Chapter 81: The President Is Fierce (3,4)

Mu Qing pouted unhappily and continued to Ying Zhao, “You should know that finding you in this spiritual artifact with its myriad small worlds was quite an effort!”

Upon hearing Mu Qing’s words, Ying Zhao understood that because his system Xiao Bai was refined with Bai Rui’s divine power. Although Xiao Bai had always been assisting him, the true control over Xiao Bai was still held by Bai Rui.

Bai Rui had been paying attention to Xiao Bai’s movements to ensure Ying Zhao’s safety, as the world within the spiritual artifact could not be fully controlled. After all, Bai Rui had once suffered a great loss in this spiritual artifact while nurturing his divine soul.

However, seeing Mu Qing’s casual demeanor, Ying Zhao was still a bit puzzled and asked, “Then why are you the one searching for me? Bai Rui has direct sensing over Xiao Bai; it would be much easier for him to find me than you.”

Mu Qing, recalling the guy who was always guarding Bai Rui, twitched his mouth and said, “Do you think Ju Mang would allow Bai Rui to come into the spiritual artifact after all those calamities? Bai Rui had no choice but to find me. Besides, it’s rather inconsiderate of you to undertake such a dangerous task without telling me!”

Hearing Mu Qing’s words, Ying Zhao felt warmth in his heart. Mu Qing was the previous generation’s God of Hundred Flowers. Ying Zhao had recognized Mu Qing as soon as he gained spiritual intelligence after being born into the world.

The two had been true friends for many years. It was only later that Ying Zhao became busy evading Zhu Que and had seldom left the Celestial Emperor’s garden, so he had not been in touch with Mu Qing for a long time.

Seeing his friend now, Ying Zhao naturally could not hide his joy. While he was thinking about this, he heard Mu Qing ask him, “So, are you sure you really want to be with Zhu Que?”

Ying Zhao was momentarily stunned by Mu Qing’s question. Thinking about the lover who had accompanied him through so many worlds, he showed a gentle smile and nodded firmly.

Seeing that Ying Zhao had finally recognized his own feelings, Mu Qing was relieved and smiled at him, saying, “That’s good. Seeing you like this, I know that guy can finally get what he wished for!”

Ying Zhao curved his eyebrows and, thinking about Mu Qing’s purpose for coming, could not help but ask, “So, you’ve confirmed that I’m fine and are going to leave?”

Mu Qing shook his head. “I’m not leaving this world just yet; consider it as accompanying my partner on a honeymoon. Maybe I can still help you. After all, I have to thank Zhu Que for helping me and Ao Zhan get together.”

Ying Zhao was a bit puzzled by Mu Qing’s words. He knew his friend had found a partner, but hearing that it was somehow related to Zhu Que piqued his curiosity.

Ying Zhao wanted to ask more, but Mu Qing waved his hand, tossing a piece of green stone into Ying Zhao’s hand. He said, “Let’s talk about these matters in detail after you come out. Although in this small world, Ao Zhan and I have Ju Mang’s magic protection, which allows us to somewhat bypass the world’s rules, there is still the observation of the Heavenly Dao. It’s better not to discuss these things too much. This stone is a Recollection Stone that Zhu Que gave me in the past. It’s a debt I owe him, and it still has one use left. I’m giving it to you now. You can keep it with Xiao Bai; it might be useful in the future.”

Ying Zhao looked curiously at the green square stone in his hand, knowing that such an item was highly valued even in the Celestial Realm.

However, why would Zhu Que give such an item to Mu Qing? Ying Zhao clearly remembered that Mu Qing and Zhu Que did not have much interaction.

Since Mu Qing said that he and Ao Zhan received Zhu Que’s help, and Zhu Que was willing to help them, there was only one possibility. It was because of Ying Zhao’s friendship with Mu Qing.

Unexpectedly, his lover had not only been guarding him at all times without his knowledge but had also generously helped his important friend. Thinking of this made Ying Zhao’s heart warm and his longing for his lover increased.

From Mu Qing, Ying Zhao learned that his partner Ao Zhan had also come to this small world and was now serving as the visible president of Yixing Entertainment Company. He immediately realized that Mu Qing’s statement about bringing his old partner to the small world for a honeymoon was not a lie.

Seeing that Ying Zhao was indeed fine, Mu Qing was relieved. He told him to contact him if needed and then irresponsibly left Ying Zhao alone at the filming location to enjoy his time with his beloved partner.

Although Ying Zhao looked at Mu Qing’s departing back and complained about his friend prioritizing his lover over friendship, he realized that he might not be much better.

Ying Zhao adjusted his state in the rest room and then returned to the filming location. This time, when all the cameras were ready and the director shouted “Action,”

Ying Zhao’s eyes instantly lost their emptiness and were no longer the original host’s dull appearance. Instead, he seemed to be above it all, embodying a truly high and ethereal presence.

The wind blew his white robe as Ying Zhao’s tall figure stood under the cherry blossom tree, gazing into the distance. This celestial pose made everyone on set hold their breath. Even the usually picky Gao Sheng was highly satisfied and instructed Ying Zhao to maintain this state.

Then, Gao Sheng had someone bring an ancient zither, letting Ying Zhao sit in front of it and pose as if drinking wine and playing the zither. Of course, Gao Sheng did not expect Ying Zhao to actually play the zither; it was just for the sake of posing.

Ying Zhao had lived for so many years, so such a minor skill was naturally no challenge for him. In the past, he had even visited the mortal world and associated with renowned masters; his zither skills were far beyond what ordinary people could compare to.

Although Ying Zhao thought the original host’s low-key personality was very good, when it came to the work he had taken over, he would not hesitate to do his best.

Therefore, Gao Sheng, who initially planned only to film Ying Zhao playing the zither and then cover the sound in post-production, soon heard an astonishingly beautiful piece.

Ying Zhao turned the wine cup in his hand, tilting his head to drink the fine wine in one gulp. His crimson lips instantly became moist, and the slight blush on his cheeks seemed to finally add a touch of mortal mist to his celestial aura.

Ying Zhao’s face showed a mesmerizing smile. Seemingly inspired by the wine, his long fingers caressed the zither strings, and a heavenly melody flowed out. It harmonized with the beautiful scenery behind him, blending into one.

Everyone’s gaze was fixed firmly on Ying Zhao. When the piece ended, the crowd remained in a trance for a long time. It wasn’t until Ying Zhao grew a bit impatient and looked towards Gao Sheng with a puzzled expression that Gao Sheng finally snapped out of it, hurriedly shouting “Cut!” and then excitedly looking at the footage already recorded, loudly declaring to those around him, “Has all the filming from various angles been recorded? Don’t move a single frame; I want to edit it personally!”

After saying this, the director, with a beaming smile, ran to Ying Zhao’s side and said, “Ruihan, your performance just now was excellent! You can take a break; I have a new idea, and you might need to work hard again for the next scene.”

Ying Zhao nodded in response, obediently sitting on a chair prepared for him. Gao Sheng looked at Ying Zhao’s compliant demeanor with a smile that widened, thinking he might have discovered a hidden gem.

Due to Ying Zhao’s outstanding performance, everyone on set looked at him differently, as if they were seeing a future superstar.

Only Su Ying, not far away, could not hide the complexity in her eyes. She frowned as she looked at Ying Zhao. Although she had been cared for by Ying Ruihan for a long time, even receiving some resources from him to play small roles,

In reality, Su Ying had always looked down on Ying Ruihan. She thought the original host was just a pretty face with no real acting skills.

Yet, despite the limited workload given to Ying Ruihan by Yixing, they always provided him with the best resources. This made Su Ying very unhappy.

She even maliciously speculated that Ying Ruihan must have done something unspeakable with the higher-ups at Yixing to receive such preferential treatment.

However, no matter how much the higher-ups favored him, his acting skills were still poor and could only rely on his looks to attract fans. This made Su Ying jealous and also dissatisfied with the original host.

Seeing her own lack of background and clearly sensing Ying Ruihan’s interest in her, Su Ying decided to cling to him without hesitation.

But for some reason, Su Ying felt that today he seemed much colder towards her. Looking at Ying Zhao sitting on a chair in the set, resting with his eyes closed,

Su Ying suppressed her unease and put on a gentle smile. She walked to Ying Zhao’s side, brought him the prepared coffee, and, as usual, inquired about his well-being.

Seeing Ying Zhao respond to her in his usual warm manner, Su Ying felt a bit relieved. After a while, when director Gao Sheng came to discuss the next scene with Ying Zhao, Su Ying hurriedly left.

Su Ying was also going to appear in this advertisement, which Ying Ruihan had requested for her. Originally, the advertisement only required one male lead, but Ying Ruihan had the higher-ups at Yixing negotiate with Gao Sheng to add a female lead. This would allow for a scene where the two of them drank together, creating a romantic atmosphere.

Gao Sheng thought this idea was good and agreed. So, after taking care of Ying Zhao, Su Ying hurried off to the makeup room to prepare her outfit.

Gao Sheng now discussed with Ying Zhao a scene he had planned to add at the last minute, a flying scene. He hoped Ying Zhao could be suspended from a wire and descend from the sky, landing under the cherry blossom tree. This would further highlight his celestial demeanor, combined with the previously filmed scene of drinking and playing the zither.

Ying Zhao naturally agreed and, following the director’s instructions, put on the harness and was suspended in mid-air. However, as soon as he was lifted high, he noticed that the harness seemed a bit problematic and did not feel very secure.

As expected, when Ying Zhao reached the highest point, the steel cable on the harness suddenly broke. As everyone screamed, thinking a serious accident was about to happen, Ying Zhao turned in mid-air, using the nearby branches to gently descend, appearing truly like a martial arts master. Everyone was stunned and wide-eyed.

So, when Shi Yanchen arrived, he happened to witness this scene.

A man in white robes descended from the sky, like a celestial being. His appearance was not something a mortal should possess. However, his eyes were too cold, and Shi Yanchen felt a sense of an upper-class aura. The divine appearance of the man made one dare not desecrate him.

For some reason, the moment Shi Yanchen saw him, he felt a heavy thump in his heart. A fluttering sensation he had not experienced in over thirty years made him stand frozen, unable to move a single step.

It was only when the stagehand responsible for props rushed to Ying Zhao’s side that Shi Yanchen realized it had been an accident. The harness had broken in mid-air.

Thinking that if it weren’t for the person’s remarkable skills, anyone else falling from such a height would likely be seriously injured or paralyzed, Shi Yanchen felt a wave of fear.

The stagehand, nervously running to Ying Zhao, anxiously asked, “Brother Rui! I’m so sorry, it was my mistake! Are you alright?”

Seeing Ying Zhao shake his head, the person on the other side finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, Ying Zhao still intended to give a warning, as such a serious mistake could potentially harm people in the future. He wanted to make sure the person learned a lesson and was more careful in the future.

Before he could speak, he noticed someone approaching him. The person suddenly shouted at the stagehand, “Do you think saying sorry is enough? If he had really been hurt, I would have demanded your life!”

The stagehand quickly turned around and saw a fierce-looking man. The murderous intent in his eyes made him shrink back involuntarily.

He immediately began to tremble and bowed apologetically. Ying Zhao had intended to say a few words to the stagehand, but seeing his fearful demeanor gave him a headache. He waved his hand, letting the stagehand leave.

Shi Yanchen watched the stagehand, who had escaped like he had been granted a pardon, and frowned in dissatisfaction. He then turned to look at the sweating man in front of him and quickly took out his handkerchief to help Ying Zhao wipe his forehead.

While wiping the sweat, Shi Yanchen asked with concern, “Are you really okay? Do you need to go to the hospital for a check-up?”

Ying Zhao allowed the man to wipe his forehead, calmly observing the tall man in front of him. He thought to himself that his lover was still so charming.

His physique remained quite robust, though the lines looked a bit colder. There was a scar over his right eye that cut through the eyelid and eyebrow. It didn’t look ugly but rather made the man seem more wild, with an innate aura of authority.

Seeing the man’s reflexive concern for him, Ying Zhao felt a warmth in his heart. After observing him for a while, he hid the smile in his eyes.

Taking a step back to avoid the man’s hand still wiping his sweat, he softly asked, “Sorry, may I ask who you are?”

Shi Yanchen was momentarily stunned by Ying Zhao’s words. He hadn’t expected to burst out with such reckless words and then independently wipe the man’s sweat.

Making such a familiar gesture, it was no wonder the person opposite might be on guard. Shi Yanchen smiled wryly, feeling that all the sophistication and intelligence he had accumulated over the years seemed to have gone to waste.

But he quickly regained his composure. With a calm expression, he put his handkerchief back into his pocket, adjusted his suit, and revealed a smile he considered gentle.

Extending his hand to Ying Zhao, he said, “Hello, I’m Shi Yanchen . The product you’re filming in this advertisement is just launched by our company.”

Ying Zhao nodded, agreeing to shake the man’s hand. He introduced himself, “Ying Ruihan.”

The moment Shi Yanchen’s hand touched Ying Zhao’s, he felt an electric shock spread through his body, ultimately concentrating at one point. This unprecedented sensation made him somewhat flustered. However, he still managed to maintain his composure, politely shaking Ying Zhao’s hand before pulling it back.

As he hid his hand behind him, he couldn’t help but secretly fiddle with his fingertips, as if savoring the warmth of Ying Zhao’s palm. Unbeknownst to him, his physical reaction had already been noticed by Ying Zhao.

Shi Yanchen had heard the name Ruihan before, given that the title of the nation’s top beauty was quite famous.

However, Shi Yanchen knew that people only knew him as Ruihan. Since Ying Zhao had used his surname when introducing himself, it seemed he was giving his real name.

Why would he reveal his real name instead of his well-known stage name upon first meeting? Could it be that he has some affection for me?

Thinking of this, Shi Yanchen felt a bit elated. He then felt a heavy pat on his shoulder from behind.

Gao Sheng, looking displeased, said to him, “Lao Shi, if there’s nothing wrong, go stand aside and don’t interfere with my actor’s filming!”

Hearing Gao Sheng’s words, Shi Yanchen narrowed his eyes and glanced casually at Gao Sheng, making him shiver uncontrollably.

His attention had been completely on the filming earlier, so he had inadvertently spoken to Shi Yanchen in the same tone he used with other staff on set.

At this moment, Shi Yanchen’s gaze made Gao Sheng realize that the man was someone he had always feared, someone who seemed almost inhumanly ruthless.

Instinctively wanting to back down, but realizing there were many staff members watching, Gao Sheng could only hold firm and said to Shi Yanchen , “We still need to shoot the next scene. Lao Shi, there are chairs over there; why don’t you sit in my seat and watch for a while?”

Hearing Gao Sheng’s tone turn into a suggestion, Shi Yanchen withdrew his gaze. Noticing that Ying Zhao seemed a bit curious about him, he couldn’t help but blush. He quickly lowered his head, cleared his throat, and then turned to walk toward Gao Sheng’s seat.

As he turned, he still felt Ying Zhao’s almost imperceptible gaze on him, which made him stiffen and feel as though he was on edge.

Although the harness incident had occurred, it made the scene that Gao Sheng wanted to film even more perfect. Without the harness, Ying Zhao’s graceful descent using the tree branches appeared even more free and natural.

Gao Sheng was very satisfied, comforted Ying Zhao, and then filmed some simpler scenes, such as drinking and admiring the scenery.

Meanwhile, Shi Yanchen watched Ying Zhao with admiration, and when he saw Ying Zhao swallowing the wine, his throat involuntarily swallowed in response, feeling very thirsty.

He thought Ying Zhao’s crimson, moist lips were tempting, and Shi Yanchen took a deep breath, feeling his body stir again. The arousal that had finally subsided began to rise slightly again.

Realizing the changes in his body, Shi Yancheng was shocked as he looked at Ying Zhao. He didn’t expect that merely looking at the man would make him lose control so easily. Yet, he felt no sense of disgust, only a deep sense of joy.Yanchen

Watching the man’s every expression and smile, Shi Yanchen felt a burning desire in his heart. He had never wanted something so urgently before, despite years of working hard in the business world, accumulating significant wealth. Even with all his achievements, he had felt unfulfilled, as if no matter how hard he worked or how successful he became, his inner world remained calm and unaffected.

Life had seemed like a dry well, with no significant ripples until he met this person.

Shi Yanchen lowered his head, hiding the dark gleam in his eyes, with an unprecedented resolve in his heart. He felt that no matter what it took, he wanted to have Ying Zhao.

He quickly called his subordinates, instructing them to gather detailed information about Ying Zhao and send it to his email.

Meanwhile, Ying Zhao, taking a break from work, glanced over at his lover. Seeing Shi Yanchen staring at him with an infatuated look, he almost burst out laughing.

Fortunately, he remembered to maintain his persona and managed to hold back his laughter. As for Shi Yanchen’s real identity, Ying Zhao was well aware of it.

Not to mention that he was involved in an advertisement where knowing the client’s boss was inevitable. From another perspective, even from the original’s years in the business world, a rising star like Shi Yanchen, who made such rapid progress, would certainly catch attention.

Shi Yanchen was a self-made entrepreneur with no background, suddenly emerging in recent years and cutting through obstacles, making many people gape in amazement.

His sharp vision, fierce methods, and relentless approach earned him the nickname “Crane and Ostrich” among his rivals. This nickname referred to his claws being as sharp as daggers, capable of digging out people’s internal organs, and labeled as a “killing machine.”

What intrigued Ying Zhao more was Shi Yanchen’s personal life. Despite his exceptional business skills, there were rumors that this wealthy bachelor was impotent. At thirty years old, he had never been seen with any women or men.

There was even a case where a woman at a social event tried to drug him, but Shi Yanchen remained unaffected, with no reaction at all.

Although the woman and those who instructed her faced Shi Yanchen’s cruel revenge, the rumor of his impotence had spread widely.

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