Chapter 9: The Disfigured and Blind Sect Leader (9)

The people of the Piaomao Pavilion quickly reunited with Ying Zhao based on Wen Renming’s directions. The team flew continuously towards the southeast, but even after a long time, they only saw vast forests.

After about half a day’s journey, they finally stopped for a brief rest. Ying Zhao then realized just how expansive this secret realm was—after half a day of sword flight, there was still no end in sight.

Xiao Lie chose an open area with a good view and had everyone land there. The surrounding forest was dense, and the trees seemed ancient, covered in clusters of vines.

Once all the members of the Piaomao Pavilion had landed, Xiao Lie walked up to Ying Zhao and, with an unhappy expression, questioned him:

“Yunping, where exactly did you all go earlier? You disappeared in the blink of an eye, and I called you with the communication talisman for so long without a reply!”

As he spoke, Xiao Lie’s eyes burned with anger as he looked at Wen Renming beside him. Ying Zhao calmly stepped in front of Wen Renming, smiling as he said:

“Senior Brother, I just found the scenery of this secret realm so beautiful that I got absorbed in admiring it and didn’t notice what was behind me. Senior Brother, you wouldn’t be angry with me over this, would you?”

Xiao Lie was momentarily stunned by the smile on Ying Zhao’s face, feeling a touch of sentiment. Although he had no genuine feelings for Ying Yunping and was only using him, given Ying Yunping’s appearance, indulging in such a romance didn’t seem so bad.

Thinking of Ying Yunping’s past gentle attentions, Xiao Lie eventually softened his attitude, shaking his head. However, when he saw Wen Renming reach out to hold Ying Zhao’s wrist and Ying Zhao not resisting, a flash of displeasure crossed Xiao Lie’s eyes.

He looked at Wen Renming as if he were a dead man and, with a cold laugh, said to Ying Zhao:

“How could Senior Brother be angry with you? After all, you are my most beloved junior brother! I will take good care of you.”

Upon hearing Xiao Lie’s words, Wen Renming tightened his grip on Ying Zhao’s wrist, though his expression remained unchanged. Instead, he intertwined his fingers with Ying Zhao’s right in front of Xiao Lie.

Seeing their clasped hands, Xiao Lie harshly said to Wen Renming:

“Wen Renming, how much further is it to the place where we can obtain the ‘Qingyuan Jue’? We’ve been flying in this secret realm for half a day, yet all we’ve seen are forests. You better not be deceiving us!”

Xiao Lie’s tone was exceedingly arrogant. Though he was just an ordinary disciple of the Piaomao Pavilion, his exceptional talent should have had him addressing Wen Renming as Sect Leader. But he not only called him by his name directly but did so with such insolence, clearly showing no regard for Wen Renming.

Wen Renming, however, seemed entirely unbothered by Xiao Lie’s attitude. He even smiled as he replied:

“There’s no need to rush, Daoist Xiao. I can sense that the ‘Qingyuan Jue’ isn’t far now. Another hour or so of sword flight should bring us to the approximate location.”

Hearing this, Xiao Lie ceased his questioning. Just as he was about to turn and leave, a disciple from the Piaomao Pavilion suddenly shouted:

“Look over there! Isn’t that a Zixiao Flower on the ground?”

The Zixiao Flower is a rare and precious herb in the cultivation world. Its scarcity and value are well known—just one could be exchanged for a high-grade spirit stone, making it incredibly valuable.

Upon hearing the disciple, everyone looked in the direction he pointed. Sure enough, there was a large cluster of Zixiao Flowers, with dense spiritual energy swirling around them.

Then another disciple pointed at a nearby tree and shouted:

“Look at that tree! Aren’t those rare Zhu Fruits?”

No one expected so many treasures in this secret realm. Everyone began to scrutinize their surroundings, exclamations of amazement echoing all around.

Xiao Lie hurriedly went over. Seeing that they were right, he casually waved his hand and collected all the Zixiao Flowers and Zhu Fruits into his Qiankun Bag.

The others didn’t expect Xiao Lie to act so quickly and greedily, leaving nothing for them. But since Xiao Lie was the leader today and the highest-ranking and most powerful among them, they could only fume silently.

Xiao Lie, however, ignored their reactions, acting as if it were his due. Turning to the disciples still staring at him, he said:

“What are you all looking at? Since we found Zixiao Flowers and Zhu Fruits so easily here, there must be other treasures around. It’s rest time now, so spread out and search. Any valuable herbs or treasures you find, bring them all back to the Piaomao Pavilion.”

Everyone agreed that Xiao Lie made sense and began to scour the area meticulously, hunting for more precious herbs.

Ying Zhao watched coldly. Although Wen Renming had previously mentioned to Nan Zheng that any treasures found in the secret realm could be theirs, most cultivators would only take one or two items, never as greedily as the Piaomao Pavilion members. Their shamelessness in wanting to sweep the entire secret realm into their bags was infuriating.

Feeling displeased, Ying Zhao turned to see Wen Renming still smiling serenely, unaffected by the actions of the Piaomao Pavilion members. It was as if they were packing away mere cabbages instead of priceless treasures. Ying Zhao leaned closer to Wen Renming and whispered:

“Renming, they’re taking all the treasures from this secret realm. Don’t you feel any regret for your family’s secret realm?”

Wen Renming, hearing this, simply smiled and shook his head.

“These are merely worldly possessions, not worth worrying over.”

He lowered his eyes and gently squeezed Ying Zhao’s hand, thinking to himself, “My most precious treasure is right before me. How could I care about anything else?”

However, since these people from the Piaomao Pavilion intended to scheme against me from the start, and Xiao Lie dares to covet my cherished treasure, they will soon learn that the spiritual herbs in this secret realm are not so easily obtained for free.

With this thought, Wen Renming’s smile widened. His fingers moved slightly, and instantly, the entire secret realm’s weather changed dramatically.

The previously clear sky suddenly became overcast, and fierce winds began to blow. Soon, thunder began to roar. As the sky darkened suddenly, everyone felt a pang of unease.

Cultivators tend to trust their instincts, and sensing danger, the members of the Piaomao Pavilion quickly gathered together.

Xiao Lie, fastening two already full Qiankun Bags to his waist, turned to Wen Renming with a frown and asked:

“Wen Renming, what is going on? Why did the weather in this secret realm suddenly change?”

Wen Renming showed a puzzled expression, shook his head at Xiao Lie, and said:

“I am also in this secret realm for the first time, so I don’t know what has happened.”

Just as he finished speaking, the ground began to tremble. The surrounding plants suddenly seemed to come alive, and the vines on the trees started to wriggle restlessly.

Then, thick vines as wide as bowls burst from the ground, and the branches and vines of the trees began to lash at the members of the Piaomao Pavilion, launching a fierce attack on them.

Caught off guard by this sudden assault, everyone used all their strength and magic to try to fend off the attacking plants.

However, these vines seemed endless, no matter how they were cut or burned, new ones quickly grew back.

Yet, these vines only attacked the members of the Piaomao Pavilion and did not touch Wen Renming and Ying Zhao.

Standing nearby, Xiao Lie quickly noticed this discrepancy. While cutting down the attacking vines with his sword, he turned and angrily shouted at Wen Renming:

“Why are these vines only attacking us and not you and Yunping! Wen Renming, what trick are you playing?”

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