Chapter 78: The Secret Guard Is Mentally Ill (20, 21)

Ying Zhao did not expect Lu Yi to be in his room, and raised his eyebrows in surprise. However, he did not speak, merely watching silently as the two people knelt on the ground.

Ying Zhao’s silence made Lu Yi’s heart beat faster. Early this morning, Lu San had come to him and said that the young master seemed a bit unwell and he didn’t know what to do.

Lu San instinctively felt that this matter should not be shared with others, so he had to seek Lu Yi’s help. When Lu Yi learned about what had happened between him and Ying Zhao, he was immediately shocked.

He quickly asked Lu San to take him to the room where he and Ying Zhao stayed. However, due to Lu San’s strong possessiveness, he refused to let Lu Yi see Ying Zhao’s body.

He wrapped Ying Zhao tightly in a blanket, leaving only his small face exposed, and Lu Yi successfully gave him a beating.

However, Ying Zhao was extremely tired last night, and despite the additional person in the room, he continued to sleep soundly. Lu Yi looked at Ying Zhao’s pale complexion and swollen lips; even without examining the marks on his body beneath the blanket, the heavy scent in the room made it clear how crazily Lu San had behaved last night.

At this moment, Lu Yi’s headache was more than just a simple matter. Although Lu San had always emphasized that the young master liked him and had referred to him as a lover, Lu Yi was still unable to fully believe it. He worried that Ying Zhao might just be momentarily interested. Lu San, being highly skilled but lacking flexibility in his thinking, might misunderstand and, if he did not know how to turn back, continue to act recklessly, which could be problematic.

However, with the situation as it was, Lu Yi could only tell Lu San to clean up after the young master and change his clothes. He then went to the small kitchen in the courtyard and prepared some easily digestible food, warming it on the stove.

After completing these tasks, Lu Yi dragged Lu San to kneel in front of Ying Zhao’s bed. He hoped that when Ying Zhao woke up, he would not be too enraged and would spare Lu San’s life.

As soon as Ying Zhao opened his eyes, he saw this scene. In fact, Ying Zhao did not intend to remain silent; it was just that having been with his lover last night, waking up to see outsiders in the room made him feel somewhat awkward.

Just as he was contemplating whether to say something, he saw Lu Yi, in front of him, repeatedly bowing his head, saying: “My lord, I know this is all Lu San’s fault, but Lu Yi still wants to earnestly request you to spare him, considering the many years Lu San has served the Marquis of Anping household. If you cannot be appeased, you may direct your anger towards Lu Yi. Lu San has always been under my responsibility, and if he has made a mistake, I should be punished. I am willing to bear all the blame on his behalf. I hope you show mercy!”

Ying Zhao did not expect Lu Yi to say this and showed a hint of interest. He turned to look at Lu San, indicating him to remain silent. He lowered his head and, with a smiling face, said to Lu Yi: “You are willing to bear all the blame? Then what if I want your life?”

Upon hearing this, Lu Yi’s heart trembled, but he still gritted his teeth and nodded firmly. He took out a dagger from his bosom and held it above his head, saying: “I will accept whatever punishment the master deems appropriate.”

Ying Zhao looked deeply at Lu Yi, noticing that his gaze towards Lu San was only filled with familial protection, and not with romantic affection. He was reassured.

At the same time, he felt a bit of relief for Lu San, to have such a caring relative. Even without a blood relationship, it was extremely fortunate.

So Ying Zhao stopped the pretense and, with a gentle smile, said to Lu Yi: “Alright, get up. I was just joking. Why are you kneeling like this? You mentioned treating Lu San like a younger brother; if we consider it from Lu San’s perspective, I should still call you ‘big brother’!”

Lu Yi, hearing Ying Zhao’s words, suddenly raised his head. Hearing Ying Zhao call him ‘big brother,’ his face showed uncontrollable shock and distress, twisting his originally handsome features.

Seeing the usually mature and composed Lu Yi showing such an expression made Ying Zhao somewhat amused. He then directly beckoned Lu San over.

When Lu San came to him, Ying Zhao took his hand and said to Lu Yi: “Lu Yi, you can rest assured. Lu San and I are sincere, and we will never be apart! Lu San is as important to me as my life.”

Lu Yi was stunned by Ying Zhao’s words for a while and looked closely into his eyes. He only saw sincerity and deep affection, which somewhat eased his heart.

Thinking about how Lu San had replaced Huo Yi’s identity to marry the young master, if the two were truly in love, it was not inconceivable that they might hide it for a lifetime.

Lu Yi felt a bit hopeful. Seeing the affectionate interaction between Lu San and Ying Zhao, he did not disturb them further. He directly went to the small kitchen, brought the warmed food, and then left.

As a result of this incident, Ying Zhao’s impression of Lu Yi improved a bit. He knew that Lu Yi was usually steady and dependable.

In the future, when his lover ascended to the supreme position, Lu Yi might very well become one of their key ministers.

Meanwhile, Lu San and Ying Zhao, now together, found it hard to resist their passion. Whenever there was a chance, they would cling to each other.

Although Ying Zhao initially thought he should not become too absorbed, with his lover right in front of him, as soon as Lu San looked at him with desire, Ying Zhao could not withstand it. A few kisses would render him as soft as a puddle in Lu San’s embrace.

Moreover, Ying Zhao discovered that after being with Lu San, his partner seemed to have developed various skills. He was puzzled at first, wondering how his lover had suddenly become so proficient.

One day, Ying Zhao found a few illustrated manuals for intimate activities under Lu San’s pillow. He was surprised and asked, only to learn that the day after the incident, Lu San had been summoned by Lu Yi.

Lu Yi had specifically purchased a number of such manuals for Lu San because, in Lu Yi’s view, Ying Zhao was still a master.

Although Lu San and Ying Zhao were already in a marital relationship, Lu Yi still advised Lu San to study the manuals thoroughly and serve Ying Zhao well.

Ying Zhao knew this was because Lu Yi worried that Lu San might be inexperienced in this area and feared that if Lu San did not improve, it might eventually cause dissatisfaction.

Unexpectedly, whether due to Lu San’s natural talent or strong learning ability, after reading the manuals, Lu San’s skills became impressive, almost overwhelming.

However, Ying Zhao found it amusing to think about the usually serious Lu Yi sternly advising Lu San to study the books. It made him very happy.

As for the Empress, the General’s residence also operated with high efficiency. Three days later, the real portrait of Huo Yi was delivered to the Empress.

Seeing the image of a tall but lewd-looking man, the Empress realized that this person was completely different from the Huo Yi she had seen before. It seemed that there was a significant cover-up regarding the young master’s previous marriage.

Thinking of this, the Empress was somewhat excited, yet felt it was expected. She could not hold back and summoned Old Madam Wang, instructing her to invite Ying Zhao and Lu San to the palace the next day. She said she had obtained several famous calligraphy and paintings to present to Ying Zhao.

Because Ying Zhao had cured the Emperor’s illness, many had been trying to win his favor, so the Empress’s actions did not attract much attention from others.

Ying Zhao was well aware of the Empress’s true intentions, so the next day, he and Lu San arrived at the palace early, all prepared. Upon their arrival, they were taken to the garden near the Empress’s residence.

In the garden, there were several calligraphy and paintings laid out by the palace servants, and the Empress invited Ying Zhao to appraise them.

At first, it seemed they were genuinely looking at the artworks. However, after viewing the first three pieces, when they reached the fourth piece, which had not yet been unrolled, the Empress ordered the attending servants to leave, leaving only Old Madam Wang.

Old Madam Wang unrolled the painting in front of Ying Zhao and Lu San. As expected, Lu San’s expression immediately became tense. He quickly positioned himself in front of Ying Zhao, looking as if he was facing a great threat.

Ying Zhao’s face showed no emotion; he merely looked silently at the Empress. Seeing Lu San’s reaction, the Empress smiled and said, “What’s wrong? Why is there such a strong reaction to this painting? Does Master Huo recognize the person in this painting?”

Lu San pressed his lips together, frowning, and did not answer. Of course, he recognized the person in the painting; it was Huo Yi, the identity he was currently pretending to have.

At this moment, he did not respond to the Empress but instead remained on guard, protecting Ying Zhao behind him and scanning the surroundings for an escape route.

Seeing Lu San’s stance, Ying Zhao patted his arm to reassure him. He bypassed Lu San and walked up to the Empress, smiling, and said, “Your Majesty, it seems that my presence here today is not merely to appraise paintings. May I ask what instructions you have for me?”

The Empress, noting Ying Zhao’s calm demeanor, nodded and said directly, “It seems that this person beside you is not Huo Yi. So, who exactly is he?”

Hearing the Empress’s question, Ying Zhao positioned himself in front of Lu San, subtly shielding him. With a smile on his face but a cold glint in his eyes, he said, “Who he is does not matter. What is important is that the Emperor’s illness has greatly improved. So, may I ask if Your Majesty could no longer pursue this matter? If Your Majesty is willing to overlook it, the entire Marquis of Anping household will remember Your Majesty’s kindness.”

Seeing Ying Zhao’s hidden protection of Lu San, the Empress’s eyes flashed, and she lightly laughed, “You overestimate me. Besides, even if I were to expose this matter, what would it matter? You are now regarded as the Emperor’s savior. The worst that could happen is that this impostor is dealt with. Moreover, if I truly executed him, wouldn’t you, the noble son of the Anping Marquis household, no longer be burdened by this marriage? Why don’t I tell the Emperor to annul your engagement and deal with this audacious impostor, relieving you of this matrimonial entanglement?”

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Empress finished speaking, Lu San hurriedly grasped Ying Zhao’s hand, looking at him with pleading eyes.

Ying Zhao smiled gently at Lu San and patted his hand comfortingly. He then turned to the Empress and said, “Your Majesty, you are indeed perceptive. He is not the real Huo Yi. He is Lu San from the Marquis of Anping household’s secret guards. I am able to be with him now, thanks to this matter. We truly love each other and are finally able to be together because of this excuse. I hope Your Majesty will not separate us. If Lu San comes to any harm, I, Ying Ziyang, swear by my name to seek vengeance with the General’s residence.”

Ying Zhao’s words left no room for doubt. While the Marquis of Anping’s household was not as powerful as the General’s residence, it was not a case of ‘beating an egg against a rock’ either. The Marquis of Anping household had a long-standing reputation for loyalty, and its influence among court officials was profound.

Hearing Ying Zhao’s words, the Empress immediately raised her head and looked into his eyes. Seeing his determination and his tightly held hand with Lu San, the Empress smiled and was reassured.

Just a moment ago, the Empress had confirmed that Lu San was her child. Perhaps due to a mother’s intuition, if there were any external factors causing her doubts before, learning about Lu San’s true identity and past had made her completely certain that Lu San was Huangfu Ao.

Although he had been lost and trained into a lowly secret guard, the Empress was still gratified that her child had found true love.

When she looked into Ying Zhao’s eyes, the Empress knew his words were sincere. This love that transcended social status and class moved her deeply.

Moreover, with the background of the Marquis of Anping household and Ying Zhao by Huangfu Ao’s side, coupled with the General’s residence, the Empress could finally set aside her worries.

At this moment, she softened her previously stern demeanor and, with a gentle expression, said to Ying Zhao, “Rest assured, my lord. I will not harm him because he is my child.”

Upon hearing the Empress’s words, Ying Zhao was immediately struck with shock. Lu San beside him was also stunned, clearly still trying to process the Empress’s statement about being her child.

Seeing Lu San and Ying Zhao in this state, the Empress smiled and then recounted the past events.

Combining the crescent-shaped birthmark on Lu San, the head injury at age three that caused memory loss, and Lu San’s stubborn character and lack of understanding, it was evident that he was indeed Huangfu Ao.

After listening to the Empress’s account, Ying Zhao turned to Lu San and said, “Lu San, I didn’t expect you to be the eldest prince! I always knew my husband couldn’t be an ordinary person!”

Initially, Lu San had felt some apprehension upon hearing the Empress’s account of his background. However, seeing Ying Zhao’s happy expression, he felt an inexplicable joy.

Since he was the Empress’s eldest prince, did it mean his status was worthy of the young master? Lu San, excited, tightened his grip on Ying Zhao’s hand, his cheeks flushed with excitement, and said, “My lord, I am finally worthy of you!”

Upon hearing Lu San’s words, Ying Zhao pinched his cheek hard and scolded, “When did I ever say you are unworthy of me? It’s all your own wild imaginings. Besides, why are you still calling me ‘master’? Didn’t I tell you to call me by my name? But with your current status, I suppose you’ll need to bow to me in the future.”

Lu San shook his head vigorously in response. Ignoring the presence of the Empress and Old Madam Wang, he lowered his head and gave Ying Zhao’s lips a passionate kiss.

In his heart, regardless of his status, Ying Zhao was his master and his belief.

The Empress watched their intimate interaction with a smile of contentment, but her eyes were soon moist with tears.

Knowing that the Empress must have a lot to say to her long-lost child after so many years, Ying Zhao retreated to a distance with Old Madam Wang, giving the mother and son some space.

Perhaps due to the blood connection, Lu San, who had never known his parents before, finally experienced the so-called maternal affection through the Empress.

He cherished the conversation with the Empress, who asked him many questions about his life over the years. Learning about his tough training and dangerous missions, she felt a pang of concern.

However, seeing his genuine joy when mentioning the Anping Marquis household, his fellow secret guards, and Ying Zhao, she felt a sense of relief.

The Empress looked at her grown and strong son, knowing that over the years, he had not only been trained to be skilled in martial arts and possessed unique abilities but also maintained his pure nature and stayed true to himself.

Although he still did not understand the deceptions of court politics, having someone like Ying Zhao by his side reassured the Empress.

Reflecting on this, the Empress lowered her gaze. Although the Emperor’s health had improved significantly with the secret medicine brought by Ying Zhao, he was still in a state of exhaustion.

The choice of the heir to the throne had to be decided early. Originally, the only candidate was the Second Prince to inherit the throne, and the Empress had no objections to this.

But now that her son had returned, he was far superior to the inept and morally flawed Second Prince. As a mother, she naturally had to consider her child’s future.

So, after talking with Lu San, or now should be called Huangfu Ao, the Empress did not let him and Ying Zhao leave for the Marquis of Anping household. Instead, she first went to see the Emperor and detailed Lu San’s identity.

Upon learning the truth, the Emperor immediately summoned Lu San and Ying Zhao to the Imperial Study. Observing Lu San’s facial features and the birthmark on his hand that resembled Huangfu Ao’s from childhood, Emperor Huangfu Yu’s excitement was barely contained.

In fact, he had always felt that Huangfu Zhaohong was unfit for the throne, lacking in governance skills, and excessively debauched.

Recently, palace spies reported that the Second Prince, Huangfu Zhaohong, had damaged his health due to excessive indulgence and was desperately seeking treatment for his ailment. This further disappointed Huangfu Yu.

Yet, he had no other offspring to succeed the throne. At this moment, Lu San appeared before him. His earnest and pure eldest prince had returned.

Even if Lu San was not adept in imperial politics, being a benevolent ruler was also a blessing for the world. This made Huangfu Yu extremely excited.

Moreover, with the support of the Empress’s General’s residence and the Marquis of Anping household, the old Emperor felt even more assured about passing the throne to Huangfu Ao.

Thus, that night, after Ying Zhao and Huangfu Ao left, the Emperor secretly drafted an edict. Upon his death, he would pass the throne to Huangfu Ao.

The next day, an official decree was issued to the Marquis of Anping household, restoring Lu San’s status as the eldest prince, Huangfu Ao.

This caused a great shock throughout the Marquis of Anping household, with everyone except Ying Zhao and Lu San astonished. Especially, Marquis of Anping, Ying Shiwei, could not believe that his somewhat foolish secret guard was actually the eldest prince.

Moreover, this prince had taken his own son without his knowing. Seeing their tightly clasped hands and affectionate looks.

Although knowing that Ying Zhao was very happy at this moment, Marquis of Anping still felt a strange sense of discomfort. However, with Huangfu Ao’s status, he was now entirely worthy of his child.

Among everyone, the most pleased was Lu Yi. Although Lu San could no longer be his brother, at least he no longer had to worry about Lu San being abandoned by Ying Zhao.

Naturally, some were happy while others were worried. The eldest princess, upon learning that Lu San was indeed the lost eldest prince Huangfu Ao, forced a smile and congratulated them.

However, she was deeply worried. Given the Empress’s family background and Huangfu Ao’s backing from the General’s residence, along with Ying Zhao’s status as the heir, she wondered whether she had made the right decision in marrying Ying Ning to Huangfu Zhaohong.

Initially, the return of Lu San as Huangfu Ao shocked the entire court. However, since the eldest prince had been lost to the common people for many years, and the Second Prince Huangfu Zhaohong had been groomed as the heir, the court officials did not see the sudden appearance of the eldest prince as a threat to Huangfu Zhaohong. Even Huangfu Zhaohong himself thought so.

However, with the Emperor’s subsequent actions and continuous assignment of important roles to Huangfu Ao, the court officials were astonished and began to quietly assess the situation.

They speculated about the Emperor’s intentions, wondering if he was considering having the eldest prince Huangfu Ao succeed the throne. This finally made Huangfu Zhaohong realize the gravity of the situation.

Although he lacked much insight, he understood that the throne was no longer a certainty for him alone.

Even though Huangfu Ao had regained his status as the eldest prince, he did not follow the old Emperor’s wishes to move into the designated residence for the eldest prince. Instead, he remained in the Marquis of Anping household, living with Ying Zhao.

The Emperor and Empress, feeling a sense of guilt towards Huangfu Ao, were naturally inclined to grant him this small request.

With Ying Zhao’s assistance, the tasks assigned by the Emperor to Huangfu Ao were completed exceptionally well. Although Huangfu Ao was not adept at navigating social intricacies, he knew how to make the right decisions and never let personal matters interfere with official duties. This earned him the respect of the virtuous ministers in the court.

As Huangfu Ao’s influence in the court continued to rise, Huangfu Zhaohong grew increasingly anxious. He realized that his own main consort, Ying Ning, was also from the Anping Marquis household, and now the Eldest Princess, who was the current matriarch of the Anping Marquis household, was allied with them. This gave him an idea.

Recently, Huangfu Zhaohong began treating Ying Ning with the same soft-spoken and gentle demeanor he used to, even becoming more attentive. Despite the fact that his previous indiscretions had left him impotent, his skill in flattery and manipulation made it easy for him to deceive Ying Ning. Ying Ning, in his naivety, truly believed that Huangfu Zhaohong had finally come to appreciate his and was beginning to value him more.

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