ISWTDB Ch60 [Arc 5]

Chapter 60: The Primal Beastman World (1)

After leaving the small world, Ying Zhao successfully obtained the soul fragment of his beloved and then returned to the system space.

Because Xiao Bai had consumed a lot of energy helping Lei Ting revive in the small world earlier, he needed to return to the system space to recuperate, even though Ying Zhao himself did not need to rest this time.

Seeing Xiao Bai, who was always full of energy, fall asleep beside him, Ying Zhao felt a pang of guilt. In the small world, he couldn’t freely use his original powers, so he had no choice but to seek Xiao Bai’s help.

Now that they had returned to the system space, Ying Zhao quickly used his original powers, hoping to help Xiao Bai. Unfortunately, since they were inside the spiritual device, the help he could provide was very limited.

Time in the system space was almost at a standstill, so Ying Zhao had no idea how long it took for Xiao Bai to wake up beside him.

Seeing Xiao Bai finally get up and blink his big vertical pupils at him, Ying Zhao asked worriedly, “Xiao Bai, how are you feeling? Are you okay?”

Xiao Bai nodded, gave Ying Zhao a smile, and said, “Host, I’m fine now. However, due to the last world, our next downgrade might be quite primitive.”

Upon hearing this, Ying Zhao smiled indifferently and patted the back of his head, saying, “It’s okay, we can just go back to an ordinary modern plane. Although the energy absorption will be less, we can upgrade again after completing the task. The most important thing is that you are fine.”

Xiao Bai, however, shook his head at Ying Zhao. “Host, we might not even be able to go to a normal modern plane. Our next world might be a primitive one, which is a punishment for violating the world’s rules.”

Ying Zhao nodded at Xiao Bai’s words but didn’t think it was a big deal. After all, he was born in the primitive era.

Although that era was long gone, and the present human world had rapidly developed into modern times, some memories never fade regardless of how many years have passed. Ying Zhao didn’t find that world hard to accept.

Moreover, as long as his beloved was in that world, nothing else mattered. Seeing Ying Zhao’s indifference, Xiao Bai breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that his host was really too gentle with him.

Then Xiao Bai remembered something and quickly said to Ying Zhao, “But host, the system can detect the general conditions of the world. Even though our next world is a primitive one, it has gods, so you can use some of your original powers. However, you must not disrupt the plot and cannot have too great an impact on the small world.”

Hearing this, Ying Zhao’s face lit up with a joyful smile. Even limited use of his original powers would make things much easier for him. So, after adjusting their conditions, Ying Zhao and Xiao Bai entered the next world together.

But when Ying Zhao opened his eyes again, he was completely unprepared for the scene in front of him. As he regained consciousness, he found himself suspended in mid-air.

One of his hands was holding onto a tree branch, and the other hand was holding a bamboo tube, seemingly trying to fetch water from the rapidly flowing river below.

Although this was the moment Ying Zhao crossed over, and the original body was doing this task, Ying Zhao’s body had just been reformed, making it difficult for him to control it properly.

His hand slipped off the branch, and before he could react, he fell into the water. Ying Zhao instantly panicked because he had just arrived in this small world. Even though the pain from the crossing wasn’t too intense now, fully controlling his body for high-intensity tasks required time to adapt.

But he had no time now. Struggling desperately in the river, Ying Zhao couldn’t help but complain inwardly. Was he going to die in this small world before even meeting his beloved?

Before he could finish complaining, he was choked by two gulps of river water and his waist hit a large submerged rock in the rushing river, causing him to grimace in pain.

Before Ying Zhao could do anything, a huge log floating down the river struck his head, causing him to lose consciousness completely.

When he woke up again, he found himself in a dimly lit cave. He quickly sat up and checked his body, finding that although he was in a lot of pain, he was still alive.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Ying Zhao began to observe his surroundings. He felt the soft dry grass under him and saw an extinguished campfire not far away.

Crawling towards the campfire, he touched the burnt wood, which was still warm, indicating it hadn’t been out for long.

While he was thinking, he heard a noise from the cave entrance. Curiously, Ying Zhao sat up, realizing he must have been saved by someone, but he didn’t know who.

Squinting his eyes, he saw a figure appear at the cave entrance. Through the light outside, he could barely make out the person’s shape. The person seemed exceptionally tall, with a sturdy and majestic build and long fiery red hair.

The person’s hair was a bit messy, covering his face. He was naked from the waist up and wore a black animal skin skirt on his lower half, covering his important parts. He was barefoot and had a large animal skin bag slung over his back, walking towards Ying Zhao.

As the person approached, Ying Zhao noticed the person’s muscular build. The well-defined eight-pack abs and mermaid lines made Ying Zhao want to whistle.

Thinking that this person had a body comparable to a male model, Ying Zhao wondered what the other’s face looked like. With this thought, Ying Zhao raised his eyebrows and lifted his head to look at the person’s face.

After putting down the animal skin bag, the person seemed to find the hair in front of his face bothersome and used a large hand to brush it back. This allowed Ying Zhao to finally see the person’s face clearly.

The moment he saw it, Ying Zhao was stunned. The person’s appearance was almost ninety percent similar to Zhu Que—equally handsome and unparalleled, yet exuding an unmistakable fierceness. However, the person’s skin was a healthy bronze color, likely due to living in such a world.

According to the usual pattern in the small worlds, his beloved’s appearance would always be somewhat similar. Ying Zhao sniffed and, smelling the familiar, comforting scent, became even more certain.

Excitedly, he said to Xiao Bai in his mind, “Xiao Bai, it’s him, right?”

Xiao Bai immediately nodded and replied, “Yes, host! We’re really lucky; it’s the target who saved you!”

Hearing this, Ying Zhao felt even happier and looked at the man eagerly. But the man, upon seeing Ying Zhao, ignored him. Instead, he squatted down and rekindled the campfire in the cave.

He then hung the processed meat from the animal skin bag on branches and placed them over the fire to roast. After setting up the food, he took out some fruit from the bag and silently placed them in front of Ying Zhao. Then, he took a large piece of what seemed to be freshly hunted white fur and walked to the edge of the cave to process it.

Ying Zhao blinked and stared at the man’s back, wondering why his beloved was so cold to him in this world. However, looking at the fruit in his hand, it didn’t seem to be the case.

Perhaps his beloved in this life was just not good at expressing himself. Ying Zhao, biting into the sweet and sour fruit, watched the man carefully processing the fur with a stone knife.

Afterwards, the man took a piece of what looked like cleaning skin, wet it with water from a stone jar, and cleaned the processed fur thoroughly.

After meticulously processing it for a long time, the man returned to Ying Zhao, covering him with the particularly soft white fur as a blanket.

Ying Zhao, stroking the soft fur, felt the straw he was lying on and realized the man had specially hunted and processed these furs for him. He felt a surge of emotion.

Indeed, in any world, the man always took care of him meticulously. Even if he said nothing, he would express his love through actions.

Ying Zhao’s gaze towards the man became very gentle, and he smiled at him, softly saying, “Thank you for saving me.”

The man, hearing Ying Zhao speak to him, seemed visibly stunned for a moment, then shook his head and turned to sit quietly by the fire, roasting the meat.

Ying Zhao blinked, finished the fruit in his hand, and thought that now, being by his beloved’s side, there was nothing to worry about. At least with the man around, he was absolutely safe.

Feeling he hadn’t received the plot of the new world yet, he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, saying to Xiao Bai in his mind, “Xiao Bai, transmit the plot of this world to me.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a large segment of the plot flooded into Ying Zhao’s mind. It took him some time to digest all the plot details.

After reviewing the entire plot, Ying Zhao realized that the small world he was in was not the simple, ordinary primitive world he had initially thought.

It was a beastman world, with no women. The beastmen were divided into males and females, and when in human form, their appearances were basically the same as males in the current world.

However, males could transform into beasts, and in human form, they occasionally retained some racial traits, making them look stronger. Females were smaller in stature and had the ability to bear offspring.

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