Chapter 56: All My Money Is Yours (School Supernatural) (15, 16)

Lan Lili couldn’t figure it out but had to leave for the moment. For the next few days, she didn’t appear in front of Lei Che. Though she was unwilling to give up, she couldn’t keep pestering him shamelessly. She resolved to find out the real reason for Lei Che’s rejection.

Back home, Lan Lili thought for a long time, still convinced that her charm was irresistible. She believed Lei Che must have some unspeakable reason for rejecting her.

Lan Lili calculated that the campus festival was approaching soon. Perhaps Lei Che was simply too wooden and had not yet realized her virtues, so he didn’t understand what kind of girl was the best.

Thus, Lan Lili decided to make a big splash at this campus festival, making Lei Che regret not accepting her initially, and then having him pursue her instead.

While Lan Lili was lost in her beautiful daydreams, Ying Zhao was a bit troubled on the other side. With the campus festival approaching, as one of the school’s most popular teachers, Ying Zhao naturally received many invitations from various clubs.

These clubs hoped Ying Zhao would come and support their activities at the campus festival, which made him feel a bit of a headache.

Although he found these matters somewhat troublesome, looking at the endless stream of students coming to ask for his help, he felt it would be a bit too heartless to keep refusing them.

Moreover, participating in the campus festival might not be such a bad idea. So, he let the clubs that invited him decide where he should go by drawing lots.

In the end, the photography club won the draw, gaining the opportunity to have Ying Zhao participate in their club’s activities.

The photography club president was a very enthusiastic young man with glasses named Yan Chuan.

Ying Zhao thought it would probably just involve wearing some nice clothes and taking a few pictures to help their club attract attention at the campus festival.

But he didn’t expect Yan Chuan to tell him that their club’s main need was to set up a booth at the campus festival to raise funds.

Therefore, the photography club planned to set up a maid café booth on the day of the campus festival and hoped Ying Zhao would help them out.

Looking at the black-and-white lace maid outfit that Yan Chuan held up excitedly, Ying Zhao didn’t hesitate to toss the dress aside.

Yan Chuan quickly picked up the dress, looking at Ying Zhao with innocent eyes, saying, “School doctor, you promised to help our club!”

Of course, Ying Zhao could see that Yan Chuan was trying to set him up. Smiling dangerously, he said:

“Yes, but I didn’t promise to wear a maid outfit. Since it’s a café, it doesn’t have to be all maids; waiters are fine too. I’ll wear suitable clothes then, and you don’t need to worry about it.”

The photography club members looked at the maid outfit in their president’s hands, then at Ying Zhao’s fair and handsome face, feeling a bit regretful.

But since the school doctor had already refused, they couldn’t force him, so they nodded and prepared to leave dejectedly.

However, just a few steps away, Ying Zhao called them back. He walked over to Yan Chuan, took the maid outfit from his hands, measured it against Yan Chuan, and said with a bright smile:

“But since the outfit is ready, it shouldn’t go to waste. I think our president Yan looks quite suitable for this outfit with his scholarly appearance. As the president, if you wear the maid outfit at the campus festival, it will surely attract a lot of attention, don’t you think?”

As Ying Zhao spoke, he glanced around at the club members. Their eyes immediately focused on Yan Chuan, realizing that their president, although not as handsome as Ying Zhao, had a clean and scholarly look.

Moreover, having their president wear a maid outfit was a novelty. They enthusiastically agreed and surrounded Yan Chuan.

Yan Chuan didn’t expect things to turn out this way. He had intended to set up the school doctor to create a highlight for their club booth. But now, he was the one being set up by Ying Zhao.

Seeing the hopeful eyes of his club members, he could only grit his teeth and agree. He hadn’t expected the large maid outfit he specially prepared would end up being worn by himself. Looking at Ying Zhao’s increasingly bright smile, Yan Chuan felt like crying without tears.

As for Lei Che, who had been watching the entire scene from a distance, he naturally saw everything. Seeing his school doctor surrounded by so many people already made Lei Che feel very unhappy.

Especially when Yan Chuan dared to suggest his beloved wear such a revealing maid outfit, seeing the lace low-cut design and the skirt that didn’t even reach the knees, Lei Che felt a surge of uncontrollable rage.

Fortunately, Ying Zhao’s timely refusal prevented Lei Che from acting out. He sneered inwardly. Did Yan Chuan really think he could outsmart his school doctor?

Without knowing his own weight, Lei Che thought, his beloved was naturally the smartest and most perfect, impossible to be easily fooled by someone like Yan Chuan.

But when everyone else left, leaving just him and Ying Zhao alone, Lei Che couldn’t help but fantasize. The school doctor’s skin was fair, his appearance not effeminate but his posture upright, his lines smooth.

Especially his long, white, straight legs; if he really wore a skirt in front of him… Lei Che couldn’t help but swallow hard at the thought.

Ying Zhao saw Lei Che blushing while staring at him. From his experience with his man over several worlds, Ying Zhao naturally knew what kind of inappropriate thoughts his man had.

Although he couldn’t guess exactly what Lei Che was thinking, Ying Zhao didn’t mind. His lover’s interest in him translated directly to him as a sign of his own charm.

A few days later, Shenglin Academy’s campus festival finally began, and the entire academy was bustling with excitement. Booths were set up along the school’s roads, even allowing people from other schools to visit and experience the event, serving as a form of alternative publicity.

Moreover, involving students in such activities could stimulate their practical skills and creativity, making it one of the most enjoyable events in the school.

This was Ying Zhao’s first time participating in such a gathering, and he found the variety of booths quite novel. However, having promised the photography club, he donned a waiter’s outfit early and headed to the café booth.

Today, Ying Zhao was dressed in perfectly normal men’s attire: a white shirt, a black vest, and suit pants—standard waiter attire. However, on him, it appeared particularly upright and handsome.

Due to Ying Zhao’s high popularity at school, he naturally attracted many girls who flocked to the booth to spend money and request photos with him. For a while, the photography club’s booth was bustling with activity.

Lei Che had followed Ying Zhao to the booth early in the morning, sitting in a corner and unusually ordering a cup of coffee.

Lei Che usually wouldn’t spend money in such places, but seeing Ying Zhao in a waiter’s outfit, he couldn’t resist ordering a cup, wanting to watch Ying Zhao serve him.

Watching Ying Zhao smile and ask, “Sir, would you like some sugar?” made Lei Che feel completely tense.

He sat there quietly, watching Ying Zhao’s comings and goings, with an infatuation in his eyes that couldn’t be dispelled.

However, when he saw the girls buzzing around Ying Zhao, laughing and asking for photos, he felt like crushing the cup in his hand.

Why, why be so gentle with them? Why, why is this person so charming, so dazzling?

A shadow of gloom flashed through Lei Che’s eyes. Unlike himself, who always stayed in the corner, everyone liked the school doctor, everyone wanted to be around him.

Ying Zhao was like the sun, and everyone wanted to bask in the sun. Whereas he was nothing more than a maggot in a dirty trash heap.

How could someone like him ever hope to gain the favor of the sun? How could he ensure that he would always stay by Ying Zhao’s side and not watch him be taken away by someone else?

Despite being busy, Ying Zhao kept an eye on Lei Che and noticed his low spirits.

Understanding his lover very well, Ying Zhao quickly realized that Lei Che was jealous. However, this time Ying Zhao didn’t immediately go to comfort him. Instead, a thought occurred to him.

Though he always felt sorry for his lover, simple comfort didn’t seem to reassure Lei Che. Ying Zhao thought that perhaps, after living together for so long, it was time to be completely together with his lover.

At that moment, Lei Che was still busy being jealous, completely unaware that a huge benefit awaited him that night.

So, Ying Zhao continued his work as a waiter, and the photography club indeed showed ingenuity. Not only did they set up a café booth, but they also collaborated with the cosplay club to perform and take photos, attracting more people.

Ying Zhao twitched the corner of his mouth as he watched the club president in a maid outfit, calculating how many coffees were sold and how much money was made, pressing the calculator loudly.

Yan Chuan’s glasses reflected the light, and his happy expression, with his mouth almost reaching his ears, completely revealed his money-grubbing nature.

What surprised Ying Zhao even more was that Lan Lili participated in the cosplay club. Today, she didn’t cosplay any character but wore a Hanfu.

This light green dress was exquisitely crafted and designed to look elegant, complementing Lan Lili’s beautiful face, making her look like a fairy, which was very eye-catching.

Ying Zhao couldn’t help but think about how in this world, the heroine Lan Lili was the official match for his man. He glanced at Lei Che.

Seeing Lei Che’s eyes glued to him, completely ignoring Lan Lili, Ying Zhao’s jealousy finally dissipated.

Lan Lili had gone to great lengths to dress up for the campus festival, hoping to catch Lei Che’s attention. She didn’t expect to run into Lei Che at the club activity area.

Thus, Lan Lili tried even harder to appear charming, determined to attract Lei Che. However, he completely ignored her, staring intently at Ying Zhao instead.

Lan Lili frowned, sensing something amiss. Lei Che’s gaze toward Ying Zhao was too obvious. His eyes were filled with undisguised love and possessiveness, making Lan Lili’s heart tighten.

Could it be that Lei Che rejected her because he actually liked the school doctor? Is that why he always ignored her? Thinking of this, Lan Lili furrowed her brows, already considering Ying Zhao an enemy.

No, this can’t continue. No wonder she noticed during her deliberate stalking that Lei Che always ran to the tower after class whenever he had time. It turned out he wasn’t sick but went to see Ying Zhao because he liked him.

Seeing Ying Zhao’s gentle and handsome appearance, Lan Lili bit her lip, deciding that she couldn’t let Lei Che continue to be infatuated with him. A trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes as she thought of her club.

Young people’s love wasn’t always steadfast. If Ying Zhao were to be humiliated, Lei Che might wake up and realize that Ying Zhao was just an old man, not as beautiful as she was. In terms of family background, looks, and figure, the school doctor couldn’t compare to her.

Lan Lili pretended to be gentle as she approached Ying Zhao and softly said, “School Doctor, why don’t you join us in our club activities?”

Ying Zhao turned and raised an eyebrow, wondering why the heroine suddenly spoke to him. Given her personality, she wouldn’t do anything pointless.

Suspecting that Lan Lili had some scheme in mind, Ying Zhao gave her a polite smile and replied:

“Aren’t I already actively participating? Look, I’m wearing the waiter’s outfit for this café booth today.”

Lan Lili heard Ying Zhao’s words and smiled, shaking her head. She said loudly, “School Doctor Ying, you are so handsome; how can you not participate in our cosplay club’s activities? We have many outfits in our club, and many would suit you perfectly. How about trying one on for us? Today is the annual campus festival; you can’t refuse us!”

Lan Lili spoke loudly, and a lot of students had gathered around. Hearing her suggestion to have Ying Zhao wear a cosplay outfit, they became very excited, and the crowd instantly buzzed with anticipation.

Lan Lili did this on purpose, loudly suggesting it to put Ying Zhao in a difficult position.

Ying Zhao sensed the malice in the heroine’s eyes but didn’t take it to heart. Such a petty trick couldn’t escape his eyes.

However, seeing the hopeful looks in the surrounding students’ eyes, Ying Zhao didn’t want to dampen their enthusiasm. So he smiled and said to the cosplay club members:

“Alright, let me see what outfits you have. If I don’t like them, I won’t wear them!”

The girls in the club screamed excitedly when they heard Ying Zhao agree, and Lan Lili’s eyes gleamed with a successful smile.

But before Ying Zhao followed them, he turned and said to Lei Che, “Lei Che, come with me.”

Lei Che quickly stood up and walked over, unsure of what Ying Zhao wanted. Ying Zhao wrapped his arm around Lei Che and turned to the cosplay club president, saying:

“I need to bring Lei Che along; he’s my little assistant.”

Hearing Ying Zhao’s words, the club members naturally nodded in agreement; no one would refuse Ying Zhao’s request. So they soon led Ying Zhao to the cosplay club’s activity room in the school.

This room was indeed filled with a dazzling array of outfits. The girls in the club immediately started enthusiastically picking out clothes for Ying Zhao.

Various stylish outfits were being compared against Ying Zhao, and some even brought over women’s clothing, saying they wanted to see him dressed as a beautiful woman.

Ying Zhao smiled and shook his head, walking around the outfits twice before noticing some uniforms like those of soldiers and nurses.

Surprised, he asked, “Why do you have these kinds of outfits?”

A club member quickly responded, “Sometimes we have special needs for cosplay performances, so we dress up as other professions, like nurses or soldiers.”

Saying this, someone picked up a dark blue, luxurious military uniform and held it up to Ying Zhao, saying:

“This interstellar marshal’s outfit was very popular before! School Doctor Ying, you would look incredibly handsome in this.”

Ying Zhao nodded at the girl’s words. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lei Che standing in front of a red cheongsam, seemingly unconsciously touching its fabric, a strange smile playing on his lips.

Ying Zhao lowered his eyes slightly. Knowing his lover well, he immediately understood what Lei Che was thinking.

At that moment, Lan Lili approached, holding an outfit that looked relatively normal at first glance. However, its intricate patterns suggested it was a character from an anime. She smiled and said:

“Teacher, how about this one? I think the white color matches your temperament best.”

Ying Zhao saw through the malice in the heroine’s eyes but calmly took the outfit and asked Xiao Bai in his consciousness, “Xiao Bai, what did the heroine just do behind everyone’s back?”

Xiao Bai immediately replied, “Host, I just monitored the heroine cutting several threads inside this outfit with scissors. If you wear it, it will start falling apart after a few steps!”

Ying Zhao clicked his tongue after hearing this and curled his lips. Thinking that she wanted to expose him completely.

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