The Disabled Brother of the Wealthy Male Lead (14, 15)

With that, Liu Fu left angrily. Meng Jiaqi stood there, covering his swollen cheek, looking at the students passing by with strange looks, unable to hold back his tears.

He didn’t understand why, after living another life, he still encountered such things. Everything should have been under his control.

Looking at Liu Fu’s hurriedly departing figure, Meng Jiaqi gritted his teeth in hatred. This irresponsible man boasted so much in bed, but when things went wrong, he treated him like this.

That potbellied idiot thought he would expose the photos to force him? What a fool!

Meng Jiaqi originally hooked up with Liu Fu just to achieve outstanding grades at Shenglin Academy. With such grades, even with an ordinary family background, he would gain admiration from everyone.

Then he would become a model of inspiration in the eyes of others, and Lin Ze would surely see him differently. Although there were some unpleasant incidents between him and Lin Ze due to Ying Zhao’s return.

But their relationship had improved a lot recently with his efforts. If he took all the blame and ruined his reputation, how would Lin Ze see him then? Wouldn’t all his efforts be wasted?

Thinking of this, Meng Jiaqi’s eyes became determined. He couldn’t let all his efforts go to waste. Since Liu Fu wanted to throw him under the bus, he wouldn’t hesitate to be ruthless.

Meng Jiaqi took a deep breath and went to the principal’s office, knocking on the door.

By the afternoon, several police cars arrived at Shenglin Academy, taking away the school’s authorities, Liu Fu, and Meng Jiaqi.

Everyone speculated about what had happened, and a few days later, rumors spread that Liu Fu, Shenglin Academy’s life tutor, was suspected of coercing and assaulting a student, with charges confirmed.

The police found multiple scars and bite marks on the student’s body, all matching the suspect Liu Fu.

Although the police did not disclose the student’s name to protect their privacy, everyone who saw the photos on the bulletin board knew the victim was Meng Jiaqi.

Thus, Meng Jiaqi reappeared in the public eye as a victim. Although the matter was still disgraceful, people mostly sympathized with him as he was seen as forced into it.

In reality, Meng Jiaqi didn’t want so many people to know about his relationship with Liu Fu, but with the photos already exposed, he had no choice.

To restore his reputation, he had to take this step. Fortunately, Liu Fu had always liked playing these disgusting games, leaving many marks on him, which could serve as evidence of being forced.

Even the matter of Liu Fu providing him with exam papers was twisted by Meng Jiaqi into Liu Fu’s attempt to silence him about the assault by giving him exam answers.

Liu Fu already had a poor reputation at school, known for taking advantage of good-looking boys. Naturally, the police believed Meng Jiaqi’s story, confirming he was victimized by Liu Fu.

Given Meng Jiaqi’s situation, Shenglin Academy didn’t pursue his previous exam results but instead compensated him, hoping to quickly resolve the matter and prevent further damage to the academy’s reputation.

Meng Jiaqi claimed he was psychologically traumatized and wanted to take a break before returning to school.

Given the severity of the incident, the school was grateful that Meng Jiaqi didn’t blow it up, seeing it as protecting their reputation. So they readily agreed to his request.

Meng Jiaqi returned to school a month later after the incident calmed down. Although he occasionally faced strange looks, he would appear pitiful and as a victim.

Others would feel sympathy for him and would not want to bring up the matter in his presence. This result of handling it did manage to make Meng Jiaqi somewhat satisfied.

It’s just that perhaps unintentionally, the incident spread so widely in the school that it overshadowed the previous rumors about Ying Zhao.

Moreover, Ying Zhao had real knowledge and talent. After teaching at the school for a while, he became the most popular teacher in his field.

Additionally, he had his own teaching techniques that allowed students to quickly grasp the key points to the greatest extent. As a result, he gained the approval and admiration of the students.

More and more people knew that Shenglin Academy had an exceptionally outstanding guest lecturer. Not only had he previously studied at Shenglin Academy, but he also skipped grades with excellent results.

At the age of sixteen, he was admitted to the prestigious Haus Academy in Country Y to pursue graduate studies.

Later, at the age of twenty, he completed all the research required for both a master’s and a doctoral degree. At the age of twenty-two, he was exceptionally promoted to associate professor.

At twenty-four, due to his outstanding achievements in mechanics and biology, he was awarded the title of professor by Haus Academy. This was unprecedented in the history of Haus Academy.

Such a handsome, well-off, and genius-like Ying Zhao was simply like a god in the eyes of everyone. He became the idol of many students at Shenglin Academy.

Hearing the students around him praise Ying Zhao, Meng Jiaqi clenched his teeth in jealousy. He didn’t expect that the previous rumors didn’t affect him in the slightest.

Instead, someone spread these glorious deeds of Ying Zhao, making him the idol of the entire Shenglin Academy.

No, he couldn’t let this go on. He couldn’t let all the glory surround this person. By then, Lin Ze would be completely drawn to Ying Zhao and abandon him.

In fact, Meng Jiaqi’s feelings towards Lin Ze were also complicated. When he met Lin Ze again, he found that this life Lin Ze was very different from his past life.

He no longer had a prodigal demeanor. Even when he saw him, who looked somewhat similar to Ying Zhao, he only politely expressed his goodwill and became friends with him.

There was no longer any financial onslaught or sweet-talk, and those disreputable friends were no longer around Lin Ze. Instead, he became an entrepreneur, striving hard.

Although Meng Jiaqi was initially puzzled, he attributed it to the influence of his rebirth. Moreover, the current Lin Ze was even more attractive to him, making him more determined to win Lin Ze’s heart.

However, he believed that in his past life, Lin Ze abandoned him because of Ying Zhao. Meng Jiaqi felt he couldn’t eliminate Ying Zhao, who was a thorn in his side.

Thinking of this, Meng Jiaqi’s eyes seemed to be poisoned. He thought to himself, since you are now respected and admired by everyone, I’ll make you taste the feeling of being despised by everyone.

The photos he released were nothing. If everyone knew that the seemingly abstinent, cold, and rigorous Professor Ying was associating with a lowlife, who knows what kind of sensation it would cause.

So Meng Jiaqi devised a plan he thought was flawless and went to find Lin Ze again.

Although Lin Ze had been in contact with Meng Jiaqi during this period, they hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

On one hand, Lin Ze was busy with his company affairs. On the other hand, after the last dinner, he felt Meng Jiaqi was not as pure as he thought.

So, facing such a person, he wanted to keep a certain distance. But Meng Jiaqi came to him again, saying he wanted to transfer to the Mechanics Department, which surprised Lin Ze.

After all, Meng Jiaqi was already in his second year. Transferring departments would mean starting all subjects anew. Moreover, although Biopharmaceuticals was not the top major at Shenglin Academy, it had a promising future.

He didn’t understand why Meng Jiaqi would suddenly make such a decision. After chatting for a while, Meng Jiaqi, in a slightly pleading tone, said:

“Lin Ze, I’ve always wanted to go to the Mechanics Department, so I have some questions I want to ask Professor Ying. It was wrong of me to lie before, but I really admire Professor Ying. Can you say a few good words to Professor Ying for me? That way, it won’t be so awkward when I go to him.”

Lin Ze initially thought Meng Jiaqi wanted him to arrange a meeting with Ying Zhao. If that were the request, he might refuse. But if it was just to say a few good words, it was no big deal.

After all, the decision was still up to Ying Zhao. Seeing Meng Jiaqi’s pitiful and pleading look, Lin Ze sighed inwardly and reluctantly agreed.

At this time, Ying Zhao was in his research room, reviewing his final observation report. Seeing that the patient with the mechanical prosthesis still had no adverse reactions, Ying Zhao showed an excited smile.

With this data support, he could make this research public. Most importantly, he could help his lover stand up!

Just as Ying Zhao was filled with joy, his phone suddenly rang. Seeing that the caller was Lin Ze, he answered.

When he heard that the call was about Meng Jiaqi, Ying Zhao raised an eyebrow. He didn’t expect Meng Jiaqi to make this move.

It seemed that in Meng Jiaqi’s mind, he firmly believed that his relationship with Lin Ze was ambiguous. He thought as long as Lin Ze spoke, he wouldn’t refuse.

Who was Meng Jiaqi trying to fool with this act? Did he want Lin Ze to think he was a strict and scary teacher? Was he so scared to even ask about transferring departments?

Ying Zhao agreed to Lin Ze without hesitation, because based on the storyline he had read before, he could already imagine what Meng Jiaqi wanted to do to him.

It might also be due to his past influence on Lin Ze. Although Lin Ze and Meng Jiaqi met again in this life, Lin Ze was not close to Meng Jiaqi.

Perhaps this was why Meng Jiaqi could only call him through Lin Ze, rather than, as in the past storyline, taking action during a gathering with Ying Zhao and others.

But for Ying Zhao, any means were fine. A slight smile tugged at his lips, and he even found it a bit more interesting.

Since the research was already completed, he didn’t mind playing along with the person seeking trouble, relaxing a bit, and getting rid of this eyesore of a clown.

The next day at noon, when Ying Zhao finished his work and opened the door to his lab, he saw Meng Jiaqi standing nervously at the door.

Seeing Meng Jiaqi’s innocent look, Ying Zhao said expressionlessly, “What brings you here, student?”

Meng Jiaqi’s expression stiffened for a moment upon hearing Ying Zhao’s question. He clearly remembered that Lin Ze had messaged him last night, saying he had told Ying Zhao about his wish to transfer departments and that he had questions for him.

But seeing Ying Zhao’s expression now, it was clear he knew nothing about it. So he had to brace himself and say:

“Professor Ying, don’t you remember me? Last time, I came to welcome you back with Lin Ze. I mentioned that I am also a student at Shenglin Academy. Didn’t Lin Ze call you yesterday to say I wanted to see you?”

Hearing this, Ying Zhao feigned a look of realization and nodded at Meng Jiaqi.

“Oh, it’s you! Sorry, I don’t remember much beyond my research. Lin Ze did call yesterday about you wanting to see me, but I’m just a guest lecturer. Why would you come to me?”

Meng Jiaqi was momentarily stunned by Ying Zhao’s words, thinking that the excuse about transferring departments was just a pretext. This guy, who was so silent during the dinner, was now asking so many questions.

He had to tough it out and say, “It’s like this, I’m not familiar with the teachers in the Mechanics Department. You’re the only one I know, so I need your help. It’s noon now, I’d like to treat you to a meal and discuss it over lunch. Is that okay?”

Ying Zhao, hearing this, did not refuse. He pretended to follow Meng Jiaqi without any suspicion into a small, secluded restaurant.

As soon as Ying Zhao left campus with Meng Jiaqi, Lin Yiting’s people called to inform him.

Because those assigned to Ying Zhao had also investigated Meng Jiaqi’s attempts to frame Ying Zhao, Meng Jiaqi was naturally classified as a suspicious person. A private meeting with Ying Zhao could not be for good purposes.

Upon hearing this, Lin Yiting immediately dropped his work. He instructed those around Ying Zhao to monitor their actions closely and ensure they did not leave their sight.

The place Meng Jiaqi brought Ying Zhao to was more like a private house than a restaurant. It had no sign outside, and the facilities inside were very simple.

Faced with Ying Zhao’s puzzled look, Meng Jiaqi hurriedly explained:

“Professor Ying, don’t be fooled by the simplicity. The food here is excellent, all special home-cooked dishes! Very few people know about it.”

Hearing this, Ying Zhao nodded and said no more.

As for Lin Yiting’s people, when they tried to enter the place pretending to be customers after Ying Zhao and Meng Jiaqi entered, they were immediately stopped by a few people inside. They said it was a private restaurant and not everyone could enter.

Feeling more suspicious, they waited outside, ready to storm in if needed.

Ying Zhao sat at the table, looking at the simple dishes in front of him and sensing the malice hidden behind Meng Jiaqi’s smile.

He calmly picked up his chopsticks and asked Xiao Bai in his mind, “Xiao Bai, which dish has been drugged?”

Xiao Bai immediately replied, “Host, none of these dishes are drugged, but the rice in front of you is!”

Ying Zhao nodded upon hearing this. Drugging the rice was indeed more reliable than drugging the dishes. He then asked, “When will Lin Yiting arrive?”

Xiao Bai, feeling his host’s foresight, wagged his tail and said, “Lin Yiting is on his way and should be here within five minutes!”

Hearing this, Ying Zhao showed a satisfied expression. He picked up the rice in front of Meng Jiaqi, noticing the obvious anticipation in the latter’s eyes.

His sharp senses made him sniff, feeling a strange smell from the drugged rice. He then put the rice down and started eating the dishes.

Meng Jiaqi was anxious for Ying Zhao to eat the rice but couldn’t make it obvious. His eyes flashed, and he started serving dishes into Ying Zhao’s rice bowl, mixing them with the rice. Ying Zhao, this time, did not refuse and pretended to eat it unknowingly, noticing Meng Jiaqi’s undisguised excitement.

As Ying Zhao ate, he instructed Xiao Bai in his mind, “Xiao Bai, retain the drug’s observable symptoms but minimize its actual impact on my body.”

Xiao Bai, hearing this, hesitated and worriedly said:

“But Host, this drug is very potent. Even if its impact is minimized, it will still cause adverse reactions in your body. The system can completely remove these reactions!”

But Ying Zhao did not agree with Xiao Bai. He said, “It’s okay, I need to retain a little bit of the drug’s effect on my body.”

Xiao Bai, understanding somewhat, nodded and carried out his instructions.

Soon, Ying Zhao’s cheeks began to flush, his eyes became watery, and even his breathing seemed a bit hurried.

Seeing this, Meng Jiaqi’s lips curled into a malicious smile, though he spoke with concern. He quickly grabbed Ying Zhao’s arm and said:

“Professor Ying, what’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell? There’s a resting area at the back of this restaurant. If you’re not feeling well, should I help you there to rest?”

Ying Zhao heard Meng Jiaqi’s words, frowned, and shook his head, trying to stand up as if to leave. However, as soon as he stood up, he wobbled and sat back down, clearly having lost his strength.

Seeing this, Meng Jiaqi felt even more triumphant. He quickly went over to support Ying Zhao, saying:

“Professor Ying, don’t be polite with me. I’ll help you rest now!”

As he spoke, he forcibly lifted Ying Zhao’s arm and pulled him towards a room at the back of the restaurant. Ying Zhao initially resisted a little but, with Xiao Bai constantly updating him on Lin Yiting’s position in his mind, he knew Lin Yiting would arrive soon, so he stopped struggling and let Meng Jiaqi support him to the so-called resting room.

It was a very dark room with only a large bed inside. Meng Jiaqi helped Ying Zhao sit on the bed, and soon a few shady-looking people entered the room.

The leader, a man with yellow hair, whistled when he saw Ying Zhao’s face and said with a playful grin:

“Didn’t expect the person you wanted us to deal with to be so good-looking. Seems like this business is profitable! But, seeing his attire, are you sure we won’t get into trouble?”

Meng Jiaqi, hearing the leader’s words, smiled maliciously and handed him a stack of money, curling his lips.

“Someone like him is most afraid of damaging his reputation. Take more photos and videos of him for me, and I guarantee he’ll be yours to play with in the future.”

After speaking, Meng Jiaqi left. The gang leader nodded, his attention fully on Ying Zhao, his eyes flashing with lechery.

Seeing Ying Zhao looking dazed, he stepped forward to unbutton Ying Zhao’s shirt. He had only undone a few buttons, revealing Ying Zhao’s delicate collarbones, when the door was suddenly kicked open with a loud bang.

Immediately, a dozen burly bodyguard-like men rushed in, pinning the gang members to the ground. After they subdued the gang, Lin Yiting, sitting in a wheelchair, entered the room.

Seeing the gang pinned to the ground and the flushed, unconscious Ying Zhao lying on the bed, Lin Yiting felt a storm of emotions. Seeing Ying Zhao’s half-opened shirt and the small exposed part of his chest, Lin Yiting’s eyes turned red with rage.

Had he not arrived in time, who knows what horrors his little Zhao would have faced. Looking at the gang, he seemed to be looking at dead men.

In a cold voice, he instructed his men, “Take all these people back.”

After that, he wheeled himself to Ying Zhao, pulling him into his arms. Ying Zhao was clearly drugged. Thinking of the report from his men about Meng Jiaqi bringing Ying Zhao here, Lin Yiting’s eyes filled with burning anger, wishing he could tear Meng Jiaqi apart.

But the most urgent matter was the person in his arms, so he quickly carried Ying Zhao to his car and sped towards the Lin residence. On the way, Ying Zhao kept moving restlessly in his arms.

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