Chapter 12: The Disfigured and Blind Sect Leader (12)

He really wanted to do something. Ying Zhao stood in front of Wen Renming. He wanted to hold him tightly, he wanted to drive away those kids who were bullying him. But he couldn’t do anything, he could only watch helplessly as the other person suffered in front of him.

The bell for class rang, and those kids finally left Wen Renming alone, running off. Not far away, a man in luxurious robes passed by.

Ying Zhao knew this person was Wen Renming’s father, Wen Renlan. But when he saw Wen Renming being treated this way, he just turned around and left without saying a word.

Then, the entire scene gradually faded, becoming blurry. The surroundings began to change rapidly again. After a long while, the scene finally settled down.

The surroundings became clear again, and Ying Zhao saw that the current scene was in a very dark and narrow room. The room was extremely simple, with only a broken, thin blanket on the bed.

In the room, besides a table and a chair, there were no other furniture or items, not even the cup on the table was intact.

At this moment, Wen Renming was quietly sitting on the bed, seemingly much older. He looked about fifteen or sixteen years old. However, he still seemed to have no cultivation.

With a creak, the door opened, and a reluctant-looking servant came in. He casually threw a tray onto the table, then left the room without even looking at Wen Renming.

Ying Zhao saw Wen Renming stand up after hearing the noise, carefully groping his way to the table. He sat down to take the food from the tray.

However, what was in the tray was not even leftovers, just a bowl of spoiled rice, and there wasn’t even a pair of chopsticks.

Ying Zhao realized he was seeing Wen Renming’s memories. He watched as Wen Renming, with a blank expression, picked up the bowl of rice and directly used his hands to scoop the moldy rice into his mouth, then swallowed it without any expression.

Ying Zhao felt his whole heart being squeezed, a feeling like a bone stuck in his throat. He just stayed by Wen Renming’s side, watching him eat the entire bowl of rice, not leaving even the last grain.

Then, Wen Renming groped his way back to the bed, found a dirty cloth, and used it to wipe his hands, then sat there quietly without saying a word.

It wasn’t until late at night that he lay down on the bed, covered himself with the tattered blanket. Throughout the entire day, not a single person came to see Wen Renming or gave him anything to eat. So, that bowl of moldy rice was the only thing he ate all day.

Ying Zhao knelt by Wen Renming’s bed, holding his hand in a virtual grip. Staring at Wen Renming’s pale and thin face, he couldn’t hold back his tears.

It was like seeing the treasure in his heart being trampled on by others.

He couldn’t stand the surging violence in his heart, wanting to kill everyone who bullied and hurt Wen Renming. However, no matter how angry he was, what could he do? Wen Renming had already experienced all this, and at that time, he wasn’t by his side.

Soon, the scene in front of him changed again. Wen Renming seemed to have grown up a bit more. Now, he seemed to be in an empty ancestral hall, with a black jade slip floating in front of him, a huge energy surging towards him.

He seemed to be enduring great pain, the power from the jade slip expanding his meridians in an instant, all the energy pouring into his body. Ying Zhao knew that the jade slip must be the legendary “Qingyuan Jue.”

Although he didn’t know how Wen Renming got the jade slip, he knew that as an ordinary person with no cultivation, making such a powerful treasure recognize him as its master must be extremely painful and dangerous.

Ying Zhao thought that the reason the jade slip would submit to Wen Renming might be related to the Zhuque bloodline in his soul.

Ying Zhao clenched his fists, watching Wen Renming endure the pain of connecting with the jade slip, wanting to rush up and take the suffering for him.

Wen Renming gritted his teeth, the veins on his forehead bulging, yet he still made no sound. He bit down, enduring the energy from the jade slip.

After “Qingyuan Jue” fully recognized its master, the black jade slip fell to the ground, losing its luster. Ying Zhao knew that the essence of the treasure had fully merged into Wen Renming’s body, and the jade slip was just an empty container.

After the ordeal, Wen Renming’s face became even paler. His legs were trembling, and he finally couldn’t stand it and collapsed to the ground.

Wen Renming breathed heavily, took a long time to get up from the ground, and groped his way to put the jade slip back on the altar. Although his eyes were still without any light, Ying Zhao could feel a strong energy surging around Wen Renming.

Now, Wen Renming finally obtained the “Qingyuan Jue” and the energy of the spiritual artifact. But to fully refine the “Qingyuan Jue,” he would need a lot of time and incredible insight.

And now, looking at Wen Renming’s still immature face, Ying Zhao frowned, suddenly worried about the scenes he would see next.

Sure enough, the scene changed again. Wen Renming was in his dark room, cultivating day and night. He rarely went out, but every time he came back, he was covered in wounds.

Ying Zhao knew these wounds were caused by the people of Qingliu Sect. Their ways of torturing Wen Renming were endless, some even using fine red-hot wires to poke Wen Renming’s hand, calling it “branding flowers” and treating it as a game.

So Wen Renming mostly stayed in his room, cultivating alone, which was indeed the only thing he could do.

Time seemed to fly by, as the light and shadows around them moved so fast that they were hard to see, and Wen Renming grew up slowly before his eyes.

When the scene stopped again, Ying Zhao saw that Wen Renming had become the person he first met. But he didn’t know how many years had passed.

Wen Renming was still wearing shabby clothes, sitting on the same bench where Ying Zhao first saw the young Wen Renming. Soon, a group of young men in white robes with swords approached him.

Ying Zhao recognized them as disciples of Qingliu Sect, seeing the malicious smiles on their faces as they approached Wen Renming.

They walked up to Wen Renming, mocking him loudly. The leader spoke arrogantly:

“What, finally decided to come out? Thought you, this monster, would stay in that room until you die! Since you’re here, why not play with us? All these years, the sect leader ignored you, even the servants think you’re unlucky. But you still cling to this place, annoying the sect leader. Look at him, doesn’t he look like a mangy dog?”

With that, the young men laughed loudly. The leader stared at Wen Renming viciously:

“Come on, bark like a dog for us to hear!”

But Wen Renming was completely unmoved by his words, ignoring them as if they were just air. The leader seemed to feel humiliated, spat, and approached Wen Renming.

He raised his arm menacingly, intending to slap Wen Renming. Ying Zhao’s heart tightened, but as the man tried to swing, he cried out in pain.

His hand was twisted at an impossible angle. He fell to the ground in pain, looking at Wen Renming in horror, shouting:

“It was him, that monster, he used sorcery!”

The people around, hearing this, drew their swords towards Wen Renming. However, before they could attack, Wen Renming released his divine sense, shattering their sea of consciousness in an instant.

They all fell to the ground foaming at the mouth, unconscious. Those whose sea of consciousness was shattered, even if they survived, would become idiots.

The servants who had been watching from a distance ran away in a panic, and Wen Renming just sat there quietly, with no expression on his face.

After a while, he stood up, ignoring the people on the ground, and walked away. Ying Zhao quickly followed him.

He saw Wen Renming walking into the depths of Qingliu Sect, arriving at the main hall. At this time, Wen Renlan was in the hall lecturing his disciples.

When Wen Renlan saw Wen Renming, he was stunned for a moment, clearly not expecting him to be there. Then he frowned and said harshly:

“What are you doing here? Get back to your room!”

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