the opportunity, Zhou Qi’an mixed the grayish-white bird droppings with water and poured it over the fish. Then he nonchalantly returned to the living room, joining the ongoing conversation.

Halfway through the discussion, Xun Er suddenly stood up, making everyone realize that Xun the Wealthy had arrived.

Xun the Wealthy always came down for breakfast at a fixed time. Seeing the large basket of fish caught by Chen Jian, he was beaming. “Not bad, not bad…”

He repeated the praise several times, and Chen Jian received a notification that Xun the Wealthy’s favorability towards him had increased. A slight smile tugged at his lips.

The Han siblings also earned some favor, receiving a comment from Xun the Wealthy that they did alright, increasing their favorability by two points.

“Your fishing skills are mediocre, but there’s some technique in it,” Xun the Wealthy finally commented on the college student.

The college student, lucky and resourceful, remembered the scene outside the manor last night. So, he made a slingshot and, at the moment the birds were feeding, aimed at them.

Although the slingshot didn’t hit the bird directly, it startled the bird enough to drop the fish it was holding.

He couldn’t contain his excitement and whispered, “I also got a favorability increase.”

Only Boss Wang got nothing.

Tension and a subtle discomfort began pressing on his heart. As a businessman, he knew that being a step behind could mean total loss.

During the meal, Xun the Wealthy didn’t bother pretending to be kind and offering fish to Han Li. As the head of the household, he was the first to move his chopsticks, slurping the soup. The liquid went down his throat first.


Xun the Wealthy almost vomited, his face turning ashen.

He waved his arm, rejecting the paper Xun Er was kindly offering, and angrily asked, “What did you make?”

Normally, Xun Er would have tasted it to see the problem, but recalling how Zhou Qi’an had meticulously washed his hands before the meal, he hesitated, withdrawing his arm and asking, “What’s wrong?”

“A foul taste!” Xun the Wealthy’s face matched the fish in ugliness.

Xun Er shook his head. “The steps were all the same as usual, but today…”

He glanced at Zhou Qi’an and asked, “My brother was helping me. Maybe he’s not familiar with the cooking process yet.”

His sincere words carried an air of detachment.

Zhou Qi’an outperformed him, speaking with genuine confusion, “There shouldn’t be any problem. I was only in charge of cleaning the innards, and you were watching me.”

Implying that if there was an issue, they were all involved.

Xun Er stopped pressing him.

Xun the Wealthy got up to rinse his mouth.

Zhou Qi’an diligently helped Xun Er clean the table.

Boss Wang’s eyes flickered as he followed Xun the Wealthy to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Xun the Wealthy came out of the bathroom, angrier than before.

“You, you…” His angry scolding preceded him.

He walked quickly, his cane almost poking Zhou Qi’an in the face. “Tell me, why did you put bird droppings in the food?”

His words drew the attention of the other players.

Boss Wang, initially feeling guilty, now felt a surge of malice after choosing to sacrifice a friend based on Mr. Si’s offer.

He had to survive.

He was still young, with assets worth billions. How could he die meaninglessly in this game?

“That’s right, I saw it with my own eyes.” Boss Wang straightened his back. “Besides, the rest of us have been talking in the living room the whole time. Only you had the chance to approach the kitchen.”

The other players didn’t refute.

Xun the Wealthy’s expression grew darker, his eyes on Zhou Qi’an like he was looking at a dead man.

Zhou Qi’an remained calm. “Who said only me?”

He paused, as if recalling something. “While cooking, I got my clothes dirty and went upstairs to change. Xun Er also came up later, probably worried I couldn’t find the clothes.”

Zhou Qi’an continued, “You’re so sure it’s bird droppings. Could it be you sneaked in and added it? I remember you didn’t eat much fish or shrimp last night, like you didn’t like it.”

“You’re lying, you…”

Zhou Qi’an looked sincerely at Xun the Wealthy. “Dad, look at me carefully. I love seafood. Do I look like someone who would contaminate food?”

Xun the Wealthy’s eyes widened. The more he looked at the young man in the green vest, the more he liked him.

[Your deception worked. This is Xun the Wealthy’s favorite color, increasing his favorability by 15.]

Besides, yesterday, Zhou Qi’an ate shrimp after shrimp, proving his love for seafood.

Xun the Wealthy’s expression softened. “You’re right, you don’t seem like it.”

His sharp gaze suddenly turned to Boss Wang.

Zhou Qi’an gave Chen Jian a subtle look.

Chen Jian calmly stepped forward to end the farce.

He looked at Boss Wang. “It was you, right? When I was fishing, I saw a suspicious figure walking back. I was bitten by a fish then, so I wasn’t sure, but thinking back… it was you.”

A master fisherman’s words held more weight, given his recent favorability increase.

Chen Jian also wanted to see if losing one competitor would positively change the game.

Han Tiansheng, always quick to adapt, looked at Boss Wang with sorrow. “We’re all family. Why would you do this?”

Boss Wang’s face turned ugly. He didn’t understand why the veteran players turned against him. “You’re lying! It was him…”

Unfortunately, Xun the Wealthy had no interest in listening to him. He walked over to Chen Jian, saying affectionately, “You even got hurt catching fish; it must have been hard.”

A hint of a smile appeared on Chen Jian’s face.

His smile contrasted sharply with Boss Wang’s grim expression.

“So, it was the thief crying ‘stop thief.'” With a snarl, the wrinkles on Xun the Wealthy’s face twitched. He glared viciously at Boss Wang, “I hate thieves the most in my life.”

[Xun the Wealthy is deeply angered by your ‘deception.’]

[Xun the Wealthy is still angry.)

The system sent two consecutive reminders. Boss Wang could no longer control his expression, feeling a sense of impending doom.

He had intended to take a shortcut by reporting and gaining Xun the Wealthy’s favor, but it backfired. Furious and with nowhere to vent, Boss Wang stormed back to his room.

Xun the Wealthy’s cane thudded heavily against the floor as he glared at Boss Wang’s retreating back before also going upstairs to rest.

The college student, standing next to Zhou Qi’an, whispered, “Did you purposely provoke him to report, thereby eliminating a competitor for the inheritance? That’s… that’s not right.”

He could sense the suggestiveness in Zhou Qi’an’s words in the forest.

Once the cycle of mutual betrayal began, it would only worsen.

Zhou Qi’an replied, “I didn’t put a knife to his throat to make him report. If not for me, you’d still be eating raw fish.”

His eyes glanced sideways at Han Li, whose face was tinged with an unnatural purple hue, possibly from eating the raw fish yesterday.

Han Li noticed his gaze and smiled, “What are you looking at?”

Zhou Qi’an smirked, “Nothing.”

The cold smile made the college student step back a couple of steps, feeling suffocated by the atmosphere inside. He stepped outside to get some air.

Mr. Si appeared behind the distressed college student, “Don’t expect to change others. Just stay true to yourself.”

The authority in the staff member’s words made the college student nod vigorously.

Han Li, seeing this, raised an eyebrow.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen staff take such care of a new player. What’s special about that college student?”

“I don’t know.” As a new player himself, Zhou Qi’an showed no hint of jealousy.

Han Li speculated, “All that talk about staying true to oneself, even Mr. Si probably doesn’t believe it. There must be more to it.”

Zhou Qi’an just smiled, not taking the bait to investigate further. Instead, he softly whispered in her ear, “Clearing the instance is what’s important. Help me with something later…”

Han Li listened quietly, thought for a moment, and nodded.

“I’m going to take a nap,” Zhou Qi’an announced to everyone before heading upstairs.

In the house, an old tape recorder sat quietly on the table, exuding a peaceful aura reminiscent of the dead. Zhou Qi’an’s slender fingers lightly touched the buttons before plugging it in.

The second hand on the wall clock completed its last revolution.

The schedule showed that from nine to nine-thirty was music time. Given that yesterday going to bed a minute late led to an encounter with a ghost, this half-hour should be spent listening to music, not a minute more or less. Just as Zhou Qi’an was about to press the play button, he withdrew his hand.

He glanced at the wall clock again, pausing.

A minute later, Zhou Qi’an knocked on Boss Wang’s door.

This man, who could command respect and fear in the real world, was now consumed by fear.

“Are you here to hold me accountable?” Boss Wang shouted to bolster his courage, “What if I did report you? Go ahead and kill me if you dare.”

Zhou Qi’an calmly explained, “We still don’t know if killing is against the rules in this game.”

Boss Wang was momentarily speechless.

It was as if Zhou Qi’an would stab him if he found out it wasn’t against the rules.

Without seeking permission, Zhou Qi’an forced his way in.

Boss Wang, weakened by years of indulgence, was no match for the younger man’s strength. Unable to stop him, Zhou Qi’an entered the room. He did nothing aggressive, just glanced at the clock and then turned to leave.

“What exactly are you doing?” Boss Wang, already extremely nervous, was further agitated.

“Checking the time.” The long bangs covering Zhou Qi’an’s forehead made it hard for Boss Wang to see his eyes, but he sensed a coldness in his tone, “Someone tampered with the clock in my room.”

“Why would anyone do that?” Boss Wang blurted out, already knowing the answer.

Any small action here was likely meant to harm others.

His face turned pale, “It wasn’t me.”

“I know, you’re not smart enough for that,” Zhou Qi’an said, glancing at him before leaving, “Otherwise, why would I check the time here?”

Boss Wang wouldn’t be crafty enough to alter even his own clock to mislead others.

Instead of meticulously checking the time, Zhou Qi’an simply adjusted the clock right in front of Boss Wang.

It wasn’t until Zhou Qi’an had left that the insulted Boss Wang kicked the door hard, “Damn it!”

With a strict schedule, time was indeed crucial. During his previous inspection of the house, Zhou Qi’an had intentionally hung the clock slightly askew. But now, it was perfectly straight, indicating someone had tampered with it.

“Was it a player or a ghost?”

Zhou Qi’an couldn’t be sure for now. He turned his attention to the schedule, which he had already memorized.

【7:10-7:20: Get up and get dressed √】



【9:00-9:30: Listen to music】

【9:30-10:30: Pray and offer incense】


【21:00-7:10: Sleep √】

Compared to yesterday, there were some changes on the schedule. The sections for getting up and dressing, as well as sleeping, now had small checkmarks next to them, indicating tasks he had already completed.

“So, the two remaining items must be mandatory.”

The torn mattress from last night had mysteriously repaired itself by this morning. Zhou Qi’an tapped it with his fingers, saying, “Little brat, open the door.”

The female ghost and little ghost: “…”

Zhou Qi’an: “I’ve been harassing you like this, and you haven’t made a move. It seems that as long as I follow the schedule, the daytime is temporarily safe.”

Having slept uncomfortably on the hard wooden sofa and not getting a good night’s sleep, Zhou Qi’an lay back down on the bed.

The clock in his room had been set about ten minutes fast. It was now actually eight minutes until nine. Zhou Qi’an planned to take a short nap and then get up to listen to music.

As he was falling asleep, Zhou Qi’an brushed aside the annoying bangs from his forehead, revealing a clean and serene sleeping face.

However, his mouth was quite bothersome. His thin lips suddenly moved, “By the way, I’m a bit scared. If I wet the bed, you won’t blame me, right?”

The mattress shook, and a cold murderous intent surged from below.

Zhou Qi’an didn’t open his eyes.

Without visual cues, the surrounding sounds became infinitely amplified. He could hear every tick of the clock on the wall with crystal clarity.

“One, two…”

He quietly counted the seconds, and just before nine o’clock, he sprang off the bed.

The old tape recorder now looked as if it were covered with a faint blood-colored mist. The peeled paint on the handle was filled in with a blood-red hue. Staring at the clock on the wall, Zhou Qi’an, just before it hit nine, decisively pressed the play button.

At nine o’clock, music time began.

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