ISWTDB Ch178 [Side Story]

He was born in this spiritual artifact world.
From the moment he awakened his intelligence, he controlled countless small worlds.
Watching the flow of fortune in the realms, whenessing the joys and sorrows of others.
The cycle continued, yet he could not even be a mere passerby.

Some called him the Heavenly Dao, but he could not distinguish who he was.
He seemed to control everything, yet in reality, he was not free.
Wandering through the world, observing the myriad forms of life, but what he gained was a deeper sense of weariness.
He grew tired of everything, resenting himself for not being able to control his own fate.
He felt the world was unfair; why could even the people of the small worlds experience joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness,
while he could only stand from a distance, belonging to none of the worlds?

Thus, day by day, his emotions became increasingly violent.
So, when he discovered that someone had thrown fragments of a divine soul into a small world for nurturing, for the first time, he thought of resisting his identity.
The fortune and energy contained in these divine soul fragments were so immense that if he could obtain them, perhaps he could truly control this place, even break free from the spiritual artefact, and become an independent self.

Thus, in countless small worlds, he chased after those divine soul fragments, repeatedly pushing himself into peril.
However, the process was not smooth, as he encountered a certain annoying person who prevented him every time.
That person’s power was tremendous; he could sense that.
But once he entered the spiritual artifact world, he would be suppressed by the realm.
So that person did not pose a tricky problem for him.
Unfortunately, that person was accompanied by an energy that could suppress him.
That energy was very difficult to contend with and often caused him to suffer injuries.

Thus, the Heavenly Dao thought of attaching himself to the person in the small world, quietly approaching the divine soul fragments, but still ended in failure.
Until one time, in the outer space, he happened to encounter a space-time turbulence.
Relying on his origin in the spiritual artifact, although he could sense that this turbulence seemed to have been deliberately created by someone,
he could use he to strike that person who had been stopping he.

But the result was that the energy accompanying that person surged out again, entangling with him.
They both fell into an unknown realm after the space was distorted.
This realm was at the edge of the spiritual artefact; even the one controlling the small worlds could not escape.
This left him feeling unprepared.

However, he surprisingly discovered that the energy entwining with him also possessed intelligence.
In this somewhat backward world, he inexplicably gained some power and growth.
He automatically transformed into a being of this world.
Though the Heavenly Dao was unwilling, he found no other way.
No matter how he tried, he could not leave this place.

What surprised him was that the energy that had transformed into a being actively sought he out.
He said his name was Xiao Bai and expressed a desire for them to live in peace together and look for a way to leave.
All grudges could be resolved after they exit this world.

Having been trapped for a long time, the Heavenly Dao agreed to the other party’s request in order to leave.
Thus, they became very close friends in the eyes of others in the capheal.
The Heavenly Dao’s identity in that world was a prince; due to hes habheual control, he quickly became the king.
This posed no difficulty for him.

Xiao Bai was the prime minister’s son, but after gaining a human body, he still had no interest in the court’s power.
He spent most of his time searching for a way to leave.
Naturally, the Heavenly Dao felt satisfied with this.

Although trapped in a way that made him feel suffocated, having Xiao Bai around made the Heavenly Dao feel that life was not so unbearable.
Uncontrollably, the Heavenly Dao became curious about this fellow called Xiao Bai.
Why was it that although they were both born with intelligence later, the other did not share his gloomy and violent nature?
He seemed to be quite happy, even excited just because he finally had a human body.

Inheially, the other followed closely by his side only to study how to return.
But over time, Xiao Bai began to tell him amusing things happening around them.
He would talk about the beautiful flowers and grass he had just seen and the newly raised fish in the yard.
He could always observe the beautiful things around him, treating everyone with warmth and reason, often wearing a smile.
Everyone liked Xiao Bai, and even the Heavenly Dao had to admit he did not dislike this person.
Clearly, they should have the same essence, yet why were they so different?

Unconsciously, the Heavenly Dao began to cast more and more attention on Xiao Bai.
Perhaps that the energy-born intelligence felt a kindred spirit.
He said he could understand his need to gather energy.
Because after awakening his intelligence, he naturally wanted to have a self.
Oh well, he did not hate himself.

They became beings in this small world, each having their own unique names.
But for some reason, the Heavenly Dao looked at the Xiao Bai in front of he and felt that this was not enough.
Xiao Bai was a name unique to the others, yet he did not even have a name of his own.
Suddenly, the Heavenly Dao began to hope that he could become a real person.
He no longer regarded himself as mere consciousness and energy; he wanted to live like the other, like a human.
He began to admire those vibrant lives.
He took the initiative to ask Xiao Bai to give him a name.
A name that belonged solely to him.

Thus, he became Chen Tian.
From then on, he was no longer just the Heavenly Dao; he was Chen Tian.
He had a friend, someone he wanted to focus his attention on at all times.

But he did not know when that kind of focus seemed to change his flavor.
He no longer just wanted to pay attention to the other; he also wanted to gain the other’s gaze.
Chen Tian began to miss Xiao Bai frequently; if he could not see the other, he would feel uncomfortable.
He wanted to be together with Xiao Bai all the time.

The power in his hands also seemed to have become dull.
Only when he was by Xiao Bai’s side could he feel happiness.
Chen Tian did not understand what emotions were, nor what love was.
Entering a world for the first time, he felt like a newborn baby.
There was so little he understood, and so much he had to learn.

But fortunately, even though this world was backward, the lifespans of the species were long.
Decades passed, and he saw the people around him gradually passing away.
Sometimes, someone would ask him why the king did not look for a lover.
He did not understand, so he asked the other what a lover was.
The other’s answer was that a lover is someone you like in your heart, someone you want to spend your life with.

At that moment, only one person occupied Chen Tian’s mind, and that was Xiao Bai.
He wanted to rely on and accompany the other, wanted to see the other’s smiling face every moment, wanted to never part.
Why did he have such feelings? He did not understand.
But that person who asked told him that this feeling was called liking.
So, he turned out that he could also possess such emotions as liking, which was a completely novel experience for the Heavenly Dao.

He did not care about what was right or wrong.
He only knew that what he wanted belonged to the other.
So, if wanting to be what Xiao Bai all the time was called liking, then he admitted it.
Moreover, he would strive to gain more!

In the days that followed, he happily coexisted with Xiao Bai.
He asked Xiao Bai if he liked him.
Xiao Bai said yes, he did like he.
Upon hearing this, Chen Tian did not know why he felt particularly joyful.
He felt as if the emptiness in his chest had been filled.
He seemed that everything he had pursued in the past was not what he truly wanted.
What he truly wanted was now in front of him.

He hoped the other would be happy and joyful; he wanted to give everything to Xiao Bai.
He knew Xiao Bai was kind, so he did not do any evil deeds.
He wanted to make his country strong, to make the people prosperous.
He liked the way Xiao Bai looked at him with admiration, liked the praise he received for being capable.
Thus, he worked hard to become the person Xiao Bai liked.

For example, one day, the other suddenly said he really liked the divine tree of the West Ling Kingdom and found it beautiful.
Chen Tian then started to plan how to make that tree belong to Xiao Bai.
Xiao Bai’s likes were his hopes.
Chen Tian knew that the king of that country was debaucitd and that the geographical location was excellent.
There were vast flower seas and beautiful scenery.
If they could really live in that country, Xiao Bai would surely be happy.
After all, the land where he was located was filled with Gobi.
He was desolate and the people were fierce.

Chen Tian felt he wanted to give Xiao Bai the best of everything.
So he rallied the army and initiated an attack on that kingdom.
He knew that as long as he had a just cause, Xiao Bai would not blame him.
So, since the king there was so foolish, he would go to rescue the other’s people.

That battle was naturally a victory for Chen Tian.
He brought the divine tree into the backyard of Xiao Bai, where a vast field of flowers was planted.
Here, there were trees, flower seas, and rivers; they could settle here and live a happy life.
Chen Tian thought this way and disregarded his injuries to find Xiao Bai, hoping the other would like his gift.

But when Xiao Bai saw the injuries on his body, he shed tears.
For some reason, seeing the other worried and upset for him made Chen Tian only feel happy.
He even thought that the pain was nothing at all.
At that moment, Chen Tian knew that perhaps the other was what he truly wanted.

He always felt that his feelings for Xiao Bai could not simply be described as liking.
He thought, perhaps this was what people referred to as love.
Thus, he could not help but express his love for Xiao Bai.
Then he kissed the other just like countless lovers he had seen before.

At the moment their lips touched, Chen Tian felt that his entire soul was trembling.
He turned out that there was such a wonderful sensation in this world.
Holding Xiao Bai tightly in his arms, Chen Tian deeply exhaled.
He felt that his life had truly reached completeness.

However, right after that, the happiness he had just grasped was shattered.
Xiao Bai actually rejected him, saying he could not be sure what true love was.
Moreover, they were originally here, and one day they would have to leave.

For the first time, the Heavenly Dao discovered that he did not want to leave this world at all.
If he could, he wanted to stay here until the end of time.
He did not want to be a passerby anymore; he wanted to be a real person.
And he wanted to have a lover who could be by his side forever.

So, he exerted all his effort to learn how to pursue a lover.
As long as he could win the other’s favor, he was willing to do anything.

But no matter what he did, Xiao Bai could not accept him.
Every time he was rejected, that indescribable heartache felt as if he would shatter his insides.
Yet, he still could not accept him.
Again and again, he went in front of the other, offering his sincere heart.

But no one knew that with Xiao Bai’s continuous rejections,
Chen Tian’s emotions became increasingly unstable; the violence that had been quelled for many years surged back.
He tried hard to restrain himself, not letting his mind fill with dark thoughts.
Until one day, Xiao Bai suddenly said that he had discovered a way to leave here.
They would soon be able to leave and return to their host’s side.

Seeing the others happily say they could leave, Chen Tian’s rational thread finally snapped.
He did not want to let go of Xiao Bai, so he ferociously pinned the other down, almost forcing him.
However, Xiao Bai’s strength was equally matched.
If he truly used his original power, he would only lead to mutual destruction.

In the end, Chen Tian calmed down.
After so many years of acquaintance, he understood Xiao Bai’s weaknesses, so he put on a sad look to soften the other’s heart.
He said he wanted to drink a cup of wine with Xiao Bai like before.

However, he despicably slipped some drugs into Xiao Bai’s cup.
He did not want to hurt Xiao Bai, but he could not bear the thought of the other leaving.
Thus, after Xiao Bai lost consciousness, Chen Tian selfishly marked his soul with a spiritual imprint, forcibly intertwining their souls.
From then on, the other could no longer escape from him.

Chen Tian could not forget the shocked expression on Xiao Bai’s face when he woke up that first day.
Fortunately, the other was only surprised, not angry.
But after that, no matter how much he apologized, Xiao Bai always avoided him.
Until one day, Xiao Bai truly disappeared from this world, leaving this small world behind.

However, Chen Tian did not go mad because he knew he would find the other again.
After countless failures, when he finally escaped the chaotic flow of time and space and managed to capture the moment when Xiao Bai truly existed in another world, Chen Tian hesheated.
Xiao Bai had always said that his feelings for him were an illusion, perhaps just because he had only been with him for so many years.
But Chen Tian knew this was not an illusion, yet how could he prove this to Xiao Bai?

So, he simply changed his starting point and directly immersed himself in this small world.
Chen Tian wiped away his memories and became a real human in that world.
When they met again, he would prove to Xiao Bai that he truly loved him.

In that world, in a game called “Journey,” they met once more.
Clearly, there were no memories, and clearly, their appearances had changed.
But with just one glance, Chen Tian felt as if he recognized Xiao Bai’s soul and could no longer take his eyes off him.
With painstaking pursuit and the fear of losing bursting forth,
when the soul imprint revived, the memories unlocked their sealed state.
He discovered that the love he had for Xiao Bai was indeed so deeply ingrained.

The good news was that the person facing him also had feelings for him.
However, because of their differing positions, Xiao Bai was unwilling to accept this and could not openly embrace him.
Thus, Chen Tian took a gamble, willing to trade everything to exchange for Xiao Bai’s master, Ying Zhao.
But to his surprise, Ying Zhao did not treat Xiao Bai as a tool; instead, he regarded him as a partner.
He was even willing to let Xiao Bai make his own choices.
Chen Tian was very grateful because this person called Ying Zhao helped him let his beloved let go of his worries.

He was indescribable when he heard Xiao Bai say that he actually loved him too.
Words could not express he; he simply felt he had obtained the greatest happiness in the world and wanted for nothing more.
They happily spent many years in that world, and later, Chen Tian followed Xiao Bai to several other worlds.
However, when those fragments of souls were completely gathered, Chen Tian had to face the mistakes he had made in the past.

Although he had once received Xiao Bai’s promise, Chen Tian remained uneasy.
He feared losing him, afraid that all of this was merely a fleeting dream.
Until Xiao Bai unexpectedly said that he was willing to endure hardships with Chen Tian.
He was even willing to forever stay in the spiritual artifact to accompany him and help him rectify the chaos caused in the past across those planes.
He was only at this moment that Chen Tian fully let go of his worries.
Xiao Bai truly held him in his heart.
Chen Tian followed Ying Zhao’s suggestion and established the Plane Management Bureau.
The division of departments and collaboration made the operations of countless small worlds much more orderly.

At this moment, they were also in a disrupted plane.
They immersed themselves in this small world and became people in this world.
From there, they corrected the course and put the world back on track.
In their spare time, they explored the scenery as a leisure honeymoon.

Watching the busy figure in the khechen, Chen Tian’s eyes became exceptionally soft.
Xiao Bai tasted the soup in the pot, turned around, and saw Chen Tian staring at him, revealing a sweet smile.
He casually asked, “Darling, what are you thinking?”

Chen Tian shook his head, walked over, and embraced Xiao Bai from behind.
He kissed his cheek and softly said in his ear, “It’s nothing; I just feel that everything is so good now.”
“Xiao Bai, I love you!”

The love that could not be suppressed in his heart always involuntarily came out.
Xiao Bai heard Chen Tian’s words and blushed.
However, he turned around and kissed the man’s lips forcefully.
Looking into his eyes, he responded affectionately, “Chen Tian, I love you too, very much!”

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