Chapter 40: The Mute Prince VS The Rakshasa General (3, 4)

Ying Zhao then appeared as if he had been pondering for a long time, and turned to the servants in the room, instructing them, “You all leave first, I have something private to say to Grandmother.”

The servants, understanding the situation, quickly left the room. After all, it was a private matter for the masters, and they were eager to avoid being implicated.

Madam Ying originally wanted to scold Ying Zhao to get out, but seeing his expression, she hesitated for a moment, thinking she should listen to what this brat had to say.

Once everyone had left, Ying Zhao went to the door, ensuring it was closed before coming to Madam Ying’s bedside.

He leaned in and whispered, “Grandmother, please don’t be angry anymore. Your grandson has his reasons!”

Madam Ying, seeing Ying Zhao like this, asked suspiciously:

“You suddenly asked the servants to leave, what do you want to tell me? If you’re going to talk about your true love being that Bai Wenxuan and not caring for Yi’er, then you don’t need to say another word!”

Ying Zhao hurriedly waved his hand upon hearing her words. “Grandmother, it’s not like that!”

Ying Zhao then lowered his voice deliberately and leaned closer to Madam Ying’s ear, speaking with some helplessness:

“Grandmother, I didn’t want to worry you. But seeing you fall ill from anger today, I must speak. In fact, I never liked Bai Wenxuan; I’ve always truly loved Duanmu Yi. Of everyone in the Ying family, the happiest about this marriage is actually me!”

Madam Ying looked at Ying Zhao in disbelief. She studied his expression, trying to see through his mask to confirm if he was deceiving her.

Seeing her reaction, Ying Zhao explained, “Grandmother, my body is already ruined. You must know why the emperor bestowed Duanmu Yi upon me as a male wife.”

Hearing this, Madam Ying sat up, held Ying Zhao’s hand, and her face showed a hint of pain.

Ying Zhao patted the back of her hand and continued, “To speak frankly, the current emperor on the throne holds no gratitude for our Ying family’s past sacrifices and can’t stand to see us well. As for Bai Wenxuan, he’s not simple either. Although I’ve always suspected him, there are things I can’t tell you yet. My cold treatment of Duanmu Yi is for his own good. Our Ying family is on the brink. If anything happens to our family, I hope he won’t be implicated.”

After speaking, Ying Zhao looked up to see Madam Ying frowning, seemingly still puzzled. She thought for a moment and then asked:

“But Ning’er, I remember you’ve met Yi’er a few times over the years. For certain reasons, I never told you about my friendship with his mother. Why did you always speak of Duanmu Yi with disdain and mockery?”

Ying Zhao was momentarily stunned by her words, but then remembered it was indeed the case. However, at that time, Ying Jingning didn’t actually dislike Duanmu Yi.

Ying Jingning didn’t understand the struggles of living in the palace and simply felt that Duanmu Yi, as a man, should be strong despite being mute, and looked down on him.

Understanding this, Ying Zhao quickly explained to Madam Ying:

“To be honest, when I first saw Duanmu Yi, I fell in love at first sight. But I was young and impetuous, not knowing how to win his heart, only wanting to catch his attention. The more he ignored me, the angrier I became, making things worse.”

Ying Zhao’s hands clasped nervously as he continued firmly.

“Since I’ve revealed my feelings to you, I have a request. I only want Duanmu Yi in this life, so I don’t want to take any other wives or concubines. If our Ying family can live in peace, I only wish to grow old with him.”

Madam Ying, surprised by his words, believed his sincerity. Considering Ying Jingning’s dedication to the family over the years, she nodded lovingly:

“Very well, very well! If this is your true heart, then you two will be good for each other. As for continuing the family line, leave it to your brother Wuji.”

Hearing this, Ying Zhao bowed deeply to Madam Ying, grateful:

“Thank you, Grandmother. But now, I must still probe Bai Wenxuan in the house and can’t show my true feelings for Duanmu Yi openly. So I hope you can look after him for me. I entrust him to you!”

Madam Ying smiled warmly at his words.

“Don’t worry, Ning’er, leave Yi’er to me. You’ve grown up and are the pillar of the Ying family. I trust you know what to do!”

Madam Ying reached out and touched Ying Zhao’s mask, speaking with a trace of guilt: “Ning’er, you’ve suffered all these years!”

Ying Zhao shook his head at Madam Ying and said respectfully, “Grandmother, don’t say such distant things. This is my duty. It’s my honor to shoulder the responsibility of the entire Ying family! But since you now know my true feelings, I hope you can cooperate with me in a play.”

Madam Ying raised her eyebrows at Ying Zhao’s words and then saw him lean in and whisper some words to her.

Before long, loud scolding could be heard from Madam Ying’s room. Madam Ying seemed genuinely furious, shouting at Ying Zhao:

“You unfilial grandson! You little brat! It seems you really want to anger me to death. Let me tell you, today is your wedding night with Yi’er, and no matter what, you must obediently go and get married. If you dare say anything about not wanting to marry, then don’t acknowledge me as your grandmother! I have no such unfilial grandson!”

After the scolding, there was the sound of dishes breaking, and then Ying Zhao came out of the room with his head bowed, looking dejected.

Seeing this, the servants immediately lowered their heads, not daring to make a sound, afraid of attracting the attention of their displeased master and getting into trouble themselves.

Although the Ying family members were in charge of the household, the servants were mixed, and there were inevitably a few disloyal ones. The residences of high-ranking officials were always places where various parties would plant their spies.

Ying Zhao had Madam Ying cooperate in this act to show the emperor and Bai Wenxuan’s people.

Indeed, there is no wall that does not let the wind through. Soon, news spread that Ying Jingning and Duanmu Yi were at odds, and Ying Jingning didn’t want to marry Duanmu Yi. It was only under Madam Ying’s coercion that he reluctantly married Duanmu Yi. But these are matters for later.

In the open-minded culture of Canglan, marrying a male wife was not considered a shocking matter. Many prominent families even took pride in marrying a virtuous male wife.

However, for someone like Duanmu Yi, who had the status of a prince, it was truly awkward to be married off to someone else, despite the previous emperor’s disfavor.

According to Canglan customs, a wedding between a man and a woman was held in the morning, while a wedding between two men took place in the afternoon.

So, the guests arrived at the Ying residence after lunch, bringing congratulatory gifts to witness the peculiar marriage between the nation-stabilizing general and the mute prince.

When all the guests were gathered, and the auspicious time was approaching, Ying Zhao finally arrived late. He was dressed in a bright red wedding robe, but his face was still covered with a Rakshasa mask.

Not far from him stood Duanmu Yi, significantly taller than Ying Zhao. Although the red robe he wore was a man’s style, his head was covered with a wedding veil.

Ying Zhao outwardly displayed a cold and unwilling demeanor, but beneath the mask, his face was always smiling.

Although Ying Zhao had married his lover in his past two lives, this was his first time experiencing such a traditional wedding. Especially with his lover covered with a wedding veil and being the one getting married, Ying Zhao found it even more amusing.

When the auspicious time came, and it was time for the couple to perform the ceremony, Ying Zhao remained motionless.

It wasn’t until Madam Ying, sitting at the main seat, frowned and glared at Ying Zhao, coughing harshly, that Ying Zhao reluctantly walked to Duanmu Yi’s side. Facing him, they performed the ceremonial bows.

After the ceremony, Duanmu Yi was escorted to the bridal chamber to wait for the groom, while Ying Zhao stood in the corner with a wine cup, not offering drinks to the guests and looking extremely unhappy.

The guests understood that this marriage was the emperor’s deliberate attempt to humiliate the Ying family. Naturally, no one approached Ying Zhao to toast, avoiding his displeasure.

Ying Zhao, holding the wine cup, posed leisurely in the corner, thinking he could slip away to find his man once this part was over.

However, before long, a well-dressed man with a scholarly air approached Ying Zhao. Holding a wine cup, he looked at Ying Zhao with a deep sadness in his eyes.

He toasted Ying Zhao and said softly, “General, today is your joyous day. Congratulations!”

Ying Zhao recognized the man immediately as Bai Wenxuan, the white moonlight in the heart of the original Ying Jingning. Dressed in a moon-white robe, Bai Wenxuan indeed exuded an extraordinary aura, explaining Ying Jingning’s infatuation.

However, a closer look revealed that the deep emotion in Bai Wenxuan’s eyes was fake, and his superficial sorrow made Ying Zhao find his acting laughably poor.

Having seen countless beautiful beings, human and otherwise, Ying Zhao was unimpressed by Bai Wenxuan’s attempts to appear dashing. In Ying Zhao’s eyes, he couldn’t compare to his own lover.

Bai Wenxuan tried hard to portray a look of helpless love in front of Ying Zhao, but Ying Zhao remained unfazed, finding him rather irritating.

He shook his head slowly, seeming tired, and said softly, “Wenxuan, sorry. Can I be alone for a while?”

Bai Wenxuan, having always heard Ying Jingning express reluctance about the marriage, thought he was being forced. Hearing Ying Zhao’s words, he pursed his lips, took a step back, sighed, and then turned to leave.

Many guests had come to congratulate the Ying family on this joyous occasion, given the Ying family’s long history of defending the borders. General Ying Zhentian, though deceased for many years, had left a lasting legacy. Ying Jingning, taking over, had also made significant contributions to the defense of Canglan, earning the gratitude of many.

However, there were also opportunistic people who came specifically to watch the spectacle. These onlookers gossiped, saying that Duanmu Yi, at twenty-six, was still unmarried and had to marry as a male wife. It was a joke for a prince to be married off.

Moreover, marrying the Rakshasa General, who was rumored to be disfigured, led to speculation about whether Duanmu Yi would faint from fright in the bridal chamber.

However, they only dared to speak these words in whispers. Even though Ying Zhao couldn’t go to the battlefield now, no one dared to act recklessly in the Ying residence.

At the middle of the banquet, the guests were clinking glasses and enjoying themselves. Madam Ying, having learned Ying Zhao’s true feelings, was genuinely happy today and couldn’t help but drink a few more cups.

But when Madam Ying turned to look at Ying Zhao, who was standing there with a wine cup, silent and sullen, she knew his difficulties.

So, she immediately put on a stern expression and said loudly to the servants, “I see Jingning is also tired. Today is a joyous day for the Ying family, and since it is getting late, he should go to the bridal chamber early to accompany Yi’er!”

Ying Zhao was stunned for a moment upon hearing Madam Ying’s words and turned to look at her. Seeing Madam Ying give him a slight nod, Ying Zhao felt grateful. On the surface, he appeared reluctant and hesitated for a long time before finally following the servants away.

After leaving the banquet hall and reaching outside, Ying Zhao realized that the sky had unknowingly turned completely dark.

According to the previous storyline, Ying Jingning did not go to Duanmu Yi’s room, so the two never consummated their marriage.

However, in this lifetime, Ying Zhao wouldn’t miss such an important moment with his lover. The thought of meeting his man made Ying Zhao inexplicably nervous.

He dismissed the servants beside him, intending to see Duanmu Yi alone. But as he approached the courtyard, he suddenly heard a commotion.

Ying Zhao frowned and quietly approached, seeing two young servants who had been assigned to serve Duanmu Yi sitting in the courtyard, eating meat and drinking wine, one of them already quite drunk.

The dishes before them were lavish, entirely unfit for servants. Just as Ying Zhao was feeling puzzled, he heard one servant, seemingly uneasy, say to the other:

“Hey, we’re eating all the prince’s food and leaving him hungry in his room. If the general finds out, we’re definitely going to be punished!”

But the other servant laughed dismissively:

“What kind of prince is he? Everyone in Canglan knows he’s just an unlucky mute, even the late emperor didn’t like him! Haven’t you seen how our general treats him usually? Our master won’t come here today. Maybe after the banquet, he’ll be busy drinking with Young Master Bai! Besides, even if he sees what we’ve done, the general won’t say a word against us. Who does Duanmu Yi think he is, eating such good food? He’s not worthy!”

Hearing the servant’s brazen words, Ying Zhao felt a surge of anger. He stepped forward and kicked the servant to the ground, coldly scolding:

“He’s not worthy of these dishes, but you are? How I treat him is my business! Who are you to criticize your master?”

The two servants were obviously shocked to see Ying Zhao there. The drunken one sobered up instantly and, pale-faced, knelt on the ground, repeatedly kowtowing and begging for mercy.

Seeing their frightened and submissive behavior, Ying Zhao couldn’t be bothered to argue with them further. He waved his hand and said:

“Get out. Go to the steward and each receive ten lashes, and have your monthly silver docked for two months. Let’s see who dares to be so presumptuous and disrespectful in the future!”

The two servants, hearing Ying Zhao’s words, immediately kowtowed in gratitude for his mercy. After all, the title of Rakshasa General wasn’t just for show.

Having fought in countless battles against evil gods and demons, Ying Zhao knew how to project an intimidating aura, easily fitting his role as the Rakshasa General by releasing just a bit of his inherent presence.

Watching the two servants scurry out of the courtyard, Ying Zhao frowned at the mess of food before him. Thinking of his lover starving in the room, he felt even more displeased.

So, Ying Zhao didn’t enter the room immediately but headed to the kitchen in the general’s residence. After spending some time there, he returned to the small courtyard that served as the bridal chamber.

The so-called bridal chamber was actually the most dilapidated courtyard in the Ying residence. Because Ying Jingning disliked Duanmu Yi, he had him placed in this remote corner, completely ignoring him, with Bai Wenxuan deliberately ensuring Duanmu Yi was housed there.

Initially, Madam Ying had insisted on moving Duanmu Yi out after learning about it. However, Duanmu Yi had refused, preferring the quiet and peace of the secluded courtyard.

But Ying Zhao was very dissatisfied seeing this. His lover deserved only the best. The small courtyard was adorned with red silk, and the windows were decorated with paper-cut characters for happiness.

Ying Zhao walked to the door, hesitated for a moment, and then pushed it open. He saw Duanmu Yi sitting by the bed, the red wedding veil long removed. The table was lit with dragon and phoenix candles, their light dancing on Duanmu Yi’s face.

Duanmu Yi was quietly reading a book. Ying Zhao carefully examined his lover in this world. Duanmu Yi’s appearance was indeed similar to Zhu Que’s, but he lacked the gentleness of the previous two worlds, appearing much more rugged.

His features were sharply defined, and he was exceptionally tall. Though not overly muscular, his broad shoulders and back made him look more like a warrior than a scholar, more fitting the role of a general than Ying Zhao himself.

Seeing Ying Zhao enter, Duanmu Yi looked up, a trace of surprise flashing in his eyes, seemingly not expecting Ying Zhao to actually come.

Ying Zhao, seeing Duanmu Yi’s expression, pursed his lips and casually sat by the table. Knowing that his lover was hungry, he felt somewhat guilty. Fortunately, his face was still covered by a mask, hiding some of his embarrassment.

Ying Zhao, imitating the original character’s tone, said to Duanmu Yi unceremoniously, “Hey, why did you take off the veil yourself? That’s something I should do!”

Duanmu Yi looked at Ying Zhao and blinked. Seeing this, Ying Zhao coldly snorted and said, “Forget it, you can’t talk anyway.”

Then, Ying Zhao pulled out an oil paper package from his bosom. Inside was a whole roasted chicken, still seemingly steaming, with three sesame cakes beside it.

Ying Zhao picked up one of the cakes, lifted a corner of his mask slightly, exposed his mouth, and took a small bite before putting it down. Then, he tore off a chicken leg, took a bite, and disdainfully threw it on the table, saying:

“What kind of food is this? It’s so hard to eat. I thought of having it as a midnight snack, but it tastes terrible! Duanmu Yi, you eat all of this! Don’t leave any!”

Hearing Ying Zhao’s commanding tone, Duanmu Yi showed no trace of displeasure on his face. He silently walked over, picked up the bitten chicken leg, and looked at the small teeth marks on it before biting into it.

The tender, juicy meat burst in his mouth. The roasted chicken was very hot, seemingly just cooked, and tasted delicious. Duanmu Yi’s eyes widened in surprise. Then he picked up the cake Ying Zhao had thrown on the table and took a bite.

Although the cake looked ordinary, it was filled with sesame seeds and tasted very fragrant. Duanmu Yi, who had been hungry all day, felt much better after eating these warm foods.

After eating a few more bites, Duanmu Yi looked up and saw Ying Zhao already wandering to the bedside, casually flipping through his book.

Watching Ying Zhao from a distance, Duanmu Yi’s gaze became complicated. Though he couldn’t speak, he wasn’t stupid. He could see that Ying Zhao had intentionally brought these foods for him.

Ever since he arrived at the Ying residence, every time he encountered this national general, the other was always cold and harsh towards him. Didn’t he dislike him? Why would he bring food for him to eat?

Unable to understand, Duanmu Yi decided not to dwell on it and simply ate the whole roasted chicken and the three cakes.

After Duanmu Yi had eaten and drunk to his fill, Ying Zhao returned to the table, tapped the empty wine glass on the table, and said to Duanmu Yi, “Hey, come drink!”

Duanmu Yi silently sat in front of him, obediently picked up the wine pot, and poured a cup for Ying Zhao, then filled his own.

Seeing his lover being so obedient, a hint of a smile flashed in Ying Zhao’s eyes. He raised his wine cup, extended his arm towards Duanmu Yi, and said reluctantly:

“Cross-cupped wine! Grandmother instructed me to do this. I won’t go back on my word. At the very least, we should go through these ceremonial steps.”

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