Chapter 8: The Disfigured and Blind Sect Leader (8)

The next morning, the people sent to the secret realm by the Piaomao Pavilion gathered in the main hall. Ying Zhao casually glanced around, seeing about a dozen followers, all experts from the Piaomao Pavilion.

He squinted his eyes and noticed that each of them had more than one Qiankun Bag tied to their waists. He thought to himself, could it be that these people really intend to bring back all the treasures from the secret realm?

Nan Zheng walked up to Wen Renming with a smile and said:

“Dear nephew, why haven’t we seen anyone from the Qingliu Sect?”

Wen Renming shook his head in response, looking somewhat embarrassed as he said:

“The people of Qingliu Sect have relatively low cultivation levels, and bringing them along would only hinder the Piaomao Pavilion. So, I didn’t call them to follow.”

The people of the Piaomao Pavilion, upon hearing Wen Renming’s words, all showed disdain. Nan Zheng nodded, not suspecting anything, and was very satisfied, thinking that this would make the Piaomao Pavilion’s actions more convenient.

After signaling to Ying Zhao and Xiao Lie, he turned and walked out of the hall, arriving at an open space. He took out the jade slip that Wen Renming had given him earlier and began to chant, activating the power within the jade slip.

In no time, the jade slip started to tremble slightly, emitting a gentle red glow. The space in front of them began to distort and expand slowly until it was wide enough to accommodate two people side by side before it stopped.

Only then did Nan Zheng put away the jade slip, turning to the crowd and saying:

“The secret realm is now open. I will guard the entrance here just in case. You should proceed quickly.”

After saluting Nan Zheng, the crowd took out their flying artifacts without hesitation, passing through the entrance and entering the secret realm.

Because Wen Renming was seen as a blind and useless person by the people of the Piaomao Pavilion, it naturally fell to Ying Zhao to take him along on his sword.

Ying Zhao’s sword, called Frost and Snow, was a family heirloom passed down through the generations. Though its power was not earth-shattering, it was light and swift, making it a treasure. Every time this sword was swung, the sword flowers it created looked like falling snowflakes, hence the name Frost and Snow.

Ying Zhao took Wen Renming’s hand and stepped onto Frost and Snow. He then placed Wen Renming’s hands around his waist, turning his head to softly say:

“Wen Renmeing, hold on tight.”

Wen Renming nodded, tightening his grip around Ying Zhao’s waist, finding it so slender that it seemed he could hold it with just his two hands.

Seeing Wen Renming steady himself, Ying Zhao smiled at him, formed a spell, and flew on the sword towards the entrance of the secret realm.

Waiting at the entrance inside the secret realm, Xiao Lie and the others from the Piaomao Pavilion followed closely behind. Xiao Lie, seeing the intimate interaction between Ying Zhao and Wen Renming, felt a surge of displeasure.

After passing through a thick fog, they arrived at a vast and different world within the secret realm.

Ying Zhao hadn’t flown for a long time and now, flying with Wen Renming, he felt quite pleased. The scenery in the secret realm was pleasant, and the weather was clear.

Taking a deep breath, Ying Zhao suddenly thought of his carefree days in the past. He patted Wen Renming’s hand and turned his head to smile at him, saying:

“Wen Ren, I feel the wind is nice; I want to fly faster. Hold on tighter.”

Wen Renming nodded, holding Ying Zhao tighter and resting his chin on his shoulder. This intimate gesture made Xiao Lie, not far behind, frown.

Before Xiao Lie could think more, the two quickly flew forward, disappearing from sight. The crowd, caught off guard, could only watch as they vanished.

Flying in the sky reminded Ying Zhao of his past, wandering with wings spread. Sometimes Zhuque would accompany him, flying alongside. Ying Zhao could never forget Zhuque’s stunning appearance, so majestic and heart-stirring.

Thinking of this, Ying Zhao turned to look at Wen Renming and couldn’t resist touching his face. When did he start liking him so much?

Why hadn’t he noticed before? Or had he always resisted thinking deeply about it? Looking into Wen Renming’s sightless eyes, Ying Zhao felt a surge of guilt.

They had flown so fast that they had left the others far behind, out of sight. This was deliberate on Ying Zhao’s part—a bit of ingrained recklessness.

Seeing no one around, Ying Zhao smiled and softly called in Wen Renming’s ear, “Wen Renming.”

As soon as Wen Renming heard Ying Zhao’s call, he looked up, immediately feeling a soft touch on his lips.

Wen Renming’s heart trembled, feeling as if an electric current surged through his body. Ying Zhao felt the same, unable to resist the taste of Wen Renming’s lips.

Ying Zhao always followed his heart; even if he felt shy, he wouldn’t suppress himself. So, their lips met and their breaths intertwined.

After a long while, Ying Zhao lifted his head, his eyes bright as he gazed at Wen Renming like he was a delicious treat. Seeing Wen Renming blush, Ying Zhao smiled and sought his lips again.

Having calmed down, Ying Zhao kissed Wen Renming gently, then pulled back, repeatedly pecking his lips as if he found something amusing. Wen Renming held onto Ying Zhao from behind, letting him kiss freely.

Ying Zhao found Wen Renming’s lips not particularly soft, but the skin contact was addictive. Humming internally, Ying Zhao rubbed his nose against Wen Renming’s, loving the intimacy.

After a while, he suddenly realized he had been flying rapidly without guiding Wen Renming, completely losing direction.

Stopping his playful actions, Ying Zhao halted the sword and looked around, not recognizing the place. He turned to Wen Renming, chuckled dryly, and said:

“Wen Renming, do you know where we are? I seemed to have lost direction flying forward…”

Wen Renming paused, suppressing a smile, and nodded, saying:

“Though I’ve never been to the secret realm, I can sense the general direction. We should fly southeast.”

Ying Zhao nodded quickly, flying in the indicated direction while muttering softly.

“Beauty truly is distracting! I almost forgot our journey.”

He then activated the communication talisman that had been glowing for a while, informing Xiao Lie and the others of their approximate location.

Behind Ying Zhao, Wen Renming, whose facial scars couldn’t be fully covered by his mask, touched it, blinking in confusion.

Blushing deeply, he buried his face in Ying Zhao’s shoulder, smiling broadly.

Did Yunping really like him, as those continuous kisses suggested?

Wen Renming could hardly believe it but couldn’t suppress the warmth in his heart, feeling those kisses were melting him.

Taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart, Wen Renming silently repeated,

“Yunping, what should I do with you? I’m already falling for you so hard!”

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