Chapter 47: The Mute Prince vs. The Rakshasa General (17, 18)

Ying Zhao felt a bit puzzled upon hearing this, not understanding why Duanmu Yi would be here. But upon reflection, he thought his man might have heard some rumors and became jealous, wanting to see what he was doing during the day.

Thinking of this, a helpless smile appeared under Ying Zhao’s mask. He thought to himself that he would just have to properly comfort his lover tonight. After all, it wouldn’t be good if his beloved misunderstood him.

However, Ying Zhao didn’t know that everything he said to Bai Wenxuan in jest had been heard by Duanmu Yi.

Duanmu Yi, with his high martial arts skills, usually treated this as a pastime and a way to relax, never really thinking of using it.

But after yesterday’s contemplation, he still felt uneasy after thinking it over all night. So today, he took advantage of a moment when no one was watching and used his lightness skill to secretly follow Ying Zhao after he returned from court.

Sure enough, he saw Ying Zhao enter Bai Wenxuan’s room. Duanmu Yi hid in the shadows, listening to Ying Zhao’s sweet words to Bai Wenxuan. He even said that he had no feelings for himself and that everything was because of the orders from the old matriarch of the Ying family.

Duanmu Yi didn’t want to believe it, because the little General came to see him secretly every night, hugging and kissing him. He told himself that everything Ying Zhao said was false and that it was all for some other purpose.

However, when he thought of Ying Zhao’s words, Duanmu Yi’s heart ached uncontrollably. Perhaps it was this emotional turmoil that caused him to fail to hide his presence properly and seemingly aroused Ying Zhao’s suspicion.

Seeing this, Duanmu Yi hurriedly fled. However, after returning to his courtyard, his mood still couldn’t calm down.

In truth, although he bore the title of a prince, everyone knew how awkward his position was in the Canglan Kingdom.

Marrying into the Ying family, he was merely the General’s male consort. To put it bluntly, he was just an accessory. If the General were to abandon him in the future, he wouldn’t have a say in it.

Even if it wasn’t Bai Wenxuan now, there could be others in the future. And if the General’s residence needed heirs, and the General were to marry other women, could he really stop him?

Thinking of his little General being with others in the future, others seeing his adorable face, others hugging and kissing him, Duanmu Yi felt a surge of rage and a desire to kill anyone who got close to Ying Zhao, especially Bai Wenxuan, who repeatedly tried to approach his little General.

Having been framed by Bai Wenxuan before, it was clear he had ulterior motives towards Ying Zhao. Unfortunately, being mute, he couldn’t explain his worries in detail to his little General.

This made Duanmu Yi increasingly uneasy. His thoughts were chaotic, and his mind restless. He then thought of the secret guards who had always been by his side.

Without hesitation, Duanmu Yi took out a short flute from his sleeve and put it to his lips. The flute didn’t make any sound, as it seemed to require a unique way to convey his message.

Soon, Mie Liu, the closest guard, arrived at Duanmu Yi’s room. Upon seeing Duanmu Yi, he immediately knelt on one knee and respectfully said:

“Young Master. What important matter do you have for me?”

Duanmu Yi gestured for him to stand up. Mie Liu saw Duanmu Yi’s furrowed brows and seemed to quickly realize something.

He hurriedly took out a book from his chest and handed it to Duanmu Yi, saying, “Young Master, this is what you instructed me to find. I was going to report this matter to you later.”

Duanmu Yi hadn’t expected that when he called Mie Liu, the latter would bring the book he had previously asked for. Realizing the misunderstanding, he didn’t refuse and took the book, putting it in his chest.

Then, he took out a charcoal pen from his pocket and wrote on the floor to communicate with Mie Liu. Upon reading Duanmu Yi’s words, Mie Liu’s mouth opened wide in shock.

But then he thought it was exactly as he had expected; it seemed that the Young Master had long been interested in this little Rakshasa General. It looked like this little General was hard to pursue, forcing the Young Master to resort to such tactics.

However, since it was the master’s order, as a subordinate, there was no reason to refuse. Besides, this matter could make the Young Master willing to return to the Yin Pavilion with them. Why not?

Thinking of this, Mie Liu showed a big smile, quickly nodded to Duanmu Yi, and said:

“Subordinate obeys the Young Master’s command! I will now go and have the brothers prepare to assist the Young Master tonight!”

Duanmu Yi nodded upon hearing this, watching Mie Liu jump back two steps and then disappear onto the roof beam. His eyes were complicated for a moment, wondering if the little General would hate him for doing this.

But he soon became resolute, silently saying in his heart. Sorry, little one, but I cannot give you to anyone.

Later that evening, after Ying Zhao perfunctorily dealt with Bai Wenxuan, he thought of going to his man’s courtyard earlier than usual to have a private talk.

So, after the lights went out, Ying Zhao came to Duanmu Yi’s courtyard, pushed open the door, and saw Duanmu Yi sitting by the bed, staring at the door, waiting for him.

Seeing his lover, Ying Zhao felt a sense of relief, thinking that only in his man’s presence did he feel most relaxed and comfortable.

He quickly walked over, took off his mask, smiled, and walked to Duanmu Yi’s side, pulling his hand and saying, “Have you been waiting for me for long? Have you eaten dinner?”

Due to Ying Zhao’s previous warning to the old matriarch, she had thrown a big tantrum at the servants, making them no longer dare to shortchange Duanmu Yi’s food and clothing.

So Ying Zhao did not have to worry about Duanmu Yi not eating well when he wasn’t around, though he regretted not being able to dine with his lover.

Ying Zhao sat beside Duanmu Yi, smiling and chatting idly. Though it was always Ying Zhao talking and Duanmu Yi listening quietly, occasionally nodding.

However, today, Ying Zhao felt something was off, as Duanmu Yi’s gaze seemed more complicated than usual.

This made Ying Zhao’s heart tighten, wondering if he had inadvertently hurt his man’s feelings. He quickly patted Duanmu Yi’s hand, asking:

“Are you unhappy about something? Are you upset that I haven’t had time to accompany you lately?”

Looking at Duanmu Yi’s calm and silent eyes, Ying Zhao smiled, comforting him:

“Once I finish this busy period, I’ll have time to be with you. I know you’ve been wronged lately; don’t take it to heart, okay!”

Duanmu Yi pursed his lips, nodded at Ying Zhao. Seeing Ying Zhao nestle into his arms, he hugged him tightly and took a deep breath.

Noticing a shadow flicker outside the window, he lowered his eyes and subtly raised his hand, chopping at the back of Ying Zhao’s neck.

Ying Zhao, who was lying in his lover’s arms, thinking about whether to act coy, suddenly felt a sharp pain at the back of his neck and lost consciousness. When he woke up again, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar room.

The room was spacious, with luxurious furnishings all around, even grander than the General’s residence.

Climbing out of the soft quilt, Ying Zhao rubbed his sore neck, quickly recalling what had happened last night.

Yesterday, he had intended to comfort his man, but Duanmu Yi had knocked him out. So what trouble had his man gotten into now, and where had he taken him?

Considering Duanmu Yi’s identity, he must be in the territory of the Yin Pavilion. Internally cursing Xiao Bai for his intermittent unreliability, Ying Zhao felt a bit helpless.

Since Duanmu Yi had resorted to such tactics to bring him here, it seemed he had hurt his man’s feelings, so how should he comfort him?

But first, he needed to see him. Ying Zhao touched his face, now without the mask, and realized he was only wearing his underclothes.

Looking around, he saw a set of clothes prepared on the bedside cabinet. Ying Zhao got out of bed and put on the clothes.

The material was soft and comfortable, fitting perfectly. The fine fabric and craftsmanship indicated its high value, typical of the Yin Pavilion’s wealth.

After dressing, Ying Zhao sat at the mirror to comb his hair, seeing the array of gemstone-inlaid hairbands on the table. Clicking his tongue, he chose a plain black hairband to tie his hair.

Changing from his usual military attire to this soft, flamboyant red robe, combined with his youthful and cute face, Ying Zhao looked less like a battle-hardened general and more like a pampered young master.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Ying Zhao turned his head and called out, “Come in.”

Mie San entered with a tray, pausing briefly upon seeing Ying Zhao before resuming his composure, nodding respectfully and placing the tray on a table.

As Mie San turned to leave, Ying Zhao called out to him, asking, “Where exactly is this place?”

Mie San hesitated briefly before answering, “General, this is the Yin Pavilion.”

“Yin Pavilion?” Ying Zhao feigned surprise, seemingly contemplating before asking, “And what is the relationship between the Yin Pavilion and Duanmu Yi? Call him to see me!”

Mie San seemed to have anticipated this, nodded, and said, “I will report to the Young Master immediately. Please, General, have your meal first.”

After speaking, Mie San left the room and carefully closed the door. Once Mie San had exited, Mie Liu Li excitedly rushed over from nearby and said to Mie San with enthusiasm:

“How was it, Third Brother? Wasn’t I right? This little Rakshasa general isn’t just not ugly, he’s actually very cute. No wonder the young master fell for him at first sight. Even I can’t help but take a second look at that little face!”

Upon hearing this, Mie San frowned and flicked Mie Liu hard on the forehead, whispering:

“Watch your mouth. If the young master hears this, he’ll definitely punish you! Think about it, whose person is this little general now?”

Mie Liu immediately shut his mouth and quickly nodded to Mie San.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Ying Zhao didn’t hold back. After tidying himself up, he sat at the table. Seeing the richly prepared food on the tray, he nodded in satisfaction.

It seemed this lover truly cared for him. Not only was the food plentiful, but it was also all his favorite dishes. Without any hesitation, Ying Zhao devoured the food on the tray.

Ying Zhao slumped in the chair, rubbing his round belly, wondering when Duanmu Yi would come to see him.

Just as he was thinking this, there were two soft knocks on the door. The sound was very light, as if not wanting to disturb him.

Ying Zhao raised an eyebrow and was about to speak when the door was gently pushed open by the other party. Duanmu Yi silently walked in.

After closing the door, he stood still at the entrance, looking at Ying Zhao without moving, as if waiting for him to give instructions.

Ying Zhao found Duanmu Yi’s demeanor amusing but his expression grew colder. He beckoned with a finger, saying, “Come here!”

Duanmu Yi pursed his lips and walked to Ying Zhao’s side, feeling apprehensive about how the little general might scold him.

As Duanmu Yi approached, Ying Zhao stood up, looked up at him with a faint smile, and patted his own sleeve, saying:

“Young master of the Yin Pavilion? None of the decorations in this room are things I could afford. The fabric of this outfit alone is worth half a year’s salary. Marrying me must have been a real grievance for you.”

Upon hearing Ying Zhao’s words, Duanmu Yi shook his head vigorously. He had only wanted to find a good room for Ying Zhao to sleep comfortably.

As for the clothes, he naturally had his subordinates fetch the best to be worn by his little one. He didn’t expect the little one to misunderstand him, but he couldn’t explain it to him either.

In his anxiety, Ying Zhao suddenly grabbed Duanmu Yi’s collar and threw him onto the bed.

Though Ying Zhao’s body was now a replica of the original, without much strength, his battle-hardened combat skills allowed him to catch Duanmu Yi off guard and knock him down.

Ying Zhao immediately straddled Duanmu Yi, pressing him down and locking his fingers around his throat, saying coldly:

“Speak! Aren’t you just a prince? Why are you suddenly the young master of the Yin Pavilion? What is your true purpose in bringing me here?”

As Ying Zhao spoke, he increased the pressure of his hand. However, despite his efforts, it didn’t cause Duanmu Yi any real pain, since Ying Zhao’s body was still weak.

Duanmu Yi, holding Ying Zhao’s waist, simply looked at him quietly.

Seeing the little general in a fiery red robe looking lively and assertive above him, Duanmu Yi felt a surge of heat in his heart.

He couldn’t help but replace the image of the little one with the one from the book he had read in detail last night. Duanmu Yi’s breathing grew heavier.

Ying Zhao, sitting on top of Duanmu Yi, quickly noticed his man’s change. He was surprised and didn’t expect him to be so aroused at this moment.

Ying Zhao pursed his lips, trying not to laugh, reminding himself to stay in character. But the intense heat in Duanmu Yi’s eyes made Ying Zhao feel burned, and the atmosphere began to shift.

Ying Zhao frowned, bit his lower lip, and glared at Duanmu Yi with a red face, scolding, “Shameless!”

Unexpectedly, this made Duanmu Yi’s breathing even more erratic. He took a deep breath, then grabbed the back of Ying Zhao’s head with his large hand and kissed him hard, flipping their positions.

Ying Zhao, taken aback by this turn of events, widened his eyes and tried to break free from Duanmu Yi’s grip. But with his weak body and small frame, Duanmu Yi easily dominated him, kissing him forcefully.

Since arriving in this world, Duanmu Yi had always been gentle. But now, Ying Zhao could feel a pent-up intensity in him.

Perhaps Duanmu Yi had misunderstood the deceptive words he had exchanged with Bai Wenxuan, causing him to act so fiercely?

The more Ying Zhao thought about it, the more convinced he became. From his previous experiences, men were generally gentle unless provoked by something.

Sighing inwardly, Ying Zhao realized this was the first time in this world he was being embraced so possessively.

Though they had slept in each other’s arms countless nights, nothing more had ever happened. Now, surrounded by his lover’s strong masculine scent, Ying Zhao’s mind grew hazy, his body feeling like it was on fire.

Ying Zhao took a deep breath, feeling that the man didn’t trust him. The most important thing was that he hadn’t given him a chance to explain before bringing him here. He couldn’t let him get what he wanted so easily; he had to teach him a lesson.

Thus, Ying Zhao began to struggle desperately, even with a rather reckless demeanor. He thrashed about while cursing loudly:

“Duanmu Yi, you bastard! You son of a bitch! Let go of me! You liar, let go! I’m telling you, if you don’t let me return to the general’s mansion, I won’t let you off!”

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