Chapter 33: The Disabled Brother of the Wealthy Male Lead (11)

In fact, Lin Ze, who brought Meng Jiaqi, also felt a bit awkward. For Lin Ze, he had only met Meng Jiaqi a few months ago.

Initially, he just thought that Meng Jiaqi resembled Ying Zhao a bit. The memories of his youthful crush had long passed, but the fondness that lingered in his heart couldn’t be erased.

So when Lin Ze saw Meng Jiaqi, who looked somewhat similar to Ying Zhao, he naturally developed a bit of affection for him.

Upon getting to know him better, Lin Ze learned that Meng Jiaqi was a student at Shenglin Academy. Working at the bar was just a way to support himself, and he wasn’t swayed by money, which made Lin Ze admire him even more.

As for today, it was supposed to be a private gathering, and Lin Ze hadn’t planned to bring Meng Jiaqi. However, after unintentionally mentioning it, Meng Jiaqi expressed a strong desire to attend.

Upon hearing that Ying Zhao was a guest professor at Shenglin Academy, Meng Jiaqi told Lin Ze that he had attended Ying Zhao’s lectures and admired him greatly.

Meng Jiaqi’s earnest words persuaded Lin Ze, who eventually brought him along.

As expected, Ying Zhao didn’t pay much attention to strangers.

Meng Jiaqi felt deeply resentful about Ying Zhao’s indifferent attitude towards him, but he had to suppress his anger for the sake of his goal.

To ease the atmosphere at the table, Lin Ze quickly said to Ying Zhao:

“Xiao Zhou, I heard you’re a guest professor at Shenglin Academy recently! What subject do you teach? As expected, you’re the most accomplished among us!”

Ying Zhao, expressionless, replied to Lin Ze:

“As you said, I’m just a guest professor. I only teach a few classes each week, mostly in mechanical engineering. It’s mainly practical skills. You were never interested in these things, were you?”

Meng Jiaqi knew Lin Ze was trying to find a topic for him and quickly joined the conversation with a grateful smile:

“Professor Ying, I don’t know if you remember me. I’m also a student at Shenglin Academy, and I’ve attended your classes! I’ve always admired you!”

Ying Zhao, noticing Meng Jiaqi’s flattering look, asked casually:

“Oh? Which major are you in?”

Meng Jiaqi, thinking Ying Zhao wanted to chat with him, immediately replied:

“I’m in the biopharmaceutical major. Although it’s not related to mechanical engineering, I’ve always been interested in these subjects, so I attended your classes.”

Ying Zhao had a great memory and had only just arrived at Shenglin Academy, having only taught two classes so far. He knew Meng Jiaqi had never attended his classes.

So, he frowned and, with a puzzled look, said to Meng Jiaqi:

“But my classes are only for students in my major. And because the courses are related to my experimental projects, we always take attendance before entering the lab, led by a supervisor. How could you, a biopharmaceutical student, attend my class?”

Meng Jiaqi was stunned. His words were a lie; no guest lecturer’s course required such strict scrutiny.

He hadn’t expected his lie to be exposed so easily, and the scene became very awkward. Meng Jiaqi’s face turned red.

He then looked at Ying Zhao pitifully, matching his delicate appearance, as if Ying Zhao were the one at fault.

But Lin Ze, having been guided by Ying Zhao for many years, hadn’t developed the habits of a spoiled rich kid and was no longer easily deceived.

He wouldn’t believe Meng Jiaqi just because he acted pitifully. Instead, Lin Ze’s impression of him worsened.

However, since he had brought Meng Jiaqi, Lin Ze had to smooth things over and said to Ying Zhao helplessly:

“Maybe Jiaqi remembered wrong, Xiao Zhou. Don’t mind it.”

Ying Zhao blinked, carefully observing Meng Jiaqi before turning to Lin Ze. Then, somewhat woodenly, he adjusted his glasses and said to Meng Jiaqi:

“Sorry, I must have misspoken. I’m not good at socializing or lying. If I made you uncomfortable, I apologize.”

Growing up with Ying Zhao, Lin Ze and his friends knew this was just how Ying Zhao was. Two friends, seeing Ying Zhao’s serious apology while metaphorically breaking the other’s backbone, couldn’t help but laugh.

Seeing this, Meng Jiaqi dropped his pitiful act, feeling that Ying Zhao had deliberately embarrassed him, increasing his resentment.

After the earlier incident, Meng Jiaqi didn’t try to make conversation at the table again. He just quietly ate his food.

In contrast, Ying Zhao chatted happily with his childhood friends. Meng Jiaqi felt as if there was an invisible wall between him and them, isolating him.

Feeling uncomfortable being isolated, he looked to Lin Ze for help. But Lin Ze no longer showed him the same attention, ignoring his pleas.

Indeed, with the main person back, the substitute became dispensable!

Meng Jiaqi couldn’t help but think of his miserable life after being abandoned in his past life. He had ended up in such a state because of this person and had died so miserably.

In this life, he had worked hard to win Lin Ze’s admiration and affection. He couldn’t let Ying Zhao ruin everything so easily.

Thinking this, Meng Jiaqi lowered his head, a flash of ruthlessness in his eyes. He gritted his teeth inwardly: ‘Ying Zhou, you’re forcing me to do this!’

Meanwhile, Ying Zhao, chatting with his friends, sensed the obvious malice beside him and slightly curved his lips. It seemed someone was eager to court death.

When the gathering ended, it was completely dark outside. Suddenly, the sky was filled with thunder and lightning, and it started pouring rain.

Ying Zhao never liked driving, and now it was late. The streets were sparsely populated, making it difficult to get a ride.

Just as he was about to pick up his phone to call Uncle Lin, he saw Lin Ze walk up, look at the heavy rain outside, and say to Ying Zhao, “I’ll take you back to the Lin house later. Otherwise, in this weather, who knows how long it will take to get a car.”

Hearing this, Ying Zhao glanced at Meng Jiaqi standing beside Lin Ze. Lin Ze immediately understood what Ying Zhao meant and turned to Meng Jiaqi with an apologetic expression, “Jiaqi, I’m sorry. Since Xiao Zhou didn’t drive, I need to take him home today. Can you get back on your own?”

Meng Jiaqi looked helplessly at the pouring rain outside and the deserted street, nodding reluctantly.

Ying Zhao naturally didn’t stand on ceremony with Lin Ze, as he had no habit of waiting for a car alone in the rain. Moreover, he wasn’t willing to inconvenience himself for someone like Meng Jiaqi.

So, Ying Zhao naturally sat in Lin Ze’s car and returned to the Lin family’s old residence. Although it was already quite late, Lin Yiting hadn’t slept and was waiting for Ying Zhao in the living room.

However, seeing Ying Zhao return in Lin Ze’s car, with the two of them chatting and laughing, stung Lin Yiting’s eyes.

Lin Ze saw Lin Yiting waiting in the living room and greeted him politely, “Big brother.”

Lin Yiting nodded without saying much, but Uncle Lin immediately took their coats and brought them towels.

Since it was very late, Lin Ze decided to stay at the Lin family’s old residence for the night, as his room was still kept there, and he would return home the next day.

Over the years, although Lin Ze and Ying Zhao had kept in touch, Lin Ze had long understood that in Ying Zhao’s heart, there was only his elder brother.

So, he had buried his admiration for Ying Zhao deep in his heart, transforming it into friendship.

Having not seen each other for many years, Lin Ze wanted to have a long talk with Ying Zhao. But seeing the gloom in Lin Yiting’s eyes when he looked at him, Lin Ze swallowed his words and obediently went back to his room alone.

Ying Zhao, seeing Lin Yiting’s expression, raised an eyebrow but silently returned to his room.

Lin Yiting felt a sense of loss when Ying Zhao returned home without even greeting him.

He stared at Ying Zhao’s departing figure, wanting to call him back but unsure how to speak the words.

In the end, Lin Yiting could only watch silently as Ying Zhao went back to his room and closed the door.

Lowering his eyes to hide the bitterness in his heart, Lin Yiting returned to his room, listening to the torrential rain outside, feeling restless.

He lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. The rain outside showed no signs of stopping, growing heavier with thunder and lightning.

Feeling annoyed, Lin Yiting sat up, intending to smoke, but at that moment, he heard a knocking at the door.

He looked at the door in confusion, as it was already midnight and unlikely for anyone to disturb him. After a moment of silence, the knocking continued.

Just as Lin Yiting hesitated, not wanting to respond, he suddenly heard Ying Zhao’s voice from outside, “Brother Yiting, are you asleep?”

Upon hearing Ying Zhao’s voice, Lin Yiting immediately called out to the door, “Is it Xiao Zhou? Come in, the door’s not locked!”

Then came the sound of the doorknob turning. Ying Zhao, holding a pillow, walked into the room, locked the door behind him, and quickly ran to Lin Yiting, jumping into his bed.

Lin Yiting’s bed was quite spacious, so even with Ying Zhao joining, it didn’t feel crowded. But Lin Yiting was stunned by Ying Zhao’s sudden action.

Seeing Ying Zhao already lying down next to him, only showing the top of his head from under the covers, Lin Yiting asked blankly, “Xiao Zhou, what are you doing?”

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