YA Ch68: Learning

By the time it was evening and work was over, there was still no news from Brother No. 1 on the leaderboard. Who knew if he had been beaten up by his own big brother?

Lu Yu sympathized with him for a second, then happily went home with Ming Yan after work.

On the way home, Ming Yan was driving, and Lu Yu, sitting in the passenger seat, was constantly looking at the light screen of the smart brain, seizing the time to study.

Ming Yan glanced curiously and saw a dense collection of formulas and concepts, and couldn’t help but ask, “What kind of professional knowledge are you looking at now?”

“I was in a rush to finish reading Shooting the Heavenly Wolf earlier, and didn’t have time to read anything else. Now I have to start studying,” Lu Yu said with a bitter face. “I originally thought I’d return in a few days, but it’s been more than half a month now, and still no sign of anything happening. Maybe I’ll be stuck here forever. I need to catch up on all the knowledge required to run a company.”

Seeing Lu Yu’s face scrunched up in frustration, Ming Yan couldn’t resist teasing him: “But if you go back in a few days, won’t all this studying be in vain?”

“How could knowledge ever be in vain?” Lu Yu reclined the seat and lay down in defeat. “If I go back now, I’ll be right in time for final exams. If I don’t study, I’ll fail.”

In fact, he hadn’t thought about going back for a while now. Today, he was studying for the plan with Hong Wuyang, preparing for the acquisition of the smart brain manufacturing plant. Bringing it up now actually made him feel a little angry.

“Why did Lu Dayu leave me a body depleted from staying up late but didn’t bother to leave me the knowledge in his brain? He got all the benefits while I took the hit and still have to clean up his mess!” The more Lu Yu spoke, the angrier he got, shaking his fist angrily at the empty air.

Ming Yan turned the steering wheel to make a turn and said, “If the knowledge came with the body, then the memories would too. So, are you Lu Dayu or Lu Xiaoyu?”

This was a question that ventured into the realm of philosophy.

Memory is the imprint of the soul.

If you possess someone else’s memories, then you are no longer yourself.

Lu Yu sat up, looking at the continuous turns and spirals of the garage ramp as they drove in. Feeling dizzy for a moment, he scratched his head. “That makes sense, I guess.”

After returning home, Ming Yan went to the small study to paint.

After he finished painting, he video-called his parents, dealt with a bunch of trivial matters, and then realized that Lu Yu was still studying diligently in the large study, so he went to call him.

“It’s late, you should go to bed and take a shower,” said Ming Yan, who had already taken a bath, running a hand through his freshly blow-dried hair as he pushed open the door to the study.

Lu Yu had been seriously studying, taking notes while looking at the computer. But as soon as Ming Yan walked in, he panicked and hurriedly closed his notebook, trying to cover the computer screen. However, the screen was too large, and even with his whole body pressed against it, he couldn’t cover it completely.

Moreover, even if the screen was covered, the ambiguous sounds still came through the speakers.

Ming Yan raised one eyebrow slowly and said meaningfully, “So this is what our President Lu is burning the midnight oil studying.”

Lu Yu, pressed against the screen, slowly turned red.

Ming Yan hooked his arm around the back of Lu Xiaoyu’s neck, pulling him off the screen to reveal two male bodies intertwined in a way that needed censoring.

Lu Yu coughed lightly, “Well, um, I’m just getting a head start on learning.”

Professional knowledge needed to be studied, but this had to be learned too—this was more urgent. Yesterday, Yan-ge’s soul-piercing question, “Do you know how?” had made him feel deeply insecure. To avoid embarrassing himself at a critical moment, of course, he had to study hard in advance.

There were still seven days. With a college student’s ability to cram last minute, he could at least score 80%.

“I’m aiming for excellence,” Lu Yu explained his plan and even set a goal for himself.

Ming Yan looked at him, then at the “educational video” that was far from proper, and couldn’t help but laugh. He reached out to grab the notebook on the desk.

Lu Yu, quick-eyed and quick-handed, pressed down on it, but after Ming Yan shot him a glare, he meekly retracted his hand, grinning sheepishly in defeat. “Go ahead, take a look. Don’t just stand there. Come, sit on my lap, and watch.”

Saying this, he enthusiastically patted his firm thigh, inviting Ming Yan to sit.

Ming Yan ignored him and stood watching.

It was a brand-new notebook, meticulously organized, with an introduction written at the beginning:

“Arm yourself with knowledge, become a technically skilled top, and beware of injury from being overly ambitious.”

Ming Yan: “…You really have high aspirations.”

Lu Yu silently turned his head and put an eye mask on Lu Dongdong, who had run over to join the fun. “Children shouldn’t watch this.”

Lu Dongdong, wearing an eye mask, lost his camera positioning and could only float aimlessly in the air, slowly wagging his tail.

Turning past the introduction, there was a list of issues to be resolved:

1. Posture issues: Watch three ** videos, choosing the normal and gentle types, excluding those with strange props and special scenes.

2. Tool issues: Look up lubricant and co-ndom recommendations, purchase the top three best-reviewed types, and compare them at home.

3. Prepare 10 short love phrases for openings and closings.

4. Buy three se-xy underwears.

There were five, six, seven, and eight more items—these were all minor preparations. Completed tasks were checked off, and page numbers were noted for easy reference.

Ming Yan hadn’t realized that so much preparation was needed. Usually, couples just buy a box from the supermarket and start at home, right? This seemed like a primary school outing preparation, thinking of everything. It made him anxious just reading it.

Further along, there were route plans. Without a ruler, someone who couldn’t draw had produced a crooked, incomprehensible map.

Ming Yan pointed at the scribbles and asked, “What’s this?”

Lu Yu scratched his face with one finger and said, “It’s a route map. I’m planning to conduct everything in my room and then carry you directly to your room to sleep. This way, we can avoid the trouble of changing bed linens and let you sleep well in a familiar environment.”

The route map planned where to place the water cup and where to put the small blanket used for wrapping packages, aiming to get everything sorted in one go to prevent Ming Yan from getting cold.

Ming Yan was touched by these meticulous plans. He closed the notebook and put it back on the desk, braced himself on the arm of the chair, leaned over, and touched Lu Yu’s ear. “Okay, relax. If you don’t know, I’ll teach you.”

As Lu Yu watched Ming Yan lean in, he could see the scenery inside the open collar of Ming Yan’s pajamas from this angle. The refreshing minty scent echoed in his ear, followed by a cool kiss on his forehead.

By the time he came to his senses, Ming Yan had already left with a graceful stride.

Enchanted, Lu Yu followed out of the study with a floating feeling under his feet, leaving the computer still on.

The voice of the president ball came from behind: “You can control the computer, so why does he think you can’t see the content of the computer with your eyes covered?”

Dongdong took off the eye mask with a fork and said, “Covering one’s ears while stealing a bell is uniquely human behavior. If you learn it, you’re a step closer to full activation.”

Shen Baishui, crossing his arms, scoffed, “It sounds like the process of becoming stupid.”

Lu Yu had no idea what dangerous topic the two sons were discussing. He was stirred up but could neither see nor touch, so he clung to Ming Yan and slept tightly.

After watching too much inappropriate content before bed, it was easy to have suggestive dreams at night.

Lu Yu dreamed he walked into a delicate small apartment, decorated in the trendy light luxury style from ten years ago. Ming Yan, dressed in a white shirt, looked young and fresh, just like in college.

With the shirt half-pulled to his elbows, Ming Yan in dream, whether cold or nervous, trembled slightly as he was kissed.

“It hurts…”

When Lu Yu opened his eyes, that tender-sounding cry of pain still echoed in his ears, making him feel as if every bone in his body was tingling.

He covered his eyes with one hand and sighed deeply.

Lu Yu carefully recalled, then happily turned to embrace Ming Yan. Suddenly, he jolted up and rushed to the bathroom to shower and change underwear.


Author’s Note:

Lu Xiaoyu reminds: Don’t watch inappropriate videos or read books before bed, especially if you don’t have a wife.

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