Chapter 116: My Husband Has a Split Personality (19, 20)

If Xu Jin really had such a big heart, he wouldn’t mind letting the Xu family be turned upside down.

The young man beside him, unaware of Ying Zhao’s thoughts, saw his uncle’s attitude and felt that his anger had diminished considerably. It seemed that he was indeed the most special to his uncle; the uncle’s fondness for this woman was even less than he had imagined.

Mo Yingying was humiliated by Ying Zhao in front of her, and despite her good upbringing, her expression on her face was hard to maintain. 

As a member of the Mo family, she had initially felt pleased that Secretary Li had taken her directly here, assuming it was at Ying Zhao’s behest. However, upon entering his office and hearing such words, her mood was dampened.

After a lot of internal preparation, she forced a polite smile and then expressed her intention to invite Ying Zhao to go boating in the afternoon. 

Mo Yingying had heard about an international exhibition being held there, which was quite worth seeing and would feature many excellent products. She thought Ying Zhao might be interested.

Speaking of boating, Ying Zhao remembered that in the original storyline, Mo Yingying had fallen into the water and died during an outing, which led to her body being occupied by the soul from another world. So, he agreed to Mo Yingying’s invitation but noticed that the young man beside him quickly grew dark in expression.

Seeing that he couldn’t stop it, Ying Youjie followed closely behind Ying Zhao. Fortunately, Ying Zhao never spoke to Mo Yingying, and seemed truly focused on admiring the scenery and the exhibits at the lakeside.

Mo Yingying observed Ying Zhao’s demeanor, hesitated to speak, and felt the atmosphere was somewhat awkward. It seemed that Ying Zhao’s attention was solely on Ying Youjie.

At the lakeside exhibition, besides the displays of fine crafts, there were many local specialty foods. Ying Zhao, who loved food, lingered at these stalls for quite a while.

Moreover, Ying Zhao discovered that his partner also had a strong preference for food. Although the young man did not speak about it, his eyes would light up whenever he ate something delicious. Hence, Ying Zhao had developed a habit of occasionally buying some specialty snacks for his partner and taking him to try good places.

Though the snacks by the lake were not as refined as those prepared by the Ying family’s chefs, they had their own unique flavor. So, Ying Zhao bought quite a lot, handing them to Ying Youjie.

Seeing his uncle taking such good care of him, Ying Youjie’s eyes seemed to turn soft with affection. He even found that Mo Yingying’s suggestion to visit the lakeside was less displeasing. 

Looking at the food his uncle had bought, it was all meant for him, with no regard for the woman beside him. This realization filled the young man with satisfaction.

Indeed, his uncle’s favorite was still him. Holding the meat skewer just given to him by Ying Zhao, he smiled and offered it to him. Watching as Ying Zhao bit into it without hesitation, Ying Youjie’s smile deepened.

Without any consideration, he ate the skewer that Ying Zhao had already bitten into, enjoying it while his eyes remained fixed on Ying Zhao, as if using him to enhance the meal.

Meanwhile, Mo Yingying felt that she was almost blinded by the two men beside her. Her mood became even more distraught, and her steps slowed.

The lakeside exhibition seemed to attract quite a crowd, with the bridge bustling with people. The bridge’s railing was originally quite high, but a part of it had been damaged, leaving a small gap.

There was a warning sign in that area, and a simple barrier was installed. Ideally, there should not have been any issues. However, Mo Yingying, distracted, did not notice it. She was accidentally bumped by someone nearby and lost her balance, falling into the lake.

The first person to notice Mo Yingying’s danger was Ying Youjie, but he was indifferent and even had a hidden intention to exacerbate the situation. So, when Mo Yingying was in danger, he subtly blocked Ying Zhao’s view.

Thus, when Ying Zhao heard the commotion not far away and turned to see Mo Yingying struggling in the water, it appeared quite dangerous. Many people on the shore were shouting that someone had fallen into the water.

Seeing this, Ying Zhao was startled. He immediately used his soul power to dive into the water and rescue Mo Yingying. Standing on the bridge, the young man watched Ying Zhao rescue her with a darkened expression, feeling his earlier good mood completely dissipate.

Angry and shouting in his mind, he wondered why Ying Zhao would disregard everything to rescue that woman! 

The water was so deep, cold, and dangerous! Did that woman really deserve such a risk?

Had he considered what would happen if he got hurt? Or perhaps his uncle truly cared about that woman!

The young man bit his lip, his eyes red, almost at the breaking point. He had completely forgotten that for a Level 9 soul practitioner, such tasks were effortless. In fact, had Ying Zhao discovered it later and had to go into the water, he wouldn’t even have needed to get wet himself.

But now, his anger blinded him. Gripping the iron railing tightly, his face was fearsome as he saw Mo Yingying, now on the shore, tightly held in Ying Zhao’s arms.

The railing was deeply dented from his grip. He lowered his head, his eyes flickering between red and black, as if on the edge of explosion. Yet, seeing Ying Zhao’s drenched appearance, his concern for his beloved took precedence.

Although he was furious, wanting to control the body and rush over to take Ying Zhao away, he remembered that his out-of-control anger might leak soul power and cause harm, possibly even to his uncle.

Thus, he barely suppressed his rage and reluctantly allowed Ying Youjie to control the body. He rushed to Ying Zhao’s side.

Ying Youjie, disregarding everything, tightly embraced Ying Zhao, trembling all over. After a long while, he softly said, “Uncle.”

Hearing the young man’s words and feeling his trembling, Ying Zhao’s heart tightened. He gently hugged him back, patting his back to comfort him.

Ying Zhao knew that his partner was worried about him. Although his swimming skills were not the best, as a Level 9 soul practitioner, this little water was no challenge. 

It was just that his partner was anxious because of his safety. So, Ying Zhao kept reassuring, “I’m fine, don’t worry! I’m really okay!”

After hugging for a long time, the young man’s emotions finally stabilized. Once Ying Youjie’s expression returned to normal, Ying Zhao turned his attention to Mo Yingying.

Mo Yingying had fainted from falling into the water and the shock, but she was not in danger. Thus, Ying Zhao was not in a hurry earlier. Now, as he leaned down to check her condition, he was stopped by the young man beside him.

It was already his limit to let Ying Zhao touch Mo Yingying and pull her from the water. He was not willing to let his uncle touch this woman’s body any further.

Thus, Ying Youjie first took off his coat and draped it over the dripping-wet Ying Zhao. Then he squatted down to check on Mo Yingying.

Seeing that she was still breathing, he roughly slapped her face without mercy. Soon, Mo Yingying on the ground coughed, spat out some water, and gradually regained consciousness.

The young man saw that Mo Yingying was fine and turned to Ying Zhao, saying coldly, “She’s fine. Uncle, let’s go.”

Ying Zhao, noticing that the usually obedient Xiao Jie was rarely so cold, knew that the young man was indeed very angry and nodded in compliance.

However, since Mo Yingying was a young lady from the Mo family and they had come out together, he politely asked her, “Miss Mo, are you alright?”

Mo Yingying turned and looked at Ying Zhao dazedly, shaking her head and stuttering, “I’m fine, thank you, Mr. Ying, for saving me!”

She had been startled by the sudden fall into the water, and the weather was not warm. Her clothes were soaked with the cold lake water, and the cold wind made her shiver all over. Even so, she still made an effort to express her gratitude to Ying Zhao.

This appearance made Mo Yingying look even more pitiful. However, the two men beside her seemed not to notice her current plight at all, and neither expressed any sympathy for the girl.

After confirming that Mo Yingying was alright, Ying Zhao, still concerned, asked the spirit in his sea of consciousness, Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai confirmed that although Mo Yingying’s fall into the water was very dangerous, Ying Zhao had rescued her in time, so she was not seriously harmed, and her core was not replaced.

Hearing this from Xiao Bai, Ying Zhao finally felt relieved. Seeing that his beloved was getting more and more upset, he could not care less about Mo Yingying. He directly said to her, “Sorry, Miss Mo, there are some urgent matters at the company. Xiao Jie and I need to leave now. I will call someone from the Mo family, and someone will come to pick you up soon.”

Mo Yingying widened her eyes in disbelief, obviously not expecting that Ying Zhao and Ying Youjie would leave her like this after she had fallen into the water. She could not bring herself to insist that they stay and could only nod sadly.

Tears shimmered in the girl’s eyes, so delicate and lovely that the onlookers were moved. Unfortunately, the two men beside her were completely focused on each other, oblivious to the beauty or the situation around them.

Seeing Mo Yingying nod, Ying Zhao and Ying Youjie turned and left without a backward glance. They left the girl standing alone, struggling to get up and feeling very embarrassed as she looked around at the observing crowd, shivering from the cold.

After a while, just when Mo Yingying didn’t know what to do, suddenly a coat was draped over her.

Mo Yingying looked up and, against the light, couldn’t clearly see the kind man who gave her the coat. But she heard a familiar voice asking with concern, “Cousin, are you alright?”

Blinking, she finally recognized that the person was Xu Hao, her cousin whom she had met earlier that day. The big boy in front of her was looking at her with concern, hesitating to speak.

Although she was in a disheveled state and did not want to meet someone she knew, Xu Hao’s genuine concern warmed her heart.

She nodded at Xu Hao and gratefully said, “I’m fine, thank you, Xu Hao.”

Xu Hao shook his head, a little pleased by Mo Yingying’s thanks. Worried that she might catch a cold, Xu Hao kindly offered to take Mo Yingying home, which she did not refuse. However, Xu Hao’s presence here was purely coincidental.

After Ying Zhao and Ying Youjie left and their car had driven a short distance away, Ying Youjie saw Xu Hao strolling nearby. Remembering his previous thoughts, he had Ying Zhao stop the car, got out, and greeted Xu Hao, informing him of Mo Yingying’s fall into the lake.

Ying Youjie plainly described Mo Yingying’s poor condition and explained that he and Ying Zhao had urgent matters to handle and couldn’t stay to help her.

Upon hearing Ying Youjie’s words, Xu Hao immediately ran off in a panic, heading straight towards the lake without asking further questions. He soon found Mo Yingying, drenched and standing awkwardly by the shore.

Seeing the girl’s vulnerable side, Xu Hao felt an overwhelming pity for Mo Yingying. Without hesitation, he approached her, almost instinctively took off his sports jacket, and draped it over her.

After sending his goddess home, Xu Hao had time to reflect on the events of the afternoon. He remembered that Ying Youjie had told him that originally the three of them were supposed to be at the lake together. He did not expect that when his cousin had an accident, the two men would just leave her there.

This thought made Xu Hao somewhat indignant but also a bit pleased that he had encountered this situation. He realized that Ying Youjie’s stopping him was giving him a chance.

Originally, he was reluctant to get involved in his cousin’s relationship with the Ying family’s head and did not want to stir up trouble. He had always thought well of Ying Zhao, who had no rumors about him over the years and had left a good impression, possibly being a suitable partner for Mo Yingying.

However, after the events of the afternoon, Xu Hao suddenly felt that Ying Zhao might not be a good choice for Mo Yingying. Furthermore, Ying Youjie had repeatedly emphasized that Ying Zhao did not like Mo Yingying and had no feelings for her.

So, perhaps he could make an effort to approach Mo Yingying. If he were fortunate enough to gain her favor, he would certainly take good care of her and would never abandon her when she needed him.

Ying Youjie did not expect that his unintentional intervention would actually give Xu Hao a chance and strengthen his resolve to pursue Mo Yingying.

Feeling that he had averted Mo Yingying’s tragedy, Ying Zhao was somewhat relieved. It seemed that the otherworldly soul who had traveled here would not be able to take over Mo Yingying’s body. Therefore, he would soon look for an opportunity to break off the engagement with her. Otherwise, he found it uncomfortable to keep such a title.

However, before discussing the engagement dissolution, Ying Zhao thought he should first comfort his beloved. Although Xiao Jie was usually obedient and very different from Ming’s nature, now Ying Zhao could clearly feel Xiao Jie’s face was dark with anger.

During the drive, the young man’s mood was so low it was frightening, his face as cold as ice. Although Xiao Jie and Ming were generally indifferent to others, they were extremely gentle and considerate towards him. This sudden change made Ying Zhao quite uncomfortable.

When they arrived at the house and entered, Ying Zhao saw that the young man still ignored him and silently tried to go back to his room. Ying Zhao hurriedly blocked the doorway, but the young man was quicker and slammed the door shut.

Ying Zhao stared blankly at the door closing in front of him, realizing this was the first time in so many worlds that his beloved had actively chosen to give him the cold shoulder. However, Ying Zhao was determined not to accept this, so he immediately used his soul power to flash into the young man’s room.

Looking at the young man’s expressionless face, Ying Zhao’s eyes showed rare signs of grievance. He stood in front of him, pursed his lips, and gently said, “Xiao Jie, are you still angry?”

Ying Youjie, who had initially wanted to retreat to his room to control his emotions, was surprised that Ying Zhao insisted on coming into his room. Hearing Ying Zhao asking if he was still angry, the young man could no longer contain his frustration. He immediately pulled Ying Zhao into an embrace and pressed him against the door.

He stared at this man who made him helpless, wanting to severely discipline the person who worried him so much. However, he couldn’t scold him and couldn’t bear to hit him, feeling truly exasperated by his beloved’s carefree attitude.

So, the young man could only hold Ying Zhao tightly, pressing him against himself, letting him feel his unease and anger. After a long time, his emotions gradually calmed down.

Recalling Ying Zhao’s question just now, Ying Youjie pressed his lips together. Although he didn’t want to admit it, he still nodded at Ying Zhao and said, “Uncle, you only thought about saving that woman. Did you ever think about your own safety? Did you think about me?”

Seeing the pain in Ying Youjie’s eyes, Ying Zhao couldn’t help but be moved, feeling as though his heart was being pulled into the dark vortex of those black eyes, almost forgetting to respond.

Then he heard the young man continue, “If something really happened to you, what would I do? Why would you risk yourself for such an insignificant woman?”

Ying Youjie knew that he was being somewhat exaggerated and unreasonable, but even with a one-in-a-million chance, he didn’t want his uncle to face any danger, especially for such an unimportant woman.

He knew that when he saw his uncle jumping in to save the woman, he was filled with murderous intent. Not to mention, his beloved had also embraced another woman because of this incident.

Even he could only secretly touch the person he loved, yet that woman had easily taken advantage of his uncle. This almost drove the young man to madness.

Even the spirit Ming, which was originally only in the potential sea of consciousness, began to stir restlessly, with the personality of the body constantly switching, causing the sea of consciousness to nearly collapse.

Seeing the sadness in the young man’s eyes, Ying Zhao suddenly felt he had committed a grave sin. How could he make the most important person in his life feel this way? Indeed, he had been careless. If his beloved were in danger for someone else, he certainly wouldn’t be so calm.

So, Ying Zhao hurriedly embraced the young man tightly, apologizing, “Xiao Jie, I’m sorry! It’s my fault. I didn’t consider things thoroughly and made you worry.”

While speaking, Ying Zhao kissed the young man’s cheek repeatedly, with a clearly appeasing tone. He explained earnestly, “At that time, I just thought Miss Mo didn’t have any soul power, and she was with us on the lake. If something really happened, it would be troublesome for the Mo family to handle. I didn’t consider your feelings. I’m really sorry. Xiao Jie, can you forgive me?”

Ying Zhao spoke while moving closer to Ying Youjie and kissed his forehead. Facing the taller young man, it took some effort for him to reach his forehead.

Ying Zhao felt a bit disheartened that his lover was taller than him after growing up, but he could do nothing about it.

“Uncle!” Hearing Ying Zhao’s deep apology, Ying Youjie’s anger subsided significantly. Seeing him actively embrace and kiss him, Ying Youjie reciprocated the embrace tightly.

In the past, Ying Youjie had always been restrained and suppressed. The only times he could feel close to Ying Zhao in the past two years were through Ming.

However, today, seeing Ying Zhao risking himself for another woman, Ying Youjie could no longer deceive himself.

He realized he truly could not bear losing this person, could not tolerate him touching others or being with someone else.

This man was too important to him. Whether it was a mistake or resentment, Ying Youjie was not willing to let go.

So now, he was no longer the gentle person he used to be. He tightly embraced Ying Zhao, kissing his cheeks and forehead forcefully. Then, he rubbed against Ying Zhao’s neck, like a lazy big cat, deeply inhaling the scent of his beloved.

He loved him so much, really, really loved this person! Loved him so much he wished he could give his heart to him, wishing to be crushed together with him!

This person dominated his thoughts, his emotions, his joy and sorrow. Even in that dreamy vision when he first understood human affairs as an adult, it was this person’s figure.

Holding his beloved, Ying Youjie thought of that beautiful dream from the past. If only he hadn’t been foolish and avoided it back then, he wouldn’t have had to wait so long to once again personally feel the sweetness of his beloved. Instead, it had been taken by the thick-skinned Ming.

The young man reached out and held Ying Zhao’s hands tightly in his own palms, then placed his hands on his chest, letting him feel his heartbeat.

Very seriously, he said to Ying Zhao, “Uncle, do you feel it? This body has a heartbeat too. I’m not just a puppet, a magic tool. I can feel sadness and pain. So, don’t make me worry anymore, okay?”

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