Chapter 76: The Secret Guard Is Mentally Ill (17, 18)

Moreover, the Marquis of Anping no longer visited her quarters. Even though she had sent people to invite him several times, the Marquis still ignored her, which infuriated the Princess.

However, since Ying Ning and the Second Prince, Huangfu Zhaohong, had just gotten married, the Princess didn’t want to stir up trouble so soon. She thought that as the Emperor’s condition worsened, once her brother finally passed away, she would find some excuse to deal with Ying Zhao.

But she didn’t expect that a few days after Ying Zhao’s trade caravan returned from the Western Regions, he would directly go to the capital’s square and tear down the imperial edict that offered a reward for curing the Emperor.

As for that imperial edict, it had been posted there for several months, but no one had dared to tear it down and claim they could cure the Emperor. After all, even the most experienced imperial physicians in the palace were helpless. Who knew where Ying Zhao got his confidence from?

The Marquis of Anping became worried when he saw this. He had originally planned to secretly have Ying Zhao treat the Emperor but didn’t expect him to make such a public spectacle by tearing down the imperial edict.

When the servants reported this news back, the Marquis of Anping became restless. As soon as Ying Zhao returned, he hurriedly called him to his room and asked, “Ziyang, why were you so impulsive in tearing down the imperial edict? Although I’ve heard that you’ve brought back a secret medicine from the Western Regions that could cure the Emperor, its effectiveness is still unknown. If it doesn’t work and you’ve already torn down the imperial edict, wouldn’t you be risking your life in vain?”

Ying Zhao shook his head at the Marquis of Anping. Seeing the genuine concern in his eyes, Ying Zhao gave him a gentle smile and said, “Father, please rest assured. Haven’t you known your child long enough? If I weren’t completely confident, I certainly wouldn’t have torn down that imperial edict. If we were to handle this matter secretly, it might lead to more complications. It’s better to be open about it, which could help avoid many troubles.”

Seeing the determination in Ying Zhao’s eyes, the Marquis of Anping could only reluctantly trust him. Soon, the news of Ying Zhao tearing down the imperial edict reached the palace. Not long after, the palace sent the head eunuch, who had been serving the Emperor, to personally come to the Marquis of Anping’s residence to escort Ying Zhao.

The Princess, upon hearing the news, didn’t take it seriously. In fact, she sneered inwardly, thinking that Ying Zhao was merely dreaming. She believed he was indeed too young and foolish to think he could save the Emperor.

So many imperial physicians and famous doctors from all over the country had been unable to help, so how could he have such skills? Even if he had found some kind of treasure or miraculous elixir, it likely wouldn’t be effective. It was just the bravado of a young and fearless calf.

She had been worrying about how to deal with this Ying Ziyang, but now he had walked right into her trap. Thinking this, the Princess felt a deep sense of satisfaction.

Ying Zhao, however, paid no mind to what others thought. He followed the eunuch into the palace. Lu San initially insisted on accompanying him but was eventually persuaded by Ying Zhao to stay behind.

With Lu Yi’s urging on the side, Lu San had no choice but to agree not to follow Ying Zhao. However, after Ying Zhao truly left the Marquis of Anping’s residence, while everyone thought Lu San had returned to his quarters, he secretly changed into night attire. For the first time, he disobeyed orders and silently followed Ying Zhao toward the palace.

Given Lu San’s unparalleled martial skills, not even the palace, teeming with experts, could detect his presence as he shadowed Ying Zhao.

He lurked in the shadows and, when they neared the Emperor’s bedchamber, Lu San found a dense tree to hide in, his eyes fixed on the palace gates, waiting for Ying Zhao to emerge.

Ying Zhao, of course, sensed Lu San’s presence. However, he trusted that Lu San’s skills would keep him undetected by the palace guards.

Even though he didn’t want Lu San to follow him, at this point, there was no way to stop him. All Ying Zhao could do was sigh helplessly in his heart.

When he entered the Emperor’s bedchamber, he saw the old Emperor lying on the bed, his hair white, his face wrinkled, and his breath weak. Ying Zhao frowned, thinking that being an Emperor must be truly burdensome. Huangfu Yu was just at the age of knowing fate, yet he already looked so old.

There were many imperial physicians by the Emperor’s side, and even the Empress and Consort Shu had rushed there. As for the concubines of lower rank, they could only wait outside the hall. Ying Zhao observed the tense atmosphere in the hall, knowing that before the Emperor could be given the secret medicine, it would have to go through rigorous scrutiny.

He took out the pill he had prepared and handed it to the imperial physician. However, after examining the pill, the physician reported to the Empress, “Your Majesty, we have examined the medicine. While it indeed contains no harmful ingredients, it appears to be nothing more than a common tonic. I do not believe it has the power to bring the Emperor back from the brink of death.”

The Empress, hearing this, turned her gaze, now calm and indifferent, toward Ying Zhao. But Ying Zhao remained composed as he addressed her, saying, “Your Majesty, this secret medicine from the Western Regions was obtained by the trade caravan I sent out. The caravan members were once severely injured by bandits, and it was only by taking this pill that they were able to save their lives. Unfortunately, there were only two pills to begin with; after using one, only this one remains. Perhaps it contains a secret formula that cannot be detected by our methods here in the Central Plains.”

When the Empress heard Ying Zhao’s words, she nodded and did not stop him. She allowed the imperial physician to take the medicine and administer it to the Emperor.

In the sea of consciousness, Xiao Bai watched his host lie through his teeth with a straight face, and could only feel admiration.

As for the pill Ying Zhao brought, it was indeed just an ordinary tonic, as the imperial physician had said. There was no medicine in this world that could miraculously extend a person’s life.

So after the Emperor took the pill, Ying Zhao calmly instructed the system, Xiao Bai, to inject some energy into the old Emperor’s body.

After a short while, the Emperor slowly woke up. The surrounding imperial physicians and the Empress, seeing that the Emperor had really awakened, couldn’t hide their excitement.

The imperial physicians immediately stepped forward to check the Emperor’s pulse and found that his condition had indeed improved dramatically in an instant.

At this moment, the imperial physicians’ gaze toward Ying Zhao had changed. They deeply regretted that there had only been two pills, and one had already been used up. Now, there was no sample left for them to study.

After diagnosing the Emperor and confirming that he was temporarily out of danger, Ying Zhao requested to leave and return to his residence to rest. The Empress, seeing that the Emperor was still weak and unable to speak, and thus couldn’t converse with Ying Zhao, did not refuse his request.

Ying Zhao had no intention of staying in the palace for long. Although he had used the system to repair the Emperor’s body, the Emperor’s previous condition had been so severe that it would take two or three days for him to fully recover.

When Ying Zhao left the palace, the head eunuch personally and respectfully escorted him out. However, after leaving the palace, Ying Zhao did not get into the carriage that had been prepared for him. Instead, he said he wanted to walk back on his own.

The palace servants naturally did not object, and the distance from the palace to the Marquis of Anping’s residence was not very far. Ying Zhao leisurely walked halfway and then turned into a small alley.

Seeing that no one was around, he slightly raised his voice and said toward the rear right, “Come out, stop hiding.”

After a moment, a tall figure hesitantly stepped out from the shadows of the back alley. Ying Zhao turned around, with a faint smile on his face, and looked at Lu San, who was dressed in night attire. He said, “What’s this? Not even listening to your master now? Didn’t I tell you not to follow me? Why did you come anyway?”

Lu San, seeing Ying Zhao like this, was deeply worried that Ying Zhao would be angry with him. He pressed his lips together and, with a somewhat anxious expression, said, “Master, it was my fault! It’s just that… I was worried. I heard from the people in the residence that if the imperial edict is taken down and the Emperor isn’t cured, Master would be in danger!”

Upon hearing Lu San’s words, Ying Zhao walked up to him, raised his head, and looked at his strong features. With a slight smile, he said, “Well then, if I really can’t cure the Emperor and something happens, trapping me in the palace, what would you do?”

Lu San was momentarily stunned by Ying Zhao’s question. He hadn’t really thought about it; he was just concerned about Ying Zhao’s safety.

Now, hearing Ying Zhao’s words, Lu San thought for a moment, then answered very seriously, “If something really happens to Master, Lu San will come to rescue you. Even if it costs my life, I’ll get you out of the palace!”

Ying Zhao was moved by Lu San’s resolute expression. With a gentle look in his eyes, he continued to ask, “And what if you can’t save me and you end up losing your life too? What then?”

Without hesitation, Lu San replied, “Even if I have to risk my life, I will protect Master! If Master lives, Lu San lives.”

Hearing Lu San’s pledge, Ying Zhao’s pupils suddenly contracted. If Lu San said he would live if Ying Zhao lived, then the unspoken words were clear: if Ying Zhao died, Lu San would also follow him in death.

Realizing this, Ying Zhao raised his hand to his forehead and suddenly began to laugh softly. Lu San, watching Ying Zhao shake his head and laugh in front of him, felt his ears buzzing from the sound of his clear, bright laughter.

He felt a bit nervous, afraid that he had said something wrong and upset his master. However, he didn’t know which part of what he said was wrong, so he was at a loss.

After a while, Ying Zhao suddenly hugged him tightly around the waist. Ying Zhao nestled into Lu San’s arms, burying his head deeply in Lu San’s shoulder, and murmured, “Did you eat honey?”

Lu San, hearing Ying Zhao’s words, dumbly shook his head. He didn’t understand why his master asked this since he hadn’t eaten any sweets today.

Ying Zhao touched Lu San’s cheek and, seeing the confused look on his face, felt even more fondness for him. Ying Zhao leaned in closer and whispered in Lu San’s ear, “Then why are the words coming out of your mouth so sweet? I have to taste them…”

Without waiting for Lu San’s response, Ying Zhao bit down on his lips, and the unspoken words of affection dissolved between their lips and teeth. Lu San blushed, feeling Ying Zhao’s kiss.

After a while, he could no longer resist and instinctively took the lead. The two of them shared an intimate moment for quite some time, and then Lu San carried the already weakened Ying Zhao back to the Marquis of Anping’s residence.

Just as they arrived at the entrance of the Marquis’s residence, they saw the Marquis of Anping, Ying Shiwei, who had been pacing anxiously at the door. As soon as he saw Ying Zhao, he immediately stepped forward.

He grabbed Ying Zhao’s arm and examined him carefully, only relaxing when he confirmed that his son was indeed unharmed. He also noticed Lu San beside him, recalling that he had specifically instructed Lu San to return to his room earlier.

Now seeing Lu San returning with Ying Zhao, the Marquis understood everything. However, he did not blame Lu San. Instead, he felt somewhat gratified, thinking that his father’s decision to adopt Lu San and train him as a secret guard was not wrong. Though the child was a bit slow-witted, he was loyal and grateful.

After carefully questioning Ying Zhao, Ying Zhao only said that the medicine had been administered to the Emperor, but it would take a few days to see the effects.

Although the Marquis of Anping was still worried, seeing the fatigue on Ying Zhao’s face, he refrained from asking further questions and urged him to return to his room and rest early.

This conversation was not hidden from others. So after Ying Zhao and the Marquis parted ways, someone secretly spying for the Princess immediately went to her courtyard to report that Ying Zhao and the Marquis had talked for a long time.

Upon hearing the content of their conversation, the Princess was shocked. Although Ying Zhao and the Marquis had spoken very vaguely at the door, without directly stating that the Emperor’s illness had been cured, the Princess knew that if the medicine hadn’t had miraculous effects, Ying Zhao wouldn’t have been able to leave the palace unscathed. It seemed that the Emperor’s condition was indeed greatly improved.

Sure enough, two days later, a decree was suddenly issued from the palace, heavily rewarding the Marquis of Anping’s heir, Ying Zhao. Even a very fertile piece of land near the capital was granted to Ying Zhao as his private property.

These rewards were even more generous than those promised on the imperial edict, but Ying Zhao understood that the Emperor’s lavish rewards were not only because he brought the secret medicine that saved Emperor Huangfu Yu’s life. 

It was also because, due to the Emperor’s severe illness, Ying Zhao had been framed by the Princess and married off to the so-called rural tyrant Huo Yi. This was another reason the Emperor felt guilty toward Ying Zhao.

However, Ying Zhao didn’t care why the Emperor gave him such generous rewards. Since they were given to him, he wouldn’t foolishly refuse them.

After accepting the rewards, Ying Zhao naturally had to show his gratitude to the Emperor, so he visited the palace a few times to check on the Emperor. He took this opportunity to have Xiao Bai inject some more auxiliary energy into the Emperor. After confirming that the Emperor’s health was indeed improving, he was finally at ease.

As the Emperor’s health improved, Concubine Shu and the Second Prince naturally wanted to stay close to the Emperor to make their presence felt. So Ying Zhao encountered the Second Prince once or twice during his visits to the palace. Each time, the Second Prince looked like he wanted to say something but stopped himself, though Ying Zhao pretended not to notice.

However, due to Ying Zhao’s actions, Huangfu Zhaohong believed that it was because he had lost face in front of Ying Zhao at the Marquis of Anping’s residence, with Ying Ning, that Ying Zhao was displeased with him. This made the Second Prince even more resentful toward Ying Ning, and his attitude toward her grew colder after returning to his residence.

Less than half a month later, the old Emperor Huangfu Yu fully recovered. He specially arranged a banquet in the palace, intending to celebrate the occasion.

Naturally, Ying Zhao was also invited to this banquet, and he was even seated as one of the Emperor’s honored guests. Seeing that the old Emperor had fully recovered, Ying Zhao knew it was time to implement his next plan. So, he attended the banquet with Lu San.

The two of them dressed in their finest attire, especially Lu San, for whom Ying Zhao carefully selected a black robe with red patterns and a matching hair crown.

Lu San, with his tall and strong build, looked imposing in his outfit. Standing there with a serious expression, an overwhelming aura emanated from him. Ying Zhao felt his face heat up at the sight, not to mention the young maidservants who served him—they were completely stunned.

Ying Zhao waved his hand, dismissing the maidservants who were staring in awe at Lu San. He knew they were young and meant no harm, so he didn’t pursue the matter.

However, he still felt a bit uncomfortable. After closing the door, he grabbed Lu San’s collar, pulled him close, and bit his lips hard. He gritted his teeth and said to Lu San, “I really want to hide you away, not let anyone else see you, so you’ll only be for me to look at!”

Lu San, hearing Ying Zhao’s words, felt a surge of heat in his heart. He swallowed and stared at Ying Zhao, saying seriously, “If Master doesn’t want me to go out like this, I’ll change into my secret guard uniform and hide in the shadows to follow you into the palace. Would that be alright?”

Seeing Lu San’s obedient demeanor, the little bit of jealousy in Ying Zhao’s heart instantly dissipated. He hugged Lu San tightly around the waist, resting his head on Lu San’s chest, and said muffledly, “That won’t be necessary. You’re my husband, so you should naturally accompany me. But with my Lu San being so handsome and martial, I’m really afraid someone else might covet you and take you away from me.”

Hearing this, Lu San shook his head vigorously. In his heart, his master was like a celestial being. He was more afraid that one day someone would take away the heir’s attention and affection from him. As for himself, how could anyone possibly want him?

So Lu San quickly declared his loyalty to Ying Zhao: “Lu San’s life belongs to Master, and even in death, I will be Master’s ghost. I will never leave Master!”

Ying Zhao was delighted by Lu San’s words and smiled sweetly at him. Then, as if thinking of something, his eyes flickered for a moment, and he asked with a smile, “Then if one day, you find out that your status is higher than Master’s, would you still listen to me and stay by my side?”

Ying Zhao quietly leaned against his lover’s chest, calming down for a while before holding Lu San’s hand and leaving the Marquis of Anping’s residence together to head to the palace.

Everyone knew that the Emperor’s recovery from his illness was entirely due to the secret medicine Ying Zhao had brought from the Western Regions. As a result, Ying Zhao had been generously rewarded by the Emperor, and now everyone saw him as a favorite in the Emperor’s eyes.

People came and went, exchanging pleasantries and compliments endlessly. However, whenever their gaze fell on Lu San, it was inevitably tinged with a bit of disdain. Ying Zhao naturally knew what they were thinking, but he only casually responded to them.

After a while, Ying Zhao grew tired of the pleasantries and chose a quiet place to rest with Lu San. But it wasn’t long before the head maid, Mama Wang, who served the Empress, came looking for them.

When Mama Wang saw Ying Zhao, she walked over joyfully, bowed to him, and said, “Greetings to the heir of the Marquis of Anping. This old servant greets the young master.”

As soon as Ying Zhao saw Mama Wang, he smiled and nodded, saying, “You’re too kind, Mama Wang. May I ask what brings you here?”

Ying Zhao knew that Mama Wang was a long-time servant of the Empress, so he naturally showed her respect. Mama Wang, seeing Ying Zhao being so polite, smiled even more sincerely and waved to the maid behind her, saying, “Bring the items the Empress prepared.”

Upon hearing this, the maid immediately handed over two scrolls to Mama Wang. Mama Wang presented the scrolls to Ying Zhao and said, “The Empress heard that you, young master, are fond of calligraphy and painting. It so happens that she has two genuine works by famous artists and wishes to gift them to you as a token of gratitude for your service in healing the Emperor. The Empress hopes you will not disdain them.”

Upon hearing this, Ying Zhao’s face immediately lit up with delight, and he quickly expressed his gratitude to Mama Wang, saying, “The calligraphy and paintings bestowed by the Empress are naturally treasures. The Empress is too kind.”

Then, he looked at Lu San beside him and nodded, saying, “Husband, quickly help me take them.”

Lu San’s heart started to pound when he heard Ying Zhao call him “husband” in front of the palace servants. Blushing, he nodded and reached out to take the scrolls from Mama Wang.

However, as soon as he took the scrolls, Mama Wang’s eyes suddenly widened. She grabbed Lu San’s hand, repeatedly examining the crescent-shaped birthmark on his thumb, her expression revealing uncontrollable shock. Then, she carefully looked at Lu San’s face, already forming a guess in her mind.

The moment Mama Wang grabbed his hand, Lu San wanted to pull away. He didn’t like being touched so closely by a stranger. However, he also knew that the older woman in front of him likely held an important position.

Not wanting to cause trouble for Ying Zhao by acting rashly, he furrowed his brow and looked at Ying Zhao, not knowing what to do.

Ying Zhao gave Lu San a look to keep him calm, and only then did Lu San relax, feeling confused as he stared at the excited Mama Wang.

After a moment, Mama Wang realized her inappropriate behavior and quickly shook her head, apologizing to Ying Zhao and Lu San, “Forgive me, I overstepped! But, may I ask, Mr. Huo, is this birthmark on your hand something you’ve had since birth?”

Lu San felt puzzled by her question, but he still nodded at Mama Wang. Hearing this, Mama Wang became even more emotional. However, seeing the confusion on Ying Zhao’s face, she tried her best to compose herself and explained:

“I’m terribly sorry for my lapse in conduct! It’s just that the birthmark on Mr. Huo’s hand is very similar to one that a missing relative of mine had, which caused me to get a bit emotional.”

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