Chapter 91: The President Is Very Fierce (23, 24)

Of course, if he passed away with a legal partner, 50% of the Ying family’s assets would belong to his partner. Moreover, until the heir could manage things on their own, all assets would be managed by his partner.

Since the press conference was broadcast live and had a huge impact, Ying Tai and others naturally watched the broadcast online, and Ying Zhao’s actions thoroughly flustered them.

Thinking about how the Ying family’s assets would fall into the hands of the younger generation, Ying Tai became so enraged that he blacked out and fainted.

Fortunately, there were many medical staff at the old residence, and after a flurry of activity, nothing serious happened.

Ying Lifeng ignored the unconscious Ying Tai and stared at the screen with reddened eyes, cursing angrily, “That damn Ying Ruihan! If the Ying family can’t be inherited by the older or peer generations, it will have to go to the younger generation. Are we really going to let those unqualified branch family brats inherit the vast Ying family assets? They don’t deserve it!”

Ying Chenghao also clenched his fists, his eyes glinting with venom as he looked at Ying Zhao.

Then Ying Lifeng, venting his anger, shouted, “Damn it, since he has no children, he won’t let the older generation inherit it. Clearly, we are his uncles and brothers. If we had a child now, I would go kill that Ying Ruihan!”

Hearing Ying Lifeng’s words, Ying Chenghao suddenly remembered Su Ying, who had come to him a few days ago. A fleeting look of joy crossed his face as he turned to Ying Lifeng and said, “Father, there might really be an opportunity. I actually have a child!”

Ying Lifeng was stunned when he heard Ying Chenghao’s claim of having a child. He then remembered the woman who had come to the Ying family a few days ago, claiming to be pregnant with Ying Chenghao’s child, named Su Ying.

After a moment of thought, Ying Lifeng, suspicious, asked Ying Chenghao, “But didn’t you tell me a few days ago that the child in that woman’s belly might not be yours?”

To his surprise, Ying Chenghao suddenly laughed, nodding and saying, “It doesn’t matter whose child is in her belly; what’s important is what outsiders think the child’s origin is!”

Just as Ying Ruihan had said that his heir would be chosen from among the younger generation, so if he were to have an accident, the child closest to his bloodline would be the first in line to inherit the Ying Corporation’s assets.

Therefore, Ying Chenghao felt that Su Ying’s child had come at just the right time. As for whether the child was actually his, it didn’t matter.

“As long as it helps us get the Ying family’s assets, then this child’s existence is not in vain!” Ying Chenghao said with a twisted smile, hiding the darkness in his eyes.

Upon hearing this, Ying Lifeng understood Ying Chenghao’s intentions completely and revealed a malicious smile. Once the inheritance was in the child’s name, they would find a way to get it.

With that, they would no longer have any worries. Indeed, death was the best outcome for Ying Ruihan.

Later, Ying Chenghao naturally found Su Ying, who appeared somewhat disheveled. He was surprised to see that Su Ying looked even more haggard than before. Her eyes were deeply sunken, and even her usually delicate skin seemed rough.

What he didn’t know was that Su Ying had indeed been severely affected recently. She had done so much to keep Ying Chenghao, and despite finally becoming pregnant, he had rejected her. She had been humiliated by him, leaving Su Ying feeling utterly disheartened.

Nevertheless, the female lead had not given up. She thought that as long as she had the child, there would be a chance. She just needed to continue working and look for opportunities.

However, her agency, Yixing Entertainment, recently refused to arrange work for her, saying that the media was attempting to expose her negative news, which they were suppressing. Therefore, Su Ying needed to keep a low profile for a while.

After Su Ying learned about this matter, she thought her multiple affairs had been exposed, and she felt anxious and sleepless for a while.

It wasn’t until she investigated and found that the media had only captured photos of her being thrown out of the car by Ying Chenghao after the charity gala that she somewhat relaxed.

However, even so, without work, she had no source of income, which put immense pressure on Su Ying, causing her to become even more haggard.

When Ying Chenghao saw Su Ying’s disheveled appearance, he felt disgusted but quickly concealed his emotions. He immediately put on a tender and considerate demeanor, showing concern for Su Ying and resuming his caring behavior towards her.

He also explained that his previous words were said in anger, and in reality, he truly loved her. He was just upset about the rumors with others and promised to marry Su Ying soon.

However, this time, Su Ying did not naively believe Ying Chenghao. After watching Ying Zhao’s public press conference, she finally learned about his special identity.

She was shocked after watching the live broadcast and regretted not seizing the opportunity to be with Ying Ruihan. If she had been with Ying Ruihan back then, she might have rightfully obtained the 50% inheritance.

However, no matter how much she regretted, Su Ying knew in her heart that she and Ying Chenghao were now tied together like grasshoppers on the same rope.

And since Ying Ruihan had come out publicly and would not have children, her unborn child would be the future heir of the Ying family.

Thinking about this, Su Ying felt quite confident, so the two people with ulterior motives came together and pretended to be deeply in love in public.

With Ying Chenghao backing her, Su Ying felt empowered and deliberately humiliated those who had previously been at odds with her. She flaunted her power in front of those she envied and lived a life of luxury every day.

To prevent Ying Zhao from making any counteractions, Ying Chenghao deliberately concealed Su Ying’s pregnancy. Their wedding was conducted very hastily, intending to expose Su Ying’s pregnancy only after killing Ying Zhao, using the unborn child to inherit the Ying family’s assets.

However, Ying Lifeng and Ying Chenghao felt the need to act quickly since Ying Zhao and Shi Yanchen had already announced their wedding date.

Ying Lifeng and Ying Chenghao did not know that Ying Zhao and Shi Yanchen had already registered their marriage, so they planned to kill Ying Zhao before Shi Yanchen and Ying Zhao had a legal relationship.

Otherwise, even if Ying Zhao died, 50% of the Ying family’s assets would go to Shi Yanchen, which they absolutely did not want to see.

To eliminate Ying Zhao, the father and son decided to spend a huge sum of money to hire the most elite foreign assassin organization to buy Ying Zhao’s life.

Due to Ying Zhao’s status, the cost of his life almost consumed half of Ying Lifeng’s current wealth, a staggering amount for others.

But as long as they could eliminate Ying Zhao and gain control of the Ying family, Ying Lifeng felt the expense was worth it. Most importantly, this organization claimed never to have missed a target.

So, on the day before Ying Zhao’s scheduled wedding, he suddenly disappeared. This grand wedding, which had attracted everyone’s attention, turned into a hot topic due to Ying Zhao’s disappearance.

Shi Yanchen reported it to the police, but they had no leads; it was as if Ying Zhao had vanished into thin air.

A few days later, the Ying family’s old residence, which had been pretending to be concerned, received a call from the kidnappers saying they had abducted Ying Zhao and demanded a large ransom to release him.

Ying Lifeng was shocked by this call because they had already paid a substantial amount of money but now faced extortion for ransom as well.

Although the caller did not reveal the identity of the person who hired them, Ying Lifeng and Ying Tai were very uneasy, knowing it was the other party’s trick. To appease the situation, they almost gave away the remaining assets to these so-called kidnappers, leaving almost nothing in Ying Tai’s private vault.

After receiving the ransom, the criminals did not cause any more trouble at the old residence but instead announced that Ying Zhao had been killed.

Although the kidnappers provided no evidence, since Ying Zhao had been missing for a while, most people believed their statement.

Upon hearing the news of Ying Zhao’s death, the people at the old residence of the Ying family were immediately eager.

They thought that since Ying Ruihan was already dead and Shi Yanchen’s wedding had not yet taken place, he was not qualified to inherit the inheritance, so they were determined to claim everything from the Ying family.

However, to finalize the inheritance, they first needed to confirm Ying Zhao’s death. But Shi Yanchen disagreed, insisting that Ying Zhao was not dead and continued to search with the police. After all, there was no evidence to prove that Ying Zhao had left the world.

But the people at the old residence were already impatient and thought that Shi Yanchen was delaying their inheritance.

So, they hastened the process of obtaining Ying Zhao’s death certificate and, on the other hand, Ying Tai quickly announced the news of Su Ying’s pregnancy as the head of the old generation of the Ying family.

According to Ying Zhao’s will, this child was the rightful heir to the Ying family’s assets. They also spread rumors that Shi Yanchen wanted to seize the Ying family’s wealth.

Thus, a tug-of-war began between the old residence and Shi Yanchen, which lasted for more than two months and became increasingly intense.

At this time, in a cozy and peaceful courtyard, Ying Zhao, who was thought to be dead by the public, was lazily leaning on his lover, waiting for Shi Yanchen to feed him grapes.

Shi Yanchen looked at Ying Zhao’s lazy cat-like appearance, kissed the corner of his lips, and said with a smile, “Why make it so troublesome? If you don’t like those people at the old residence, it’s easy to crush them.”

Ying Zhao, however, smiled and leaned into Shi Yanchen’s arms, whispering, “But it’s rather boring. I just want to see them expend all their effort and end up with nothing.”

Ying Zhao thought about the surveillance footage sent by Xiao Bai. Ying Lifeng wanted to hire assassins to kill him, needing to put up a large sum of assets and even sought Ying Tai’s help.

After all, Ying Lifeng was also a schemer and would never agree to bear such a large expense alone.

But unexpectedly, Ying Tai was indeed so ruthless. His favoritism reached such a degree that he even used his private funds to assist Ying Lifeng in killing his own grandson.

Ying Tai’s actions, disregarding any family affection, made Ying Zhao see through everything completely, naturally leading him to be merciless.

Thus, the scene of the kidnappers demanding a ransom came about. Ying Zhao knew that even if they had to show it to outsiders, they would agree. After paying the fees to the assassins and the ransom, the old residence’s resources were almost completely depleted.

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Ying Zhao’s eyes as he looked at the children playing under the grape arbor in the yard and tugged at the corner of his mouth.

During this time, he stayed at the old dean’s side. Shi Yanchen had sealed off the roads here under the pretext of road repairs. Almost no one came here, and all supplies were personally delivered by Shi Yanchen. Since he often visited the welfare home, no one suspected anything.

With the company of these children, Ying Zhao felt that this semi-rural life was quite enjoyable. As for the outside affairs, he left them to his lover.

“However, I didn’t expect Li Ge’s partner to be such a big shot. How could the head of a top foreign assassination organization become the executive president of Yixing Entertainment?”

Hearing Shi Yanchen’s words, Ying Zhao shook his head and said indifferently, “That’s Li Ge’s family matter. How would I know it so well? Chen Chen doesn’t need to worry about it. They’re not a threat. But I heard Li Ge say they also plan to hold a wedding and go to the food city in Country A for their honeymoon, asking if we want to go together. I think it’s quite nice. Li Ge also mentioned wanting to see the star beach and night view in Country C!”

Shi Yanchen listened to Ying Zhao and grunted in response. Hearing Ying Zhao continuously mention other people, his eyes narrowed in displeasure.

Then, as if Ying Zhao remembered something, he mentioned Li Ge and Ao Zhan, sincerely admiring them. “They did help a lot this time. It seems Ao Zhan is really impressive. Once everything is settled, let’s treat Li Ge and them to a big meal!”

As Ying Zhao spoke and smiled, he turned his head and noticed the man beside him already had a dark expression.

Sensing his lover’s cold attitude, Ying Zhao, with a strong desire to survive, hugged the man’s arm and quickly smoothed things over, “But no matter how powerful, he’s not as good as my old man! My old man is the most handsome and capable!”

Upon hearing this, Shi Yanchen finally relaxed his brows, rubbed Ying Zhao’s soft forehead, and helplessly kissed the corner of his lips.

Once again lamenting how he was indeed completely captivated by the other, Shi Yanchen sighed and fed grapes from the table to Ying Zhao.

The plump fruit disappeared into Ying Zhao’s crimson lips, and his cheeks were puffed out, looking incredibly cute. That defenseless look nestled in his arms made Shi Yanchen’s gaze deepen.

Unconsciously tightening his arms, breathing in his beloved’s scent, Shi Yanchen thought about whether his lover’s recent attention to others was due to having too little to do.

Even planning to spend the important honeymoon with others instead of enjoying a world for two with him. However, it wasn’t bad if his lover was lively and playful; he had plenty of ways to drain his excess energy.

With this in mind, Shi Yanchen exerted force and picked up Ying Zhao in a horizontal position. Amidst Ying Zhao’s small surprised exclamation, he headed towards the bedroom.

A few days later, the old residence of the Ying family finally bribed the relevant personnel to declare Ying Zhao as deceased and allow his heir to inherit his assets.

Upon hearing the news, Ying Lifeng was overjoyed and immediately informed Ying Chenghao. He brought Su Ying and Ying Tai to the notary’s office, intending to finalize the inheritance matters.

However, when they arrived at the notary’s office, they found many media outlets waiting for them. Even Shi Yanchen was already standing at the door, as if waiting for them.

Fortunately, Old Master Ying was experienced and knew that the Ying family was large and well-known, so he saw the public curiosity and reporters’ cameras as not necessarily a bad thing.

After all, with the media present, it would be clear to Shi Yanchen who the assets actually belonged to, giving a good slap in the face to the person who always hindered them, and there was no fear of him causing trouble again.

Thus, Ying Tai smilingly agreed to the reporters’ live broadcast request and allowed several major media outlets to enter the notary’s room.

Unexpectedly, halfway through the notarization, when it was time to announce the asset allocation, Shi Yanchen suddenly stood up and voiced an objection.

Seeing Shi Yanchen opposing at the last moment, Ying Chenghao, dissatisfied, said to him, “Mr. Shi, you are just an outsider. Even if you had been in a relationship with my cousin for a few days, you were not married. You have no right to stop our Ying family from inheriting the assets.”

To everyone’s surprise, Shi Yanchen, after hearing this, gave him a cold glance and calmly said, “We were already married.”

With that, Shi Yanchen directly retrieved the marriage registration documents between him and Ying Zhao from the internet and displayed them to everyone, proving that he and Ying Zhao were already legally married.

At this point, Old Master Ying and his family were stunned. They only thought that Ying Zhao and Shi Yanchen had a good relationship and planned to hold a wedding but had no idea they were already registered.

After all, according to typical family customs, the registration usually follows the wedding, with the blessings of the elders.

Doesn’t this mean that all of the Ying family’s assets will be under Shi Yanchen’s supervision? Even if Ying Chenghao’s children inherit the assets in the future, they will still have to give away 50% to Shi Yanchen.

He could have explained the situation early on, but he only revealed his marriage with Ying Zhao at the time of the notarization. It was clearly intentional.

In his rage, Old Master Ying lost his breath all at once and fainted. The notarization office became flustered instantly.

But that wasn’t all. To everyone’s astonishment, the door of the notarization office was pushed open again. A person who no one had expected walked in—Ying Zhao.

Ying Zhao, with a bright smile, opened the door and, seeing everyone in a daze, arched his eyebrows and said, “Did I come at the wrong time? I originally had some matters abroad, but unexpectedly, I lost my luggage after arriving there. My phone and documents were in the luggage, making it impossible to contact here and come back. Just now, upon returning to the country, I found out that I was declared dead. What’s this about bandits taking advantage of the fire? Is this what happened?”

Ying Zhao shamelessly spun a lie. Anyway, with Xiao Bai and his own man cleaning up after him, these lies would turn into truth.

Ying Lifeng was stunned by Ying Zhao’s words, while Ying Chenghao clenched his fists. Seeing Ying Zhao, who was standing intact before them without any sign of being kidnapped or abused, and seemingly even plumper than before, it was clear they had been played by Ying Zhao.

Ying Lifeng trembled and pointed at Ying Zhao, unable to speak for a long time. Ying Chenghao, still somewhat rational, pulled his father and planned to leave, as staying there was of no benefit to them.

Who knew, Shi Yanchen stood up and directly blocked their way. He then took out his phone, opened the connected flight projector, and played the so-called secretly filmed footage Ying Zhao had given him.

In the footage, everyone saw how Ying Lifeng and Ying Chenghao secretly bribed assassins, attempting to kill Ying Zhao. They also saw how they conspired with Ying Tai, disregarding family bonds, only wanting to seize the Ying family’s inheritance.

As the reporters present were live streaming, these images were immediately seen by netizens watching online.

People offline were in an uproar. They hadn’t expected that someone would do such things to family members for the sake of property. They felt deep sympathy for Ying Zhao, who had been schemed against by his own family.

The police in charge of investigating the incident rushed out and arrested Ying Lifeng and Ying Chenghao. Ying Tai, because of his coma, was carried to an ambulance by emergency personnel. However, upon waking up midway and learning about this shocking news, he died in the ambulance.

Su Ying, panicking and unsure what to do with her pregnancy, watched everything unfold in a daze. She knew that Ying Zhao had won this round and Ying Chenghao had lost thoroughly.

From now on, the people of the old house would become prisoners. What should she and her child do?

Su Ying regretted deeply. She had demeaned herself to marry into a wealthy family. Now the child in her womb had become a bastard, no longer bringing her any benefit.

But the child’s months were already advanced, and aborting it would be dangerous. This made Su Ying furious, and she looked at Ying Zhao with eyes full of regret. If she had known this person’s identity from the beginning, she wouldn’t have ended up like this.

Ying Zhao made Ying Lifeng and Ying Chenghao become prisoners at what they thought was the peak of their lives.

The bribery issue, as well as the attempts to quickly verify Ying Zhao’s death, were all exposed.

Even Ying Lifeng’s previous abuse of power to amass wealth in the Ying Shi Group was revealed by the investigation team. His remaining years would be spent in prison.

As for Ying Chenghao, though his crimes didn’t warrant a life sentence, his reputation was completely tarnished. Once a celebrated actor, he became a pariah.

Even if he left prison in the future, he would already be old, and his life would be thoroughly over.

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