RBNR Ch2: Qin Family’s Xiao Bao

When he woke up, only Qin Bao was left in the room again.

He sat on the bed in a daze for a while, took out his phone, and typed a message to Xu Tangzhou: [I really didn’t wash strawberries for Li Nanyue.]

Xu Tangzhou must have been busy with rehearsals because he didn’t reply.

It was Sunday, and Qin Bao’s schedule was particularly tight. He had to hurry back to attend the old man’s birthday banquet. The consequence of chatting with friends all night was that he overslept. He didn’t dare to waste any time and hurriedly checked out and headed to the airport. 

There was a traffic jam on the way, and by the time he arrived at the airport, there were only five minutes left before boarding.

Fortunately, because he found Li Nanyue’s luggage dirty, he didn’t bring anything this time, just a large backpack. He wore a mask and ran towards the boarding gate like the wind.

As the last person to board the plane, he inevitably attracted the attention of other passengers. 

Qin Bao hadn’t properly removed his makeup last night, and the tips of his blue-gray hair were still sprinkled with gold powder. He knew he looked a bit haggard, but the Alpha seated next to him had been staring at him for too long.

Qin Bao didn’t want to pay him any attention. Once the plane stabilized, he took out his homework and started working on it intently.

However, the Alpha’s pheromones gradually invaded his nostrils. 

It was deliberately released by the person next to him.

Through the corner of his eye, Qin Bao assessed the situation. The man was probably in his thirties, slightly chubby, and his eyes were fixed on Qin Bao, clearly wanting to strike up a conversation. The unpleasant scent of his pheromones grew stronger and stronger.

Qin Bao had encountered many people like this. After enduring it for a while, he couldn’t take it anymore and slammed his homework shut, yanking off his mask. He turned and asked bluntly, “Have you stared enough?”

The man seemed visibly surprised upon seeing Qin Bao’s face. Despite his tall and slender frame, his angry face clearly showed he was still a teenager, no more than fifteen or sixteen years old. The closed booklet in his hand clearly bore the title: “Capital University Math Challenge.”

The Alpha hurriedly explained, “No, I thought…”

“What did you think?” Qin Bao asked fiercely. “Do you believe I’ll accuse you of s*xual harassment if you keep staring?”

The Alpha awkwardly turned his face away. “…Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I’m sorry.”

Qin Bao glared at him for a moment, making sure he wouldn’t bother him again, before reopening his exercise book and blocking it with his arm.


Landing in the imperial capital coincided with rush hour, and the traffic in the capital was utterly congested.

Qin Bao’s phone kept ringing on the way, with messages from a few childhood friends saying the old man had asked several times where he was, and they were running out of excuses to cover for him. These guys had been brought to the banquet by their parents early in the day, being even more diligent than him, the grandson.

[Lots of guests have arrived, all asking about you.]

[It’s quite grand, I even saw someone from the royal family.]

[Of course, it’s the old man’s seventieth birthday, the royal family has to show some respect.]

[Everyone’s almost here, Brother Bao, where are you?]

The capital was sunny and bright. Stuck in a standstill, Qin Bao tapped the car’s AI several times, asking if there was a shortcut he could take. He knew a shortcut that would get him there quickly once through.

“There’s no way,” the AI, with a bit of attitude, replied. “I’m stuck here and can’t move, so there’s no chance of taking a shortcut. If you’re really in a hurry, I suggest you run. You might be faster than me.”

Qin Bao: “…”

It was still more than twenty kilometers to the banquet hall. How about flying there with a mecha?

[Brother Bao, I brought your suit as you asked, but if you don’t show up soon, we’ll be exposed.]

This message was from Shan Yiming. Qin Bao was currently near Shan Yiming’s place.

Suddenly thinking of something, Qin Bao called him. Shan Yiming answered immediately.

He quickly asked, “Is your bike at home?”

Shan Yiming paused for a moment, “Yes, why?”

“And the key?”

“Yes, but what are you planning? You don’t have a license and can’t ride on the road—”

“Cut the crap,” Qin Bao said. “I’m coming to take your bike over, I’ll be there in ten minutes. Meet me at the door.”

Shan Yiming, a few years older than Qin Bao, had moved out after going to university. His place was close to his school, and Qin Bao knew the door code to his place.

Qin Bao hung up, got out of the car without waiting for Shan Yiming’s freaked-out calls, and wove through the dense traffic, causing a chorus of car horns.

Shan Yiming’s bike was parked obediently in the underground garage.

A silver phantom.

Its perfect streamline, muscular build, and explosive yet weighty appearance made it hard not to notice.

Qin Bao could ride a bike but wasn’t familiar with it, so he wasn’t confident. However, Li Nanyue’s comment about being a “giant baby” had deeply hurt him. He didn’t want to mess up now, as if he really couldn’t manage without someone’s help.

His phone kept ringing. 

Qin Bao awkwardly started the bike, planted his feet, successfully turned around, and then remembered he should wear a helmet.

He parked the bike, found a helmet on the wall rack in Shan Yiming’s garage, put it on, and got back on the bike.

At that moment, he noticed a black car not far away.

Compared to the Phantom, a heavy motorcycle, the car seemed very understated. However, its model silently spoke of its luxury, given that its price was enough to buy dozens of Phantoms.

The car’s windows were tightly closed, and the reflective glass protected the owner’s privacy. Only from certain angles could one vaguely see someone sitting inside.

But now, Qin Bao was sure that there was indeed someone inside the car. The person seemed to have noticed him long ago, silently watching him.

Probably another bored, idiotic Alpha, Qin Bao thought.

Being watched from the shadows felt even more unsettling than being openly stared at. Qin Bao didn’t have time to confront anyone right now; he just wanted to leave quickly. So, he swiftly put on his helmet, started the bike, and sped out of the garage.

Amid the roar of the motorcycle, Professor Feng and his wife arrived beside the black car, only catching a glimpse of a silver shadow.

Professor Feng said, “I think I’ve seen that motorcycle at school.”

His wife, Professor Lin, supporting him, said, “It should be that kid from the Shan family, ShanYiming. I ran into him in the elevator a few days ago. I heard he’s preparing for a race. They are also going to the banquet today.”

The car door of the driver’s seat opened. A young Alpha got out, opened the back door for his parents, and gently asked his father, “Are you sure you still want to go?”

Just before departure, Professor Feng had felt a migraine coming on, so Professor Lin accompanied him back to take his medication while their son, Feng Chengyu, waited. After taking the medicine, he felt much better and waved it off, “I have to go. It’s the old man’s big birthday celebration. How would it look if I didn’t attend?”

Feng Chengyu replied, “Alright, but if you feel any discomfort, you must tell me immediately.”

This house wasn’t often occupied. Both parents were professors at nearby universities. Professor Feng had several projects on hand recently, and he would sometimes stay here overnight if he was working late with students.

Feng Chengyu had spent several years abroad, and upon returning, he was already tall enough that his mother had to look up at him. With his imposing Alpha presence, he had an air of aloofness in his speech that was somewhat intimidating, much like the old master of the Feng family in his younger days.

Professor Lin, smiling, patted him, “Don’t worry. I’m very familiar with your father’s health. He’s just nervous.”

Professor Feng denied it, insisting it was because he stayed up late helping students with experiments last night, “What do I have to be nervous about?”

“It’s been years since you’ve attended such events, and you’re out of practice,” Professor Lin said. “Plus, it’s the first time formally presenting your son there. I saw you picked out several ties last night.”

Professor Feng coughed and changed the subject, “Chengyu, you just returned from the Alliance and aren’t familiar with the local traffic. It’s best to use autopilot.”

Feng Chengyu had already started the car, “It’s fine, I’m used to driving myself, and we have the navigation.”

He was always steady. The car left the garage and smoothly merged into traffic.

The parents resumed their earlier conversation about the motorcycle.

“Isn’t the Shan kid good at academics? Why is he participating in a racing competition?”

“This generation of kids all have their own ideas. They don’t want to follow a prearranged path. Like Xiao Bao from the Qin family, who ran off to become a model.”

The mention of “Xiao Bao from the Qin family” slipped into Feng Chengyu’s ears naturally, as if his parents were just casually bringing it up. He held the steering wheel steadily, watching the continuous flow of traffic ahead.

“Xiao Bao is fourteen this year, right?”


“He’s grown up so fast. Why did he want to become a model?”

“Isn’t it great to chase one’s dreams?” Professor Lin said. “It shows he doesn’t want to be a greenhouse flower but a strong sapling that dares to face the wind and rain.”

Professor Feng looked at Feng Chengyu through the rearview mirror, “Of course, it’s great, but the child is young. I’m afraid the outside world is too complicated. If there’s any fate in the future, someone needs to help him in his career.”

Feng Chengyu turned his gaze away indifferently, not participating in their conversation.

Professor Lin disapproved, “At least Xiao Bao doesn’t race. He seems very well-behaved to me.”

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