RBNR Ch12: Stop Thinking

As soon as Qin Bao got home, he bought a pot online and had a courier deliver it to Feng Chengyu.

Just two minutes after the courier left, he called the courier back and stuffed something into the pot, thinking to himself: Now it’s settled.

Although the old man had relented and didn’t oppose him continuing his modeling career, he didn’t let him go out right away. On the second day back home, Mr. Qin, under the old man’s arrangements, took his son for a medical examination.

The new agreement between the grandfather and grandson was based on Qin Bao’s health index.

The examination was thorough. Qin Bao was led by the guide nurse and ran around all morning. The medical center was deserted, and the medical staff all stared at him.

Two days later, when the examination report came out, the old man’s face was a bit embarrassed. Every indicator for the child was fine, except as an Omega he was quite tall. The doctor suggested more sun exposure and appropriate calcium supplements.

“Gain a few more pounds.” The old man grumbled, waving his cane, “All bones and no meat, don’t let my cane poke through you!”

Then he stormed off.

It meant he still couldn’t go back to work.

Qin Bao was indignant, sticking his tongue out behind his grandfather’s back, while Mama Tao covered her mouth, stifling a laugh.

As misfortune would have it, after missing several days of school and not feeling like studying, he found himself falling behind in class.

This was another red line for the old man, not to be crossed. Wanting to keep his precarious job, Qin Bao had to double down, getting extra tutoring after school and eating more to gain weight.

For better efficiency, he recalled the exercise video Xu Tangzhou had mentioned and quickly opened the chat history to download and study each video.

By the third video, something seemed off.

The elegant instructor in training clothes was replaced by an Omega boy in a school uniform. The boy was dressed oddly, wearing a white shirt with a pleated skirt and white suspender stockings on his slender legs.

Qin Bao frowned, thinking this attire was not suitable for exercise.

Continuing to watch, it got even stranger.

A burly Alpha walked in from outside and, without a word, hugged the coquettish Omea from behind, slipping his hand under the skirt.

Stimulating sounds immediately followed.

Qin Bao’s eyes widened, his face turning red hot. He immediately closed the video!

His heart pounded wildly, and he messaged Xu Tangzhou: [What did you send me?!]

Xu Tangzhou, being abroad, replied late: [What are you talking about?]

He also asked: [Are you home already?]

After a whole afternoon, Qin Bao had calmed down. He decided to have a proper talk with Xu Tangzhou and sent over the prepared message.

[Yeah, I’m back, don’t worry.]

[I know you like someone now, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to date, but you haven’t differentiated yet. You can’t seek thrills like this, right?]

The other side was stunned by his words.

Qin Bao had to be more explicit, saying Xu Tangzhou accidentally sent him a video clip.

Xu Tangzhou: [What the heck?]

[Let me explain, that’s not mine! My friend sent it to me, and I just forwarded it to you without opening it, so I had no idea it had that in it.]

Qin Bao: [Really?]

Xu Tangzhou: [Really! Truer than pearls! If I’m lying, I’ll never chase my brother again!]

Qin Bao then somewhat believed him: [Alright.]

[What kind of friends are you making, spreading things like that around?]

Xu Tangzhou said it was a colleague from his company, also a model, who probably clicked the wrong thing. But Xu Tangzhou, being Xu Tangzhou, actually asked Qin Bao: [Do you still have the video? Can you send it to me? My file seems to have expired.]

Qin Bao: [What do you want to do?]

Xu Tangzhou: [Just… never seen it before, a bit curious. Never mind, I found it here. Is it the third one?]

Qin Bao was speechless: [……]

Alright, he watched it too. Who wouldn’t be curious about these things during adolescence?

Locking the door like a thief, he watched with headphones on. Afterward, he felt his phone was unclean. He gulped down a glass of cold water and went outside to smoke a cigarette to calm down.

After a while, Xu Tangzhou gave feedback: [The first segment is a bit gross, but the Alpha in the second segment looks quite good.]

Qin Bao didn’t watch the second segment but scoffed at Xu Tangzhou’s comment. How good could someone in those videos be? Probably hasn’t seen anything impressive.

If an Alpha was to be considered good-looking, at least they should be like a certain someone, right?

A cold and arrogant face quickly appeared in his mind.

Ding ding, ding.

Alarm bells rang.

Damn it, stop thinking!

Qin Bao cursed, his face wooden with anger at himself, and gulped down another big glass of cold water: [Anyway, you’re not allowed to watch it again.]

Xu Tangzhou: [I won’t watch it anymore. Qin Bao… does the gland really get swollen when you’re turned on?]

Qin Bao: [Yeah.]

He blushed: [Usually during morning wood, but it can also get swollen randomly, filled with gland fluid.]

This recent physical exam checked not only basic items but also his development as an Omega The doctor said his reproductive cavity and glands were well-developed, making him a mature Omega.

In the alliance, young people can apply for marriage at eighteen. The sex ed class explained everything clearly. Xu Tangzhou was curious because he hadn’t experienced gland differentiation yet and couldn’t feel it.

He comforted: [You’ll know in the future.]

Xu Tangzhou wasn’t upset and even laughed in a voice message: [I was just thinking, you’re so fierce, who would dare to bite you in the future.]

Qin Bao was annoyed: [I’m not fierce at all!]

Whether Qin Bao was fierce or not, Brother Lu had a say in that.

During his break from work, Brother Lu hadn’t contacted him much. When he did again, it was because there was finally progress with the watch issue.

Brother Lu said, “An Qingyan didn’t blow us off. He found one of the design assistants for that watch. The guy agreed to privately custom-make the same model for us because of An Qingyan, but we can’t show it off. If found out, he’ll get sued.”

Qin Bao said, “I’ll just collect it, at most wear it myself. Who am I showing off to?”

“Even wearing it yourself is risky. It’s essentially a black market item.” Brother Lu hesitated to suggest, “Maybe we shouldn’t get it?”

At this point, Qin Bao was reluctant to give up.

“Let’s get it. I won’t wear it.”

After all, he wasn’t fond of wearing watches.

Brother Lu couldn’t persuade him and had to tell him the price, hoping the outrageous cost would deter him.

Sure enough, Qin Bao exploded when he heard it: “That’s ridiculous! Why doesn’t he just rob someone?”

“I thought so too. You could buy two high-end custom models for that price.” Brother Lu continued to dissuade, “But he said it’s mainly due to the expensive features in that watch. You wouldn’t believe how crazy it is. There’s only one like it on the market.”

Feng Chu had been evasive about those features. Qin Bao had long wanted to understand: “What features?”

Brother Lu said, “The dial and the base of the hands have safety codes that can quickly send a signal to locate the wearer in case of danger. The watch records the wearer’s DNA and pheromone information. If they experience involuntary heat, it can quickly inject a custom anesthetic strong enough to immobilize a full-grown Alpha, stopping heat to prevent them from marking an Omega for life in a passive situation.”

Qin Bao became more and more shocked as he listened. Those features were really insane!

What exactly was Feng Chengyu doing?

Was he so arrogant that he was afraid of getting involved with any Omega?

Or was this a protective measure from the Feng family for their heir? Qin Bao had heard some rumors that in certain countries within the alliance, nobles would adopt such extreme measures to ensure pure bloodlines.

In this day and age, such things still exist?

“So, we really don’t need to spend a lot of money on this watch.”

Brother Lu said the same thing as Feng Chu.

“You won’t use it.”

Qin Bao rejected: “Buy it!”

Brother Lu had to propose a second suggestion: “How about this, we remove those features and just buy a similar-looking one? It would probably be cheaper.”

Qin Bao stubbornly said: “No, not a single feature should be removed. I don’t want a defective product; I want it exactly the same.”

Brother Lu sighed and said, “Then I’ll get back to the guy. You need to prepare a deposit, which is 50% of the cost.”

As a member of the Qin family, Qin Bao wasn’t as wealthy as Li Nanyue and others thought, able to spend money recklessly. His family managed finances strictly.

As a minor, most of Qin Bao’s income was temporarily managed by Mr. Qin. The small portion he had for daily expenses was far from enough to buy the watch.

However, he could use the funds Ms. Rong had saved for him.

When she heard he was going to spend such a high price on a watch, Ms. Rong wasn’t particularly surprised. She just asked gently, “Bao Bao, do you really like that watch?”

Qin Bao hummed and asked, “Do you agree?”

Ms. Rong, not knowing it was a “black market” watch, assumed he just liked it: “This money was saved by me for you; it’s your own money. You don’t need my consent to buy anything.”

Qin Bao hesitated after hearing this from his mother and asked, “Don’t you think it’s too expensive?”

Ms. Rong smiled: “It is very expensive, but expensive things always have irreplaceable value. Some of the items in my collection are also very expensive. It did hurt to buy them, but they brought me more joy after I owned them. If this item is within your ability to purchase and owning it can bring you long-term joy, then it’s not too expensive.”

Qin Bao let out a long sigh of relief and asked, “Mom, when will you be back?”

“At the end of the month, we’re going abroad. Your grandpa has an art exhibition there.” Ms. Rong said, “After that, he has some lectures and public classes. We haven’t booked the return tickets yet.”

Qin Bao felt a bit down and didn’t say anything.

Ms. Rong knew about his running away from home a few days ago, but she didn’t intervene, letting him handle it himself.

Ms. Rong said, “I watched your Aralory show, every outfit. You performed very well. You looked confident and beautiful, like you were shining.”

When Qin Bao was very young, Ms. Rong took him to dance class. On the first day, he clumsily fell, and Ms. Rong said the same thing. Overall, Ms. Rong always used encouraging education, and sometimes Qin Bao didn’t know if what she said was true or not.

“You really are a bit thin.” Ms. Rong said tactfully, “In the future, you’ll have not just Aralory’s shows but other shows too. You need to consider your future work.”

A stern, elderly voice suddenly interrupted: “Why say so much to him?! Being a model and becoming confident? At his age, he’s still uneducated and addicted to flashy appearances. His father is weak and useless, and you as his mother are overly indulgent!”

Ms. Rong hurriedly covered the phone: “Dad…”

But the voice was still clear.

The old man scolded: “You failed yourself, and you’re spoiling your son. If it weren’t for me taking you in, at your age, how could you start over? When will you wake up?”

Another voice, likely the grandmother, tried to calm things down: “Why say such things when Xiao Bao called…”

The argument quieted down as Ms. Rong seemed to walk away. After a while, her gentle voice returned: “Eat more.”

Qin Bao clenched his phone. The words “I’ll take care of you” were on the tip of his tongue, but after a few seconds, he swallowed them back and sullenly said, “Got it.”

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