Chapter 37: The Disabled Brother of the Wealthy Male Lead (18, 19)

Here, it looked like a dim and dilapidated dark room, but standing inside were a group of men in suits, resembling bodyguards.

In front of him, a very handsome man sitting in a wheelchair stared expressionlessly at him. Meng Jiaqi felt that this man’s face seemed familiar, but for a moment, he couldn’t recall where he had seen him before.

However, when he noticed the wheelchair again, Meng Jiaqi suddenly realized. He had seen this man’s photo in a magazine before—it was Lin Yiting, the elder brother of Lin Ze from the Lin family.

Meng Jiaqi saw Lin Yiting widen his eyes in shock and said, “You, you’re Lin Yiting! Why did you bring me here?”

Lin Yiting’s gaze swept coldly over Meng Jiaqi, as if looking at an ant. His voice icy, he said, “Do you not know what you’ve done? Do I need to remind you? I thought those photos on the notice board would have been enough to warn you, but apparently you haven’t learned your lesson.”

Meng Jiaqi couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “What, you’re saying you were behind those photos with Liu Fu? Why?”

Lin Yiting sneered at Meng Jiaqi’s question. “Not only did you spread rumors about my beloved, but this time you dared to drug him! Do you think I would easily let you off?”

With that, Lin Yiting signaled to Uncle Lin beside him. Uncle Lin nodded and opened the door behind him. Inside were several thugs who Meng Jiaqi had bribed to harm Ying Zhao that day.

However, these thugs all had various injuries on their faces and bodies, clearly having been severely disciplined. Despite being bound, they were clearly not in a good state, their faces flushed and restless.

Seeing this, Meng Jiaqi looked at Lin Yiting in horror and hastily shook his head. “How could it be! How could Ying Zhou be your treasure? Isn’t he with Lin Ze?”

Upon hearing Meng Jiaqi’s words, Lin Yiting frowned. Over the years, he naturally knew that Ying Zhao and Lin Ze were just ordinary friends and there was no ambiguity between them. He didn’t understand why Meng Jiaqi would think otherwise.

Although he and Xiao Zhou had just confirmed their relationship, it didn’t prevent Lin Yiting from asserting his authority at any time. He sneered at Meng Jiaqi and said, “You can’t even figure out who the man behind him is, and yet you dare to drug my treasure! Since you chose this drug yourself, you should experience its effects.”

With that, Lin Yiting had Meng Jiaqi’s ropes untied and forced several pills into his mouth. He then threw Meng Jiaqi and the loosened thugs together before leaving the room.

Meng Jiaqi struggled to get up and slammed the door of the room with all his might, but the entire room was already locked, and he couldn’t get out.

The men behind him, freed from their restraints, stood up and stared at Meng Jiaqi with bloodshot eyes. Meng Jiaqi was now like a lamb to the slaughter. As they approached him step by step, restraining him and pushing him to the ground, he let out a desperate scream.

He didn’t understand how things had escalated to this point. It seemed that ever since he made a move on Ying Zhou that day, all his misfortunes had come one after another. Could it be that Ying Zhou was born to thwart him!

As screams came from the room, Lin Yiting’s gaze grew colder. He turned to Uncle Lin beside him and said, “Keep them together for three days and then release the footage captured by the surveillance cameras online.”

With that, he wheeled himself out of the room.

In fact, everything Lin Yiting did, Ying Zhao was aware of. After Xiao Baii woke up, he took the opportunity to report to him that Lin Yiting had already arrested the people who wanted to harm him that day, including Meng Jiaqi.

After so many years of getting along, Ying Zhao naturally knew Lin Yiting’s temper. If he wanted to stand firm in the large Lin family, he not only had to have the talent for business, but also had to be ruthless when necessary.

As for why these people received such consequences, it was all their own fault. Ying Zhao might sympathize with the weak, but he would never sympathize with those who deserved their punishment.

Later in the evening, Lin Yiting arrived at Ying Zhao’s research institute. After all, he had promised Ying Zhao to have his prosthetic leg fitted at the research institute today.

Ying Zhao had specially invited his good friend from Y country, a renowned orthopedic surgeon, to assist in the surgery on Lin Yiting’s leg.

After completing all the tests and examinations, the surgery was scheduled for the next morning. Ying Zhao canceled all his classes and research projects for the day, intending to focus solely on completing the surgery for his lover.

Because this surgery was somewhat different from Ying Zhao’s previous work, Lin Yiting’s original leg muscles were not severely atrophied. Therefore, Ying Zhao hoped to replace part of the leg bones and nerves.

This way, the prosthetic leg would not appear mechanical from the outside, and Lin Yiting would fully sense his own body. Such a prosthetic would provide sensory feedback similar to a natural limb.

However, this approach undoubtedly increased the difficulty of the surgery, and Lin Yiting’s leg operation lasted a full two days and nights.

After Ying Zhao and the surgical team finished their work, they were exhausted and collapsed on the ground, gulping down medical glucose that was difficult to swallow to replenish their strength.

Fortunately, the surgery was highly successful, with no rejection reactions between Lin Yiting and the prosthetic leg, finally easing Ying Zhao’s anxiety.

The next step was to ensure Lin Yiting underwent rehabilitation quickly so he could walk on his own legs again soon. Meanwhile, Ying Zhao could take advantage of this recovery period to properly detoxify his own body, eliminating all the toxins accumulated over the years from medications Lin Yiting had taken.

As for the current technology, there actually isn’t such a method for recovery. So Ying Zhao secretly used the power of the system, but of course, all of this was done discreetly without letting anyone know.

After the surgery, Lin Yiting gradually woke up. When he realized he could actually feel his lower limbs, he was overwhelmed with excitement.

Since birth, his legs had been disabled, devoid of any sensation whatsoever. This sudden novel sensation made him feel strangely emotional.

Lin Yiting sat up, attempting to move his legs off the hospital bed. However, despite his efforts, he couldn’t control his legs at all.

Still, being able to feel his toes slightly curling was enough to excite Lin Yiting. Just then, the door of the room opened, and a weary Ying Zhao entered alongside the chief surgeon who had performed the operation.

Lin Yiting looked up and saw the dark circles under Ying Zhao’s eyes, causing him to hold back tears. Ying Zhao naturally understood his lover’s feelings and walked to Lin Yiting’s bedside. He took his hand and softly asked, “Are you feeling alright?”

Lin Yiting nodded. “I can move my toes!”

At these words, Ying Zhao’s face lit up with a big smile. He said, “Because the surgery has just been completed, it will take some time to adjust. You should be able to walk normally after another month or two of rehabilitation.”

As Ying Zhao spoke, he continued to examine Lin Yiting’s fully reconstructed legs, adding, “Since your surgery was different from others’, involving a combination of mechanical and biological elements, it’s essentially a reshaping of your legs to nearly match natural limbs. However, the recovery period will be longer to fully restore your ability to exert force like an ordinary person, taking about half a year.”

Upon hearing Ying Zhao’s words, Lin Yiting nodded excitedly and said, “Thank you, Xiao Zhou!”

Hearing Lin Yiting’s words, Ying Zhao smiled and leaned close to his ear, whispering softly, “If you want to thank me, get well soon and then marry me, understood?”

After saying this, regardless of the others in the room, Ying Zhao gently kissed Lin Yiting’s cheek. The chief surgeon, who was also Ying Zhao’s good friend, seeing their intimacy, smiled kindly.

In the days that followed, Lin Yiting focused wholeheartedly on his rehabilitation training, hoping to recover his body as soon as possible. Through the specialized care of Ying Zhao and his friends, Lin Yiting also noticed that his body had indeed improved significantly compared to the past.

Not only did he appear healthier on the surface, but it seemed even the previously hollowed-out foundation inside him had been replenished. This made Lin Yiting even happier, feeling that his relationship with Ying Zhao had gained even more solid ground.

He felt that he must take good care of his health, especially since he was much older than Ying Zhao. Therefore, he had to work harder to truly take care of Xiao Zhou for the rest of their lives.

Since Lin Yiting’s surgery ended, Ying Zhao and Lin Yiting officially became a couple. With their relationship confirmed, they naturally became more intimate, showering each other with affection every day, which amazed Ying Zhao’s assistants.

Never did they expect Professor Ying, who was usually serious and dedicated to his work, to be so affectionate in love.

Watching Ying Zhao hang up the phone with a sweet smile, his assistants couldn’t help but cry inside, wishing to shout out loud, “Please show more love to us single dogs!”

Meanwhile, as these two were enjoying their sweet moments, videos of Meng Jiaqi socializing with others were leaked online. This time, the impact was completely different from his previous involvement with Liu Fu.

Because Meng Jiaqi’s actions were not discreet at all, and he had longstanding relationships with those thugs. All of this evidence was intentionally collected by Lin Yiting’s people and spread online.

Thus, Meng Jiaqi, once a victim, transformed in the eyes of the public into a promiscuous and shameless person. Many even began to suspect that his previous involvement with Liu Fu was not forced.

Soon after, Meng Jiaqi’s unrealistically high grades were also exposed. Although Shenglin Academy wouldn’t investigate due to past events, Meng Jiaqi’s once sterling reputation for hard work and academic excellence completely evaporated in people’s eyes.

Because Meng Jiaqi had previously worked so hard to build his good reputation, and Shenglin Academy was the most renowned in the country, Meng Jiaqi truly became famous on the internet.

However, this fame was completely unwanted, and he dared not return to school or go home.

He rented a rundown apartment with the little money he had left. Every day, he hid inside, afraid to go out, yet constantly harassed by his lecherous landlord.

However, the story did not end there. Soon, those thugs, because of their history of drug use and harming others, were sent to prison by Lin Yiting’s people.

Meanwhile, after suffering psychological torment and being sentenced for attempting to harm Ying Zhao with drugs, Meng Jiaqi’s ordeal continued. Although his crime wasn’t severe, he wouldn’t be imprisoned as long as those thugs.

Even so, Meng Jiaqi, with his tender and delicate appearance, was thrown into a prison full of hardened criminals, and one can imagine the treatment he would receive.

About two months later, due to Lin Yiting’s diligent rehabilitation training and Ying Zhao’s covert assistance through the system, injecting some strength into Lin Yiting, his recovery was remarkably fast.

Though he couldn’t run quickly yet, walking was no different from an ordinary person. Lin Yiting felt like he was dreaming. He had found the love of his life, regained the ability to stand and walk, and his body was much improved from before.

And all of this was thanks to Ying Zhao. Indeed, Xiao Zhou was his angel, his redemption, giving him all the happiness he could ever want.

Yet, amidst this blissful existence with Xiao Zhou, Lin Yiting’s heart began to feel a sense of panic.

He began to feel somewhat anxious, not wanting Ying Zhao to leave his sight, and even always feeling that such a perfect lover might eventually leave him.

Xiao Zhou might still be young now and not have experienced much yet. But if a few more years passed, and he gradually aged while Ying Zhao was surrounded by so many outstanding people, would Xiao Zhou become disgusted with him, or even leave him?

Thinking of this, Lin Yiting furrowed his brow. He looked at Ying Zhao sitting beside him, nibbling on a sandwich while scrolling through the news on his phone. Lin Yiting leaned over and kissed his forehead softly, whispering, “Xiao Zhou, you won’t leave me, right?”

Ying Zhao paused for a moment upon hearing Lin Yiting’s question. He knew in his heart that because of the lingering obsession from the soul fragment, his lover would always have this mentality of worry and anxiety.

Turning his head, he nodded firmly at Lin Yiting and said, “Of course, I won’t leave you, never!”

Upon hearing Ying Zhao’s words, Lin Yiting gently embraced him, stroking Ying Zhao’s hair, his gaze becoming somewhat distant.

If only in this world, it could just be him and Xiao Zhou. If only around Xiao Zhou, there were no others. Then he wouldn’t have to fear anyone taking Xiao Zhou away from him.

A few days later, a delegation from Y Country’s Haus Academy arrived at Shenglin Academy for a technology exchange and academic discussion. Naturally, Ying Zhao, as one of the representatives of Shenglin Academy, participated in welcoming the Haus Academy personnel.

Ying Zhao had spent a full eight years at Haus Academy, and many members of the delegation were his friends or colleagues, making him the most suitable person to host them.

This exchange was not only an academic exchange between two schools but also a probing collaboration between two countries in this field, making it highly significant.

Ying Zhao had prepared extensively for this academic exchange, working early and returning late every day. Although Lin Yiting expressed dissatisfaction with this, Ying Zhao couldn’t help it and could only try his best to reassure his beloved.

On the day of the academic exchange, Ying Zhao found his former assistant, Milai, among the delegation. Milai was very happy to see Ying Zhao and gave him a big hug directly.

Milai herself was petite and lovely, and when she hugged Ying Zhao, it looked like she was snuggling in his arms, making them look quite compatible.

Ying Zhao was already used to Milai’s straightforward personality, so he didn’t stop her. By evening, as the two teams separated, Milai specifically found Ying Zhao within Shenglin Academy to thank him for his encouragement.

Now Milai and her same-sex partner were living happily together, having recently completed their wedding. Milai felt that all of this was due to Ying Zhao’s constant encouragement by her side, giving her the courage to persist with her partner and eventually gaining approval from her partner’s family.

Ying Zhao looked at Milai’s blissful expression and naturally felt happy for her. They chatted pleasantly for a long while before Ying Zhao left Shenglin Academy and returned to Lin’s home.

However, what he didn’t know was that photos of his embrace with Milai and their joyful conversation had already reached Lin Yiting’s hands.

When Lin Yiting saw Ying Zhao embracing a cute and petite woman like Milai, he felt his mind go blank.

He had always been kept updated on Ying Zhao’s activities at Haus Academy in Y Country, so he naturally knew that Milai was Ying Zhao’s capable assistant.

He had always assumed they were just colleagues, but seeing them intimately embrace and laugh together, the smile on Ying Zhao’s face stabbed Lin Yiting’s eyes.

He felt that the thing he had always feared was about to happen—someone was trying to snatch away his most cherished treasure.

Thinking back, it had been over two months since he completed his rehabilitation training and his body had improved significantly. Yet, despite expressing their feelings for each other and sleeping together every day, they had not progressed beyond kisses.

He refrained from touching Xiao Zhou out of cherishment, but why did Xiao Zhou show no desire for him? Each time he kissed him, he felt like he was about to explode from restraint.

In fact, Lin Yiting had misunderstood Ying Zhao. Ying Zhao genuinely enjoyed the intimacy between him and his lover. It was just that Ying Zhao, mindful of Lin Yiting’s recent surgery and ongoing rehabilitation, was afraid that such actions might negatively affect his recovery, so he restrained himself, intending to wait until Lin Yiting fully recovered before engaging in intimacy.

However, Lin Yiting didn’t know any of this and began to let his mind wander. He started to doubt whether Xiao Zhou was already having regrets.

As he thought about this, he walked up to the mirror. Examining his mature appearance in the mirror, he noticed small wrinkles forming at the corners of his eyes, which had started to show signs of aging at some point.

He was already showing signs of aging, while Xiao Zhou remained youthful and radiant. Since he wasn’t a woman, he couldn’t even have a child with Xiao Zhou after being together.

So, was Xiao Zhou starting to pay attention to the women around him because of this?

The more Lin Yiting thought about it, the more frightened he became, feeling anger and fear fill his heart. He wanted to confront Ying Zhao, to ask him what kind of relationship he had with this woman.

But he hesitated, afraid of hearing an answer he didn’t want to hear, afraid of losing the treasure he held dear in his heart.

Lin Yiting felt more cowardly than ever in his life. He became frenzied, smashing everything in the room into pieces.

Then he headed to the liquor cabinet, pouring the contents of the bottle into his mouth in large gulps, seemingly trying to numb his nerves with alcohol.

So when Ying Zhao returned home and entered the room, all he saw was a mess of broken pieces on the floor and Lin Yiting heavily intoxicated, completely drunk.

Ying Zhao looked bewildered at the scene before him. Over the years, Lin Yiting had always shielded Ying Zhao from seeing him in such a deplorable state when he had these episodes.

But this time, Lin Yiting was drunk, collapsed on the floor seemingly unconscious, and there was no time to summon the household staff to tidy up. So, this was the first time Ying Zhao had directly witnessed such a scene.

Ying Zhao hurried over to Lin Yiting, who was still intoxicated, helped him up, and gave him a few sips of water.

Lin Yiting shook his head, still not fully lucid. But when he saw Ying Zhao’s face, he suddenly flashed a miserable smile.

He pulled Ying Zhao close by the neck, kissed him forcefully on the lips, and then held him tightly, whispering repeatedly in his ear, “Xiao Zhou! Xiao Zhou, you’re mine!”

Ying Zhao looked at Lin Yiting, somewhat stunned, and quickly asked Bai in his consciousness, “Little Bai, what’s going on with Lin Yiting? Why is he like this?”

Bai hesitated for a moment before answering, “Host, it seems someone sent Lin Yiting photos of you embracing and chatting with Milai. Looks like he’s jealous.”

Ying Zhao sighed helplessly, rubbing his forehead. “There’s nothing between me and Milai at all. Why is he getting jealous over nothing?”

Because in his past life, Ying Zhao had always lived isolated with Wen Renming in the sanctuary, apart from some spirit beasts, and had never encountered such matters. However, he could still sense Wen Renming’s possessiveness towards him.

In this new world, his lover had been suppressing himself due to Ying Zhao’s physical condition, only secretly observing his life.

Unexpectedly, after they truly got together, his partner’s strong possessiveness gradually surfaced. Indeed, his man could get extremely jealous.

Just as Ying Zhao was thinking about these random thoughts, Lin Yiting suddenly stood up. He grabbed Ying Zhao’s arm and pushed him onto the bed, then pressed his entire body against him, pinning him down.

Ying Zhao was taken aback by the sudden change, but he realized that Lin Yiting had already started to tear at his clothes. The words he had just been about to say were all swallowed back by the man.

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