Chapter 77: The Secret Guard Is Mentally Ill (19, 20)

Ying Zhao naturally knew the truth of the matter, but he did not expose Mama Wang. Instead, he nodded understandingly and said to her, “Since that’s the case, it’s only natural for you to feel a bit emotional.”

Afterward, Mama Wang subtly probed Lu San a bit more. Lu San was currently using Huo Yi’s name, so there were some things he couldn’t say in detail. Fortunately, Ying Zhao was there, and he answered everything smoothly on Lu San’s behalf.

Seeing the uncertainty in Mama Wang’s eyes, Ying Zhao decided to fan the flames a bit more. He deliberately sighed and said to Mama Wang, “Speaking of which, my husband’s background does indeed have some curious coincidences with the child you mentioned. When he was three years old, my husband suffered a head injury, which damaged his brain, so he has no memory of anything before that.”

Upon hearing that Lu San had no memory before the age of three, Mama Wang’s eyes flickered momentarily. After exchanging a few more pleasantries with Ying Zhao, she hurriedly left the place.

Ying Zhao knew that Mama Wang would certainly go to the Empress to report this matter, but he wasn’t in a hurry. He lowered his head to conceal the gleam in his eyes.

To outsiders, Lu San’s current identity is still Huo Yi. Although Ying Zhao’s words to Mama Wang contained both truths and falsehoods, the part about Lu San losing his memory was indeed true.

He only recently learned from their conversations that Lu San had indeed suffered a head injury when he was three years old, causing him to lose his memory of the time before. He had wandered for a long time before being taken in by the old Marquis.

No wonder Ying Zhao hadn’t discovered that Lu San was originally the Empress’s child when he first checked Lu San’s initial memories—after all, Lu San’s own memories had certain gaps.

However, on the other hand, the Empress seemed to be calm, as she did not summon Lu San before the banquet ended.

This time, the Emperor hosted a grand banquet, partly to celebrate his own good health and partly to show the ministers that his spirits were still strong.

He wanted those who were engaging in underhanded schemes and planning to support the Second Prince to think twice. After all, even though the Second Prince was his only heir, no emperor would be pleased to see such blatant factionalism during his reign.

At the banquet, the Emperor naturally praised Ying Zhao profusely. Ying Zhao responded with humility and poise, neither servile nor overbearing, which made Huangfu Yu sigh in his heart.

He felt even more guilty, knowing that his illness had forced Ying Zhao, the heir of the Anping Marquisate, to marry someone as a male spouse.

Even though Ying Zhao was wise and had come up with the idea of being the one to marry in, allowing him to continue his political career, it was still a wrong done to the Anping Marquisate, even if it was his sister’s doing.

Thinking of the old Marquis, who had loyally served him all his life, Huangfu Yu couldn’t help but feel guilty. After praising Ying Zhao, he also rewarded him generously before concluding.

Although the Empress sitting beside the Emperor appeared calm and composed, her gaze never lingered on anyone else.

Mama Wang had already informed the Empress about the crescent-shaped birthmark on Lu San’s hand. At this moment, no matter how much the Empress suppressed her shame and resentment, her eyes couldn’t help but drift towards Lu San’s direction.

Even though she kept telling herself that the possibility of him being Huangfu Ao was extremely slim, no mother would willingly give up even the smallest chance.

Especially upon hearing that Lu San had lost his memory at the age of three and couldn’t remember his past, the Empress became even more restless. She only wished for this banquet to end quickly, so she could find an excuse to talk with Lu San and confirm whether he was her child.

During the palace banquet, the sound of silk and bamboo music filled the air. After drinking a few cups of wine, everyone began to relax. The old Emperor seemed to be in a very good mood, and halfway through the banquet, he even suggested that everyone go to the Imperial Garden to admire the scenery and release river lanterns to pray for blessings.

Huangfu Yu ordered the lights around the lake to be lit, making the scene extraordinarily beautiful. Ying Zhao looked at the beautiful scenery by the lake, and under the ambiguous glow of the lanterns, he gazed at his beloved by his side, feeling a sense of emotion.

He lowered his eyes slightly, using his sleeve to cover their hands as they held each other. Lu San watched as Ying Zhao’s eyelashes cast a shadow on his jade-like cheeks.

Such a gentle and obedient expression made Lu San want to kiss his moist lips even more. The large hand holding Ying Zhao’s unconsciously tightened.

Ying Zhao looked up, seeing the infatuated expression on Lu San’s face, and smiled slightly. The two shared a mutual understanding and gradually walked to a more secluded corridor.

Here, far from the crowd, they watched the river lanterns drifting on the lake. Ying Zhao turned to gaze at Lu San, and in Lu San’s eyes, there was only Ying Zhao.

The two of them silently stared at each other with deep affection, but just as the atmosphere between them was perfect, the Second Prince, Huangfu Zhaohong, who had been thoroughly drunk at the palace banquet, suddenly staggered over.

He appeared thoroughly intoxicated, supported by palace attendants. It seemed he intended to leave quietly, passing by the corridor near the entrance of the Imperial Garden.

Who would have expected that he would coincidentally see Ying Zhao and Lu San here, causing Huangfu Zhaohong to become instantly agitated.

He had always had his heart set on Ying Zhao, and being forced to marry Ying Ning a few days ago had left him feeling stifled. Now that the Emperor had awakened, he realized that he would not be able to inherit the throne anytime soon. He felt as though bad luck had struck him repeatedly, yet he couldn’t show any sign of displeasure.

Seeing Ying Zhao again while drunk, Huangfu Zhaohong, fueled by alcohol, walked over to Ying Zhao, attempting to pull him into his arms.

Seeing this, Lu San clenched his fist and immediately blocked Huangfu Zhaohong. The Second Prince was about to lose his temper at being obstructed, but when he looked up and saw the fierce, almost predatory look in Lu San’s eyes, he instinctively shuddered.

However, thinking of Lu San’s lowly status, he immediately resumed his arrogant demeanor. Ignoring Lu San, he sidestepped him to look at Ying Zhao behind him, and drunkenly laughed, “Ziyang, Ziyang, you’re here too! These days, Ziyang has been especially cold to me, making me so sad!”

Ying Zhao coldly watched as Huangfu Zhaohong tried to get past Lu San to lay hands on him. His face was expressionless as he glanced at Huangfu Zhaohong and then turned to the palace attendants, saying, “The Second Prince is drunk. Quickly help him back to his residence.”

The palace attendants knew that Ying Zhao was currently favored by the Emperor and naturally didn’t want to offend him. Hearing this, they immediately supported the Second Prince, intending to lead him away.

But who would have thought that Huangfu Zhaohong would suddenly get angry, turning around to slap the palace attendant, knocking him to the ground. He berated, “Get lost! How dare a mere servant try to stop this prince!”

Yet, as soon as he turned back to face Ying Zhao, his expression became one of infatuation again. With a natural air, he said, “Ziyang, stop teasing. I know you’re angry because I married Ying Ning as my main spouse. Don’t worry, once I inherit the throne, I’ll decide who the Empress is! When that time comes, I’ll welcome you into the palace with great pomp, making you the ruler of the six palaces. My Ziyang!”

As he spoke, the Second Prince reached out to grab Ying Zhao’s hand, only to be firmly blocked by Lu San.

Huangfu Zhaohong had initially dismissed Lu San, but after being repeatedly stopped from getting close to Ying Zhao, he became enraged.

Fueled by alcohol, he viciously threatened Lu San, “Who do you think you are, to dare block this prince? Let me tell you, once I become Emperor, I’ll behead you first! Ziyang is like an immortal; how could someone like you even think of him? He will naturally lie in this prince’s palace, allowing me to do as I please…”

At this point, Huangfu Zhaohong’s speech became increasingly lewd, causing Lu San’s eyes to redden with anger as his fists clenched tightly, creaking with tension.

Just as he was about to ignore everything and raise his fist to pummel Huangfu Zhaohong, a cold snort suddenly came from the side.

The Empress, supported by Mama Wang, emerged and coldly addressed Huangfu Zhaohong, “I wasn’t aware that the Second Prince had such capabilities. Not even crowned yet, and you’re already thinking of murdering and stealing wives. Is this what Consort Shu has been teaching you?”

Huangfu Zhaohong’s momentum deflated by half upon hearing the Empress’s words. He might only respect the Empress half-heartedly, but he was genuinely fearful of the General’s Mansion behind her.

He had always been arrogant and self-assured, priding himself on his charm and having never met with failure—except when dealing with the General’s Mansion.

Years ago, he had taken a liking to the General’s third daughter and attempted to force himself on her. However, before he could carry out his intentions, he was severely beaten by the General’s son, the young general, who had rushed over upon hearing the news.

The beating left him bedridden for over a month, entirely disregarding his status as the Second Prince. This incident enraged him so much that he reported it to the Emperor, only to be sternly reprimanded himself.

Since then, the Second Prince had known not to provoke anyone from the General’s Mansion. Seeing the Empress now, and noticing her displeased expression, he became even more wary.

Despite his discontent, Huangfu Zhaohong could only pretend that he was still drunk. He quickly allowed the palace servants to support him, hoping to leave the area as quickly as possible.

However, he didn’t notice that as he was leaving, a thin white thread slipped out from Ying Zhao’s little finger, floating lightly before merging into Huangfu Zhaohong’s body and disappearing without a trace.

After Huangfu Zhaohong had left, the Empress’s expression softened as she looked at Ying Zhao and Lu San. She smiled at them and asked, “Are you two alright?”

Ying Zhao quickly shook his head and expressed his gratitude, “Thank you, Your Majesty. If not for you, it would have been quite troublesome to resolve this matter.”

The Empress nodded and her gaze subtly swept over Lu San, her eyes filled with deep scrutiny. Her eyes lingered for a moment on the crescent-shaped birthmark on Lu San’s thumb before quickly shifting away.

Afterward, the Empress casually chatted with Ying Zhao and Lu San for a few more moments. Seeing that the hour was late, Ying Zhao requested permission to leave, stating that he was feeling a bit fatigued and wished to retire early.

The Empress naturally granted her consent. However, as she watched the two of them walk away, she stood in place, lost in thought. Wang Mama noticed the Empress’s unusual demeanor and asked worriedly, “Your Majesty, what do you think of this Huo Yi? Could he be the Eldest Prince?”

The Empress hesitated and shook her head, saying, “I don’t know, but his eyebrows and birthmark do resemble Ao’er. However, Huo Yi’s reputation has always been poor, yet I know my child well; I cannot believe he would become such a ruffian.”

The Empress then recalled that she had discreetly observed Lu San’s posture earlier, before stopping the Second Prince. As someone from a military family with martial skills of her own, she noticed that Lu San’s stance and walking manner were very steady, indicating that he was well-trained in martial arts, possibly even highly skilled. Moreover, during their conversation, Lu San’s gaze was calm and clear.

Although Lu San was a man of few words, appearing reticent and silent, the Empress found him to be very composed. She also noted that Ying Zhao was very protective of this so-called Huo Yi. If he were truly a wicked man, the discerning heir of the Marquis of Anping would not regard him so highly. Moreover, the marriage itself had been forced upon them.

After pondering for a moment, the Empress made up her mind. She turned to Wang Mama and said, “Inform the people at the General’s Manor to secretly investigate this Huo Yi. If possible, have them bring back his portrait for me to examine.”

Wang Mama was taken aback for a moment, but quickly nodded in agreement.

Through Xiao Bai, Ying Zhao became aware of the Empress’s actions and was rather pleased. As expected, the Empress was meticulous, knowing to trace the source and investigate the incongruities surrounding Lu San, unlike the self-important Eldest Princess who had failed to see the whole picture.

Seeing that Ying Zhao was in a good mood, Xiao Bai was also delighted. Recalling the energy Ying Zhao had secretly injected into Huangfu Zhaohong’s body as he left, Xiao Bai wagged his tail and asked, “Master, what was that energy you put into Huangfu Zhaohong’s body earlier?”

Ying Zhao smirked, his eyes gleaming with mockery as he replied, “Since he’s always thinking about those filthy things, I might as well let him have his fill!”

Sensing the coldness in Ying Zhao’s words, Xiao Bai couldn’t help but shiver.

It wasn’t until Xiao Bai used the system to monitor Huangfu Zhaohong’s return to his residence that he understood what Ying Zhao had meant. Huangfu Zhaohong spent three days and nights in a crazed frenzy, as if under the influence of a potent drug. When it finally ended, his entire body was almost emaciated, and that part of him was completely ruined. Only then did Xiao Bai fully grasp the implications of Ying Zhao’s earlier words.

As for the later events, after Huangfu Zhaohong woke up and discovered that he had been rendered impotent, he frantically sought out various remedies. The news eventually spread, and he became the laughingstock of the capital.

Meanwhile, Ying Zhao only needed to monitor the palace’s activities while waiting to reap the rewards of his efforts. Since this trip to the palace had been quite fruitful, Ying Zhao was very satisfied.

However, for some reason, ever since they left the palace and returned to the Marquis of Anping’s residence, Lu San had been unusually silent.

Ying Zhao had never seen Lu San like this before, so he asked him a few concerned questions. But Lu San merely shook his head, his eyes dark and refusing to answer. Ying Zhao furrowed his brow. Seeing that Lu San didn’t want to talk, he decided not to press further.

But as soon as they returned to their room in the Marquis’s residence and shut the door, Lu San suddenly grabbed Ying Zhao by the waist and pinned him against the door.

Hot, urgent kisses rained down on Ying Zhao, leaving him dazed as he watched Lu San fiercely biting at his lips. Ying Zhao had never seen this side of Lu San, who had always been obedient and compliant, allowing Ying Zhao to live comfortably. But now, Lu San seemed wounded and in desperate need of comfort—why?

Ying Zhao had no idea what had happened to Lu San, especially since they had been together all day. However, this didn’t stop him from instinctively wanting to soothe his lover.

So Ying Zhao relaxed, responding to Lu San’s advances and embracing him. He gently stroked Lu San’s back, hoping to help him relax.

It wasn’t until much later, when Ying Zhao’s lips and tongue began to ache from Lu San’s intense sucking, that Lu San finally released him. Panting heavily, their foreheads touching, Lu San opened his eyes, revealing a piercing redness.

Lu San’s lips were tightly pressed together, and after taking a deep breath and remaining silent for a long time, he finally spoke to Ying Zhao, “Master is mine, mine alone!”

Ying Zhao was stunned for a moment by Lu San’s words, but quickly understood and nodded softly. A gentle smile spread across his face as he asked quietly, “I’m yours. Lu San, what’s wrong?”

Reflecting on the events in the palace, Ying Zhao guessed that perhaps Huangfu Zhaohong’s earlier actions had disturbed Lu San. So he tentatively asked, “Is it because of what the Second Prince said? He’s just an irrelevant person; there’s no need to pay him any mind.”

However, upon hearing Ying Zhao’s words, Lu San tightened his hold on him even more, as if wanting to merge Ying Zhao’s body into his own flesh and blood. Lu San’s voice trembled as he said, “But he will become the emperor in the future. He said that once he becomes the emperor, he will take you into the palace and snatch you away from me! No one can disobey the emperor’s orders, but I cannot lose you!”

As Lu San spoke, he stared straight into Ying Zhao’s eyes. “Master, you said you considered me your lover. Lu San listened to what you said, but you are not just Lu San’s lover—you are Lu San’s life! If that day ever comes, I will definitely kill Huangfu Zhaohong! Master, let’s leave. Let’s find a place where no one can find us. Just look at me, stay with me, so that I will never have to worry about anyone taking you away, okay?”

With a loud thud, Lu San knelt on the ground, his stubborn and crazed demeanor startling Ying Zhao. But soon, Ying Zhao felt relieved; as expected, this person’s obsession with him would not change, no matter the world.

Ying Zhao gently caressed Lu San’s cheek, kissed his forehead, and said softly, “Lu San, don’t worry, no one can separate us. Not even the emperor, not even the heavens.”

Seeing Lu San’s tense body, Ying Zhao pulled him up, patted his shoulder, and continued, “Lu San, has your master ever lied to you?”

Lu San shook his head in a daze, and Ying Zhao smiled, “So, if I say we will be together, then we will be together forever. Do you believe me?”

After hearing Ying Zhao’s words, Lu San pondered for a moment before finally nodding at him. His master had never lied to him. All these years, his master had been the one who loved him the most.

Lu San was willing to believe Ying Zhao. Since his master said they wouldn’t be separated, they wouldn’t be. If that day ever came, he would use any means necessary to take his master away.

He would stay with his master forever, in life and death, and would never be apart from Ying Zhao. A cold light flashed in Lu San’s eyes, but his body finally relaxed a little.

Ying Zhao comfortably leaned into Lu San’s embrace and kissed his chin. He couldn’t deny that his lover’s intense possessiveness was somewhat alluring.

So Ying Zhao locked the door, pulled Lu San onto the bed, and with their foreheads touching, whispered, “Lu San, we’ve been married for a while now. It’s time we consummated our marriage.”

Lu San blinked in response to Ying Zhao’s words. “Consummate? But haven’t we already done that? We sleep together every day, and Master has kissed me too!”

Ying Zhao couldn’t help but laugh at Lu San’s words, finding this world’s version of his lover pure and adorable. A seductive expression unknowingly appeared on his face.

As the curtains fell, Ying Zhao propped his arms on either side of Lu San’s head, looking down at his lover. He kissed Lu San’s prominent nose and whispered, “What we did before doesn’t count. I’ll teach you something even more intimate.”

With that, he kissed Lu San’s lips. Their fingers intertwined, and a mischievous thought crossed Ying Zhao’s mind. Given how obedient his lover was in this world, maybe it was time to consider reversing the roles.

But who would have thought that after their clothes were removed, just as Ying Zhao finished admiring his man’s god-like, sculpted physique, the world suddenly spun, and he found himself pinned underneath.

Ying Zhao was dumbfounded as he looked at Lu San’s flushed face, just about to say something when his lips were silenced. In the next moment, he was in a daze as his lover, driven to madness by his teasing, devoured him whole.

Throughout the entire night, the man who was tasting pleasure for the first time held onto Ying Zhao tirelessly, seemingly trying to leave his mark on every inch of Ying Zhao’s body to prove that this person was his.

Ying Zhao went from initial shock to eventual surrender, and then to the point of losing consciousness. He felt as though he was floating, as if everything had completely slipped out of his control.

He couldn’t help but internally complain. His lover in this world seemed so well-behaved, and Ying Zhao rarely had the chance to feel so dominant. But now that it was really happening, he ended up being thoroughly devoured.

That guy instinctively turned his attacks into victories, leaving Ying Zhao wondering if his lover was truly exceptionally gifted.

If he had known he’d be overwhelmed like this, he wouldn’t have teased him so much from the start. Feeling wronged, Ying Zhao pouted as he sensed the numbness in his waist. With a sigh, he thought to himself that he definitely wouldn’t be able to get out of bed tomorrow.

Having spent so many lifetimes with his lover, Ying Zhao had a very accurate understanding of his post-event state the next day.

Sure enough, when Ying Zhao slowly woke up the next day, it was already well past noon.

He wearily opened his eyes and noticed that his body had been cleaned, and he was dressed in a fresh set of undergarments. Ying Zhao sighed in relief, thinking that although Lu San was a bit slow, he knew to clean him up afterward.

However, when Ying Zhao turned his head and saw Lu San and Lu Yi kneeling straight by his bedside, he was dumbfounded.

Upon seeing Ying Zhao awake, Lu San looked up with a hint of joy in his eyes, just about to stand up when Lu Yi shot him a sharp glare.

Lu San immediately shrank back, lowering his head in fear, looking utterly confused and helpless.

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