YA Ch69: Positioning

Ming Yan opened his eyes, watching Lu Yu fleeing in embarrassment, silently counting the time: three, two, one…

When he finished counting, the bathroom door cracked open, and Lu Yu timidly peeked out, “Yan-ge, help me get a pair of underwear.”

This guy had taken off his pajamas last night to fit better, so he was only wearing underwear. He had rushed into the bathroom without a care, and now he could only be naked after washing up.

Ming Yan got up and went to the closet to fetch a clean pair of boxers, handing them to him, “Actually, you could come out naked; I don’t mind.”

“That wouldn’t do.” Lu Yu changed into the underwear and came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, looking serious, “Before the two little fellows meet, I need to maintain a bit of mystery for them.”

Ming Yan paused for a moment, then realized who he was referring to and felt quite speechless. He glanced at the black boxers, “This isn’t a solution. You should sleep in your own room this week.”

Lu Yu shook his head vigorously, “No way! I’d rather burn with desire every day than sleep alone. That’s a privilege for a married man!”

“…” Ming Yan was helpless, “Do as you please.”

Lu Yu spread his arms and hugged the person who was turning to leave from behind. The towel fell to the floor with a “thud,” and the droplets of water on his arms sparkled in the morning sunlight.

Pressing his slightly damp cheek against Ming Yan’s back, he rubbed, “If you care about me, let me have a little advance reward, okay?”

Ming Yan pulled his arms away, turned around with a light smile, and extended a slender finger, tracing it down Lu Yu’s chest.

Lu Yu’s breathing suddenly became rapid, the droplets of water on his Adam’s apple rolling up and down.

The finger seemed to have no intention of stopping, tracing over the ribs, sliding down to the forming abs, and following the V-line to the edge of the boxers. He tugged it, and with a “ping” it snapped back. He said: “No.”

After speaking, Ming Yan turned and ran.

Lu Yu missed grabbing him and was flustered, “Ming Yan!”

A burst of cheerful laughter came from the living room.

The donkey’s mill hadn’t finished turning yet; how could it nibble on the dangling carrot?

Unable to get the carrot, Lu Yu went to work diligently. There were fewer live streaming arrangements that day, with only work in the morning and none in the afternoon.

Since the plot had reached a major turning point, the next phase would be a fast-paced battle for supremacy. The afternoon was freed up to give everyone—including staff and viewers—a buffer.

The top supporter still didn’t come to work but sent a message to Lu Yu.

[Hong Wuyang: Emergency, do you have a business plan for acquiring an intelligent brain manufacturing plant or something? Can you lend me a copy? I’m going to die!]

Lu Yu immediately called him, asking what happened.

On the other end, the big brother’s weak voice was heard, “Yesterday my brother gave me a good scolding. He told me to write a business plan, and if it’s acceptable, he’ll take it to Hongxiao Capital for discussion. If it’s rubbish, he’ll beat me up. Wuwuwu… You have to think of a way quickly, or have your company’s planning department write one for me.”

Lu Yu sympathized with him for a second and sent the business plan he had written yesterday to him, “This is one I wrote before. Use what you can, and remember to change the name and not copy the keywords.”

Hong Wuyang opened the document and was particularly happy, “Got it, I have experience with copying assignments! Wait for my good news!”

After the morning live stream, Ming Yan glanced at the work schedule and said to Xiao Jiang, “I’m going out this afternoon. Postpone the art team meeting to tomorrow.”

Lu Yu leaned over and asked, “Where are you going?”

Ming Yan smiled, “I’m going to the factory of Tomorrow Watches. I haven’t been able to go over the weekend. If I don’t go now, my dad will be angry.”

Lu Yu smugly stroked his chin, “Ah, I’ve become the calamity that delays the emperor’s morning court. How about you don’t go, and I’ll wait for dad to call and scold me for being a vixen.”

Ming Yan rubbed his head, “Stop talking nonsense. What are you planning to do this afternoon?”

Lu Yu paused and said, “Hong Wuyang needs to write a business plan and is scratching his head. He wants me to help. If you don’t need me, I’ll go see the top supporter.”

This sounded strange; if Ming Yan didn’t know that “top supporter,” he might think he was going to meet some shady sponsor. Smiling, Ming Yan nodded, “Then you drive the Porsche. I’ll take the company’s business car; let the driver take me.”

After lunch, they went their separate ways.

Before parting, Lu Yu pulled Ming Yan, who was about to get in the car, and asked for a farewell kiss, “I’ll miss you.”

Ming Yan covered his mouth with one hand, looking around since they were at the company entrance, “We’re only apart for a few hours, don’t be silly.”

Lu Yu hugged his waist, pouting and refusing to let go, whispering, “Then answer a question, and I’ll let you go.”


“When you and Lu Dayu first time, what were you wearing?”

With such a question in his ear, accompanied by the hot breath, Ming Yan’s ears turned bright red, trying to break free but being held tightly. He could only glare at him and grit his teeth, quickly saying, “Just the usual white shirt.”

After speaking, Ming Yan broke free and directly dove into the business car, pressing the door close button.

Lu Yu stood in place for a moment, watching the black business car drive away.

On the way, Lu Yu asked Lu Dongdong, “Dongdong, does the intelligent brain have photos imported from old phones?”

Dongdong replied, “Yes.”

Lu Yu asked it to find photos from eight years ago to see if there were any of the small apartment Ming Yan bought.

The apartment was near the school. At that time, the Ming family was still wealthy, and they bought it for Ming Yan to live in during his university years for convenience, so he could rest and paint.

Later, the Ming family’s situation deteriorated, and the apartment was disposed of.

That’s why Lu Dongdong, this super-intelligent assistant, could judge according to the request. A regular assistant would have said, “I don’t seem to understand.”

Dongdong searched for a while and finally found one. While waiting at the traffic light, it displayed it on the screen.

Lu Yu glanced at it and took a slow breath. The photo showed the living room of the small apartment, with a high-end stone coffee table with golden edges, a typical luxurious decor style from ten years ago.

Lu Yu, an amateur racer, drove steadily into a high-end community shaded by green trees and stopped in front of Que De Clinic.

Of course, he wasn’t out to tutor his big brother but had an appointment with Que De for a medical check-up.

The front desk still maintained a warm smile: “The registration fee is two hundred yuan. Dr. Que is already waiting for you in the consultation room. Please follow me.”

On Tuesday, Que De wasn’t busy, and there weren’t many patients waiting in line. Lu Yu went directly into the consultation room without needing to wait in the rest area.

Que De smiled when he saw Lu Yu enter, “I’m glad you came to see me.”

Lu Yu sat down in front of him, a bit displeased: “As a doctor, it’s impolite to say that.”

Usually, medical staff wouldn’t say “Welcome to the hospital” to relatives and friends; it’s like cursing them to be sick.

Que De laughed heartily: “That’s the truth. You didn’t really trust me before, did you?”

Lu Yu didn’t answer the question; instead, after a moment of silence, he asked, “Did I have any mental disorders in the past?” Over the weekend, Yan-ge mentioned some past events, and for a moment, he felt his emotions were out of control.

Que De pulled up the medical records and displayed them directly on the screen in front of Lu Yu: “You have some anxiety and occasional depressive tendencies, but they’re not severe, and you don’t need medication. We have professional psychiatric psychologists here, but you don’t like listening to them and prefer staying in the meditation room, listening to anxiety-reducing hypnosis. However, that’s common for artists.”

Que De said as he attached several electrodes to Lu Yu’s head and chatted about daily life, observing his brain activity. Then his blue eyes showed surprise: “Wow, your neural activity has increased significantly, indicating that your anxiety has disappeared, and your brain has recovered to a large extent. How did you manage that?”

Lu Yu thought for a moment: “I quit drinking, go to bed early, and wake up early. Also, I’ve improved my relationship with my husband…”

Que De nodded and recorded these observations.

After discussing his physical condition, Lu Yu quietly asked: “Do you think two souls can exist in one body?”

Que De shrugged: “Modern medicine does not recognize the existence of souls, but if you’re talking about two consciousnesses, that might be split personality.”

Lu Yu frowned: “I’ve been dreaming of some memories that don’t belong to me. They might be remnants of this body’s memories.”

Que De put down his pen, looked carefully at Lu Yu’s expression, and leaned in a bit: “Have you considered that maybe you just have amnesia?”

Lu Yu expressionlessly replied: “We’ve discussed this issue before.”

Que De leaned back in his chair: “Alright, didn’t your husband come with you today?”

“He has work to do,” Lu Yu said absentmindedly, suddenly remembering something, and subconsciously emphasized, “Don’t tell him I came.”

At that moment, the smart assistant on his wrist vibrated.

Lu Yu looked down and saw the smart assistant screen flashing with light, indicating Dongdong had something to say. Not wanting to be too proactive in front of Que De, he asked, “Dongdong, do you have something to say?”

Dongdong spoke with a slightly mechanical tone: “Let me remind you that you both have partner location permissions. If he checks the real-time coordinates, he will know you are at the clinic.”

Lu Yu was stunned: “Why didn’t you say that earlier?”

The partner permission is so extensive! He had previously complained about this, as it made it difficult to chat with someone on the side. Now he realized it wasn’t just about chatting. This permission could be used to catch someone cheating easily.

He quickly glanced at the interface, which displayed a city map. Ming Yan’s small avatar was near the Tomorrow Tableware Factory. Ming Yan should be quite busy, so he probably doesn’t have time to pay attention to him, right?

Lu Yu comforted himself and planned to finish quickly and leave the clinic. Suddenly, he noticed that the small avatar was not stationary but moving quickly. From the Ming family factory area, it moved along and stopped in front of a teahouse two streets away, and didn’t move.

“What’s he doing at the teahouse? He didn’t say he needed to meet anyone else.” Lu Yu’s eyes widened as he clicked to check the teahouse’s name.

A golden brain leaned over as Que De tried to comfort the panicked patient: “Wow, marriage is always full of surprises, surprise!”

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