Chapter 46: The Mute Prince VS The Rakshasa General (15, 16)

Although he still rarely left the area around his room, at least he started to have normal reactions when the secret guards communicated with him, no longer like an emotionless puppet.

Until the former emperor died, and Duanmu Yi had the title of prince, did his days improve somewhat. The new emperor, Duanmu Yanlang, though looking down on him, did not want to gain a reputation for mistreating his younger brother, so he treated Duanmu Yi reasonably on the surface.

With the title of prince, there should have been more people to serve him. But perhaps due to Duanmu Yi’s special situation in the palace, even those assigned to him did not take him seriously.

So, there were still no servants around Duanmu Yi, but this gave him more space to learn skills from the secret guards of the yin pavilion.

No wonder when he touched Duanmu Yi’s hand, he felt the calluses, clearly from years of martial arts practice. He didn’t expect his man to have such a secret.

After understanding everything, Ying Zhao sighed in his heart. The secret guards didn’t understand why Duanmu Yi didn’t leave, but Ying Zhao did.

From childhood, Duanmu Yi had endured scorn and bullying. In his most desperate times, no one was there for him.

To protect himself, Duanmu Yi gradually closed off his heart, becoming numb to everything around him. He no longer trusted anyone and only wanted to stay in a familiar environment.

Even if that environment represented pain, the unknown was even more terrifying.

Seeing Duanmu Yi’s lifeless eyes, Ying Zhao understood that for him at that time, it didn’t matter where he was or what he ate or lived in—he had completely numbed those feelings.

Fortunately, the secret guards’ teachings of martial arts and skills piqued Duanmu Yi’s interest, so he started to respond to the outside world.

Perhaps for Duanmu Yi, it was a rare source of amusement. But it also opened a crack in his heart.

It provided a bridge for him to communicate with the outside world, and thanks to the secret guards’ persistence, Duanmu Yi gradually returned to a normal state.

However, Duanmu Yi still refused to follow them to the yin pavilion afterward. Instead, he truly obeyed the emperor’s order and married him.

Ying Zhao didn’t know Duanmu Yi’s thoughts back then, but he was glad his lover’s choice made it easier to approach him.

Perhaps, as Wen Renming had once told him in the first world, he also didn’t care about anything and thought the marriage contract was insignificant.

But deep down, he felt that he would regret it if he didn’t come.

After watching the entire hidden storyline, Ying Zhao let out a breath and immediately asked Xiao Bai in his mind:

“Xiao Bai, why have I suddenly received such plots in two consecutive worlds? Shouldn’t all the plots be transmitted to me at the very beginning?” Ying Zhao asked.

Xiao Bai shook his head and explained, “No, Host. The system can only receive the overall story of the world. This means the system gives you the main plot centered around the protagonist and your character’s side story. As for other people’s stories, the system can’t immediately provide all the details. If the target character isn’t central to the story, the system will have very little information about them, and you’ll need to discover more about the target character yourself.”

Ying Zhao frowned at these words but soon understood. Although this place was just a small world inside a magical artifact to him, it was the real life for the people in this small world.

Naturally, just reading the plot couldn’t immediately fill in every detail about every person. For the people in this world, all these events were their real experiences.

Thinking of this, Ying Zhao felt relieved. Although he still felt sorry for Duanmu Yi’s childhood experiences, it was fortunate that the secret guards had appeared. Moreover, now that he was by Duanmu Yi’s side, Ying Zhao believed he could give him true happiness.

Next, it was time to take action. Duanmu Yanlang was an incompetent ruler, and Ying Zhao wouldn’t let him stay on the throne. Otherwise, it would also be a threat to the Ying family.

With Duanmu Yanlang’s suspicious and arrogant nature, he would eventually see the Ying family as a threat. The preparations previously discussed with Prime Minister Yu were proceeding as planned.

As for the time when the throne changes hands, whether Duanmu Yi wanted to stay or return to the Yin Pavilion to become the young master, Ying Zhao didn’t mind. Wherever Duanmu Yi wanted to be, he would follow.

As long as he resolved all the crises in the Canglan Kingdom, safeguarded the kingdom and its people, and fulfilled the original owner’s wishes, he could live his life freely.

Thinking of his beloved, a gentle light flashed in Ying Zhao’s eyes. However, he knew it was not the time for romance.

He still had to deal with Bai Wenxuan and maintain appearances. Though he felt a bit sorry for Duanmu Yi, he would make it up to him later.

With this in mind, Ying Zhao handled the matters in the ancestral hall and then went to Bai Wenxuan’s courtyard.

During Duanmu Yi’s month of confinement, Ying Zhao frequently visited Bai Wenxuan. Bai Wenxuan had staged his fall into the water to frame Duanmu Yi. Ying Zhao knew the truth but played along.

Pretending to be genuinely concerned, he often checked on Bai Wenxuan, gradually making Bai Wenxuan lower his guard.

Bai Wenxuan assumed that since Duanmu Yi had been confined in the ancestral hall for a month and Ying Zhao hadn’t visited him, Duanmu Yi must have fallen out of favor. Feeling smug, he told Ying Zhao his body had fully recovered half a month ago and tried to get closer to him.

However, Ying Zhao didn’t respond to Bai Wenxuan’s advances. Although they spent time together playing chess, chatting, drinking tea, and enjoying the scenery, Ying Zhao never touched him.

This puzzled Bai Wenxuan, especially when he heard that Ying Zhao had spent the night at Duanmu Yi’s place the day his confinement ended.

As he pondered this, his servant Shu Mo called from the door, “Master, the General is here!”

Bai Wenxuan hurriedly tidied his clothes, smiled, and walked out of the room. Seeing Ying Zhao, he quickly invited him inside and said with a smile, “General, you came to see me.”

But after the smile, a trace of melancholy appeared on Bai Wenxuan’s face. He said somewhat coquettishly, “I heard the General spent the night with the Prince again. The Prince must have some extraordinary qualities.”

Hearing this, a trace of impatience flashed in Ying Zhao’s eyes, but he quickly reassured him, “It’s not like that. It’s just that Grandmother had some instructions, and I had to make a show.”

As he spoke, Ying Zhao entered the room and sat down across from Bai Wenxuan, pretending to play chess and drink wine as usual.

After playing for a while, Ying Zhao suddenly sighed. Bai Wenxuan quickly asked, “General, why are you sighing? Is there something on your mind? You can tell Wenxuan.”

Ying Zhao seemed hesitant for a moment, then said, “Sigh! You noticed. I have been troubled recently. After my father’s death, it’s just my younger brother Wuji and me. Wuji is still so young, and I have to support the entire Ying family. My ancestors left behind a secret military formation diagram, which has been the foundation of the Ying family’s dominance. Unfortunately, I was severely injured in the battle with Chiyue and can no longer go to the battlefield. Although Canglan appears peaceful, I can’t rest easy. Wuji still needs time to grow, and we are in a transitional period. If it continues like this, I might have to find a trustworthy outsider to pass on this secret.”

Hearing Ying Zhao mention the Ying family’s secret military formation diagram, Bai Wenxuan’s heart skipped a beat. He had been lurking in the General’s mansion for a long time, always searching for this legendary diagram.

Now that Ying Zhao brought it up himself, how could Bai Wenxuan not be excited? He quickly said casually, “General, don’t be too sad. Some things should be left to fate. I believe Chiyue was severely damaged in the last battle and won’t make any moves against Canglan soon. However, your concerns are valid. It might indeed be necessary to consider passing on the secret to ensure the country’s safety.”

With these words, a hint of melancholy suddenly flashed in Bai Wenxuan’s eyes. He showed Ying Zhao a somewhat embarrassed smile and said:

“To be honest, General, my ancestors also practiced martial arts, so I know a bit about fighting. However, due to my mother’s wishes, I pursued a scholarly path. Yet, I have always admired heroes like you who can protect the country on the battlefield. I know I’m not talented enough to learn this secret technique, but I’m curious. If I ever get the chance to see it in my lifetime, it would be a great honor for me.”

Hearing Bai Wenxuan say this, Ying Zhao paused with a chess piece in hand. He looked up and nodded, saying, “I understand your feelings, Wenxuan. Any man of integrity would want to protect the country on the battlefield. I used to be reluctant to teach this secret to outsiders, but your words have enlightened me. For the sake of the country and the people, I shouldn’t be so narrow-minded. Let me think about it for a few more days.”

Upon hearing that there was a possibility, Bai Wenxuan immediately moved closer to Ying Zhao, poured wine for him, and struck a charming pose, softly saying:

“Thank you, General, for your trust in sharing such a secret with me. I toast to you!”

With that, Bai Wenxuan raised his glass and drank it all in one go, then leaned towards Ying Zhao.

Seeing this, Ying Zhao felt irritated and quickly moved aside. Noticing the obvious confusion in Bai Wenxuan’s eyes, he hesitated before saying with some difficulty:

“Wenxuan, I have understood your feelings these past days. Though I care about you, I had to marry Duanmu Yi according to the emperor’s orders. Since I have just married, I can’t make any moves right now. Although I can be close to you in secret, I don’t want to treat you lightly. Please give me some time. If I can’t give you a proper status, how can I live up to your deep feelings for me?”

Bai Wenxuan was momentarily stunned upon hearing this, thinking that this Rakshasa General truly had feelings for him, which is why he hadn’t touched him for so long.

Reflecting on their interactions over time, Bai Wenxuan fully believed Ying Zhao’s words and felt quite pleased. However, he immediately put on a look of being deeply moved, gazing at Ying Zhao with affection and saying:

“As long as the General feels this way, I am content!”

After that, Bai Wenxuan didn’t continue leaning towards Ying Zhao, which allowed Ying Zhao to breathe a sigh of relief. The two continued their conversation, beating around the bush.

Bai Wenxuan took the opportunity to stoke the flames, trying to firm Ying Zhao’s resolve so he could see the military formation diagram sooner and complete his mission to leave Canglan.

Knowing Ying Zhao’s thoughts, Bai Wenxuan was highly motivated in the following days, frequently finding excuses to talk with Ying Zhao.

Although they seemed to be having heart-to-heart talks, the conversation often circled back to the Ying family’s secret military formation diagram.

Ying Zhao found Bai Wenxuan’s intentions obvious and thought that although Bai Wenxuan was meticulous, his methods were not particularly clever.

Considering that in the original plot, he managed to win the hearts of so many heroes and even emperors, it must have been due to the protagonist’s halo.

Since the day Duanmu Yi was released from confinement, Ying Zhao had been visiting his courtyard, claiming it was the order of the Ying family’s matriarch.

However, after staying one night, it appeared to outsiders that Ying Zhao never went back to Duanmu Yi’s courtyard. In reality, he continued to sneak in late at night to share a bed with his beloved.

They slept in each other’s arms, but Ying Zhao was now busy with many affairs in court and often couldn’t return home immediately after court sessions, needing to discuss matters in secret with the prime minister.

After returning home, he had to deal with Bai Wenxuan during the day. By nightfall, Ying Zhao, although he would go to Duanmu Yi’s courtyard, was already exhausted.

He no longer had the energy to accompany Duanmu Yi for nighttime strolls in the secret garden. Often, as soon as he arrived at Duanmu Yi’s room, he would go to bed early and soon fall asleep holding his lover.

Seeing Ying Zhao so tired, Duanmu Yi felt heartbroken but didn’t know why. He quietly held Ying Zhao, gently touching the dark circles under his eyes.

Due to the perception that he had been neglected again, the servants became bolder, and many rumors reached Duanmu Yi’s ears.

Servants passing by his courtyard mocked him, saying that the General had completely abandoned him. After punishing him in the ancestral hall for a month, the General now spent every day with Young Master Bai, claiming that the General had no feelings for him.

Although Duanmu Yi remembered Ying Zhao mentioning that there were compelling reasons for visiting Bai Wenxuan frequently, hearing such harsh words repeatedly made him increasingly anxious.

Even though Ying Zhao still came to accompany him every night, he returned later and later.

He left early every morning, always looking exhausted. Touching Ying Zhao’s round little face, Duanmu Yi’s gaze deepened.

He realized he had never known what Ying Zhao did when away from him, why he was so exhausted these days.

They hadn’t had a proper conversation for a long time. This made Duanmu Yi feel increasingly heavy-hearted.

Could it be true, as the servants said, that although Ying Zhao stayed with him at night, he spent his days being affectionate with Bai Wenxuan?

He recalled that sometimes when Ying Zhao returned, he smelled of alcohol and a faint unpleasant incense scent he had once noticed on Bai Wenxuan.

This thought made Duanmu Yi frown deeply, his eyes darkening. A thought quietly took root in his mind, needing only a spark to ignite.

Unaware of all this, Ying Zhao, who was sleeping in the man’s arms, remained ignorant. The next day, after waking up and busying himself in court as usual, Ying Zhao returned home and was once again called by Bai Wenxuan to play the zither and appreciate paintings.

Ying Zhao now slightly hinted to Bai Wenxuan that after much thought, it seemed there was no particularly trustworthy candidate to teach the secret military formation. If there was some free time, he could let Bai Wenxuan see a bit of it, which excited Bai Wenxuan immensely. In reality, Ying Zhao was deliberately stalling to buy time.

On one hand, Bai Wenxuan was quite suspicious, and the harder it was to obtain something, the more he would believe it to be genuine. On the other hand, some arrangements he had made with the Prime Minister required Bai Wenxuan’s actions as a catalyst. They were just waiting for the right opportunity.

However, just as he was talking with Bai Wenxuan, he suddenly noticed a shadow flit past the window. Ying Zhao sharply turned his head to the window. Bai Wenxuan, seeing Ying Zhao’s reaction, immediately asked suspiciously, “General, is there something outside the window?”

Ying Zhao quickly feigned nonchalance and shook his head with a light laugh, saying, “It’s nothing, just that the weather is getting cooler.”

But in reality, he immediately asked Xiao Bai in his mind, “Xiao Bai, who was that just now? I’m sure there was someone by the window, and I seemed to smell Duanmu Yi’s scent!”

Xiao Bai, always aware of his host’s keen senses, couldn’t help but twitch his lips upon hearing that Ying Zhao had detected a scent. He nodded and said to Ying Zhao:

“It was indeed Duanmu Yi. His martial arts skills are extremely high; few in the entire Canglan Kingdom could match him. So moving freely within the General’s residence is absolutely no problem for him.”

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